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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. like the ppl in the cubeign board used to say.... "MEGATON!!"
  2. That sounds great.... except us foreigners have one heck of a time putting the billing address down.... that even when retailers take foreign credit cards. Ahh, that's why we have a "Comments" field during checkout so that you can put in the complete address to your heart's content lol. The only reason why I like hlj is because all they ask is for the shipping address.... no billing or anything. I never understood why they could do that while most other e-tailers had to ask for billing address.
  3. Tell that to the Pink Pecker Squadron... lol... not only were they pink... but the name is extremely gay. <_<
  4. That sounds great.... except us foreigners have one heck of a time putting the billing address down.... that even when retailers take foreign credit cards. <_<
  5. She seems to have a preference of red mechs, according to M7. When Gamlin crashed her VF-1J, she had her VF-17 painted red before she piloted it. It would seem to me that the couple kinda went rogue after Max disappeared. I would doubt that he got a hold of the Macross and asked to fly for the Meltrans. As for the blue uniform and blue Q-Rau? Who knows how the hell they got a hold of that. Maybe it was from a dead Ace (like Millia) waiting to be cloned. I can't imagine Max asking for a custom color and the uniform did make him look a little feminine, with the wide hips look and all. Maybe morally he wasn't a traitor, but what would you call someone that donned the enemy's uniform and flew the enemy's battle craft? In the TV series, Millia was lucky they saw her wedding and sent Exedol. If not who's side would she be in? I know she wouldn't destroy the Zentraedi battle Pods, but disabling them was still an act of treason. You never know... things could have changed by then. A pink valk wouldn't be very fun. <_<
  6. I had the same problem. No scans yet. Just check the-magicbox every so often... they ought to have scans up pretty soon.
  7. It looked to me more like a stalemate then a clear victory.
  8. It looks alot like a old Super Sentai giant robot... and a very ugly one at that. But if you look closely... it looks alot like an alternate robot mode.
  9. Scratches head, and wonders how that makes it the best thing. I mean... the best thing about this game is the possibility of an english version. Do I need to draw a picture? <_<
  10. I bet RT.com will have the "honor" of displaying the first pic first.
  11. Now thats what i call bad design! <_
  12. Yeah, that's my fear. May as well bypass the whole headache, and save $15 at the same time by getting the PS2 version. The only feature I'm sure it loses is the digital feature of the buttons.. and that isn't so bad.
  13. Abombz!!


    Sort of. It looks like it's in a number of different pieces; cockpit, upper fuslage, lower fuselage/legs, and backpack. Yeah... thats what I meant. Should have added "slightly" before transformable.
  14. The best thing is... this would be sooooooo suitable for the American audience!!
  15. Hmm... maybe she would've gotten a 1s not a 1j. Probably entirely red or a different color all together like purple or something.
  16. Abombz!!


    It looks sort of transformable.... doesn't it?
  17. Considering the game was announced a few months ago... I wouldn't expect screenshots untill the next important game show or some big announcement in part of TDK.... which I have yet to see. <_
  18. Agreed... but chosing between a lame super hero (Spawn) and the main character of one of my favorite games (link)..... its no contest at all. And besides... I don't have composite Xbox cable yet... so progressive scan isn't really an issue or choice with me.
  19. Bah! As long as you can survive every mission without having to pay much for damage... I say screw the ranking system!
  20. They still do.... its just because some ppl have tons of them and creativity to make good use of the pieces.
  21. But then again... they could install verniers on the legs, and if I'm not mistaken.... the canopy has its own set of vernier thrusters too.
  22. Oh... just one more thing. When you preorder, be sure not to forget about it. It has happened to me before, I preorder something, and completly forget about it. By the time the retailer charges my credit card.... my account is pretty much empty. Its an annoying problem that happens with alot of ppl I can bet.
  23. Maybe they did test the valk with the wings fully sweeped back and the back pack up. Wouldn't that give it more thrust? Wings aren't really much of an issue in space.... and the backpack verniers would give it a bit more thrust wouldn't they?
  24. If I'm not mistaken... the pad loses some of its features.... which ones.... I'm not sure.
  25. Yeah.. but it was fun. No tonight though... the hermit is not available. where's he gonna be? (in response to abombz!'s comment) even though they were shotgun intensive, they were fun to do! He is off to Seattle doing his usual hobo job... rumaging through trash cans.
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