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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. He was one of the victims of the hack job of converting the manga into the movie. The manga version is a vastly better. And we actually see him going into "Spriggan" mode when he sees his own blood.
  2. Ok... it has to come out... having a sig like that is the ultimate "no life" certificate. <_< But then again.... I'm not the one who should be commenting on that.
  3. Hmmm... interesting... seems like they are going to shove Macross mechs into this game... as the girl there is wearing a Qrau flight suit.
  4. What do you mean? Its in the game intro... in full CGI glory. But if you mean a show..... no.
  5. I made my own.... in my backyard. <_< B)
  6. Other then the codpiece and the lack of boosters.... the A1 and the C1 are practically the same MSs. B)
  7. Whoa. What's the Valkyrie(?) all the way on the right? Is it a Zentradi variant? Variable Glaug, Zentradi version.
  8. Millia in love with Max... blind love.... Millia captain of the ship.... Millia rules everyone.... Millia says "Screw the giants, the midgets have the mojo".... Max get in control of the ship by proxy.... Max becomes the biggest (literaly) covert ops in history. There you have it. Max was a mole.
  9. No, no, no. The question should be not red or blue, but how many red and blue? B) Graham Hmmm.... I'm thinking 4.... one in each mode. Then 4 more in the other color scheme for the same thing.
  10. No pics. Try to imagine a dancing skull damnit!
  11. It's wierded with max, actually. Meltran blood in millia makes sense, but Max doesn't look 50. Bah! By now you ppl should know that teenage anime characters are older then they look and senior anime characters are older then they look. <_<
  12. At least his art style improved alittle. But BAH! I want gameplay shots not some ugly concept art. <_<
  13. Not at all. I think Tokyopop got permision from BW to get it over here.
  14. They went lazy on the clipping and collision detection on that game... for sure. <_<
  15. I always attributed the midding dome to age. The Aliens on Hadley's Hope were weeks or a month old where the one in Alien was a day or two tops. LOL! You hit the nail in the head! But i always saw the Alien in Alien as a scout kind. One that goes out in the wild and scouts ahead, while the ones in Aliens were like the royal guard or something. I guess the embryo changes as the facehugger distances itself from the hive.
  16. Its very.... heavy duty?
  17. Damn.... hlj doesn't have it on their catalog anymore. it was a fixed pose model with a display stand. The details were damn nice and so was the pose. It was pretty much game perfect.
  18. Its like someone said in the old forums. Tokyopop went through the proper channels to get the license... and just invited HG in to avoid trouble down the road. It was a pretty smart move if you ask me. But then again... I don't care about M7 Trash... because like its name sake... its trash. <_<
  19. Zentradi blood and anime character.... nuff said.
  20. There was an old Kaido model kid for the first ZOE Jehuty. Kind of expensive and very rare.
  21. That still wouldn't explain the missing transparent dome difference, if you leave it up to the host characteristic thing. Unless people on LV-426 all had some kind of receding hairline syndrome, in which case I wouldn't stand too close to those athmosphere convertors. Hmmm.... I don't really remember the transparent dome. Maybe it was just because the first Alien was only 1 so they could go nuts with details while the Aliens in Aliens were "mass produced". Sort of like the RX78 and the GM.
  22. It could be the other way around.... as the comics were around before the movies. And most ppl agree..... the comics are by far more canon then Alien 3 and 4, simply because they were how the story was supposed to play out. <_<
  23. Honestly.... we don't get to see much of the first Alien. Watch the directors commentary on the DVD and you will see that the main point was to show the alien as little as possible to add to the atmosphere. In Aliens that was thrown out of the window for a more action, lighter toned, movie, with plenty of Aliens to go around.
  24. That is exactly right, well at least according to the Alien comics. The Xenomorph takes on characteristics of the host. Hence why the first aliens (from human hosts), bear a striking resemblance to the human form. And why the alien that took the dog in Aliens 3 looked more like a dog. If you remember the action figure line from a while back, this explains why there was a bull alien, a snake alien, and a couple of other species. The host species contributes some of the genetic makeup of the new alien. To a certain extent. The presure exserted(sp) by the facehugger limbs is optimized for a humanoid host. Thats why the dog was horribly scarred. There would be never a Snake Xenomorph simply because, unless we are talking about an anaconda, the host would be too small for the face hugger. We have to take anatomy and size into consideration. A small host would never provide enough food for the embryo to mature.
  25. Finally! I want those 2 soooooo bad!
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