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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Maybe we should just copy and past old posts here. Even better! Make it a locked complete M7 thread from the old forums. <_< M7 sucks.... and nothing in the world will change that fact!
  2. For some reason.... I'm getting really really bad flashbacks from back last year when ppl started attacking Drifand for the same arguments. It was one heck of a big fight... and it started much like this. The only difference is that yamato knight Fudrom isn't here.
  3. Hmmm... completist? Not really. I get models that I find appealing and good looking for my taste. But so far, I only collect Gundam and Macross models. I'm trying to find time to get into FSS but I have too much of a backlog of unfinished models to build.
  4. Looks too clunky if you ask me. <_
  5. Dancing Skull squadron was basically him and Millia. Considering they were ace pilots, they got dibs on just about every new fighter. The Algenicus was the Dancing Skull squadron flag ship in M3. But how much is that game cannon anyway? I don't see a ship of that class in Macross 7.... plus that whole giant bug thing was pretty... odd to say the least. <_<
  6. 1/72=2 1/60=2
  7. Alien 3 was supposed to resemble the comic much more. But I don't know how much fun that would be either..... it would also involve a mercenary alien, one of those found in the original ship, plus earth was supposed to be over run by Aliens.
  8. That sounds really stupid considering in all previous movies, both species prefer warm climates. Tell that to FOX!!
  9. Now we need something to get ppl to make skins. <_
  10. Bah! My internet isn't fast enough to dl it in less then a day. Damn third world cable connection!!
  11. This isn't fair! Of course everyone will pick GPB armor!
  12. By the way... the script for AvP says that the movie will be on earth, north pole to be exact, and will feature non military characters fighting Xenomorphs in a compound there, when Predators decide to drop by and raise hell. Not the kind of premise I would hope for a movie like that. <_<
  13. Perhaps... but I bet it would be released in issues or something. Translating that book is quite the work load. <_<
  14. I'm aware of that. But what I meant is that Aliens always reflect certain traits from its host.... such as the dog for the Alien 3 and the pretorien which is an Alien Predator hybrid. No... I haven't seen Endgame, Exo.
  15. I forgot to vote..... I say NO! Forget the longest thread. I rather not have a longest thread, then have one and watch a bunch of idiots poop all over it. <_
  16. I think I already saw that movie... but for some reason it had Batman in it... Now that would a disturbing thought. <_< But it would be satisfying to see Batman ripped to shreds by a few Xenomorphs.
  17. deepdiscountdvd is the best place to get DVDs.... best price and very very low shipping.
  18. If you enjoy Spriggan... I suggest you read the manga. Its much better, and the Noas Arc story makes much more sense.
  19. Yeah, I never even knew about the allied-command thing until a few months ago. Played fine without it. Were the PS2 graphics actually worse than the DC graphics? I've never seen the PS2 version. Although I wish the DC version had two player mode. The PS2 graphics were garbage.... seriously. They were really bad.
  20. Actually... thats because they are different kinds of aliens. The alien in Alien 3 was born from a dog, Aliens absorb some of the gene traits from is host, there fore it was a dog. The Alien in Alien was different simply because the point of the movie was to show the Alien the least possible. Watch the directors commentary and you will see what I'm talking about. For all we know, it could have been the Alien in Aliens, but simply hidden in the shadows. In Aliens, there are 2 kind of Aliens, the fleshy kind (fat, more humanly porportionate), which were men dressed in costumes, and the bony type.... see only a few times, which were pupets. As for Alien:Ressurection.... bah... they are genetic freaks. BTW.... AvP sounds like a real piece of garbage, plot wise. <_<
  21. Any word is Bandai is giving us a fully grey Zeta C1? Maybe even a Zeta only?
  22. If most members could give a crap about the thread.... why would it get out of hand so fast? <_< And you guys forget that out of 3000 members... only 400 are active. And only abouyt 200 are really active.
  23. Explosive decompression? Macross always tried to portray space at least somewhat realistically. You don't explode, implode, instantly freeze, or immediately die when exposed to space. Max shot him in the face with a single round. I'm aware... but you never know when the animators might be drinking. We did get SDF Macross animefriend version... and that was sin on its own right. <_< And besides.... I see no musle(sp) flash, other the slightly almost unnoticeable flash on the Zent helmet, so anything goes in this case.
  24. It doesn't need to be better then BC... simply because BC was actually painful to look at. At this rate.... anything is better then BC. <_<
  25. Candidate for Goddess doesn't even have an ending for Pets sake! Just pretend it was a very very bad mistake by Bandai.
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