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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Yep... only those MAs piloted by Jerid, Yazam and Sirocco are included in the game. Why the heck would they include the Titans GM when they could include the Marasai!
  2. History and mech design most likely, not much else.... otherwise I doubt he would have allowed the release of M3. <_<
  3. Damn! Now thats what I call a busy design! Busy but cool.
  4. Well... you got to put your priorities straight if you want to design a good mech. I always consider back weapons to be the most expendable equipment in a mech, with optional parts coming in a close second. I usually care most for generator, thrusters and cooling system.
  5. I found it quite interesting, even if only looking at the pics. It's nice to see what mecha will make it into the game. Bah! not many of the Titans MAs made into the game. <_< Only those piloted by Jerid, Yazam and Sirocco made it. Wheres the Galbady and the Marasi?!?!?!
  6. Wait... do they become playable after you beat them, or what? Something like that. At first I thought it was... but only the Elmeth opened up for me. The Big Zam is still being my reach. Last night i notice theres the Zakurello too... but I didn't beat it.
  7. I believe Shawn has to enable it (when he finishes reading the manual mind you). And since he hasn't finished configuring everything....wait. that is correct. by default the member title feature is set to change after you reach a certain number of posts (100 or 1000 - something like that). however, it can be immediately enabled by setting that to 0. Then I guess this one must be set to 1000.
  8. I see. But did you guys checked again in case of miscommunication?
  9. I don't think they meant porting it to other consoles.... but porting it over to the US aka localizing the game.
  10. Thats a pretty cool picture.
  11. Does the game come with an art book or is it one of those big fat ones you bought from a Japanese bookstore? What's the lowest price you guys have seen for the game? I haven't seen anything less than $49.99. Its what you get for pre-ordering Soul Calibur.
  12. Bah! We fans are a pathetic kind! I doubt even the animators noticed something like that. I think you are the biggest Gunbuster fan ever, Noriko.
  13. Yes it is. It's called Transformers: Energon, a follow-up sequel to Transformers: Armada. Taking place 10 years after the events of Armada, the Autobots resort to the use of combining while the Decepticons use energon for their weaponry. Sorry, I'm not well up-to-date to this because I don't know much further than that. are those annoying kids dead by this time, or will they be replaced by equally annoying ass kids?? No! Worst! Equally annoying teens!
  14. Hopefully they will have Ez8 variations to boot. like that High Mobility one you posted a while back!!! or a Heavy Weapons Ez-8!!! Yep... those were the one I was talking about. Specially considering the Ez8 would eb pretty outdated by the time you reached the end of the game.
  15. SRW games are usually heavy on text.... so i say at least 6 month localization if released here. It would take a massive effort from Bandai to gather the licenses of all those shows in the US.
  16. Sounds good... but gee.... I would have to get back in AC now. *rumages around, looking for PS2 memory card*
  17. Typical.... no one said she was a rip off or anything. <_< And if I remember well... ppl said the new veritech was a rip off simply because it was 99% similar to the VF4. <_<
  18. Hmmm... considering SRW game have always been good, and always managed to link the stories together... I think SRW D must be pretty good. Unless its overly easy like SRW R and overly hard like SRW A.
  19. Cowboy Bebop the game? Yep... there is one. Its called Sunrise Super Heroes and the most recent Sunrise World War. The Cowboy Bebop crew is in both of those games.... except they share the stage with Dunbine, Gundam and all other Sunrise heroes.... including non giant mech animes like Yoraiden Samurai Troopers (aka Ronin Warriors)
  20. QUestion... how do you expect Macross in a real time game like this? <_<
  21. Typical CF fighter pilot I suspect.
  22. Bah! Bandai has money... they could chose to lay the smack down on them once and for all or just settle. I go for settle. I rather get the game with whoever name on the cover then not getting it at all.
  23. That sounds great.... except us foreigners have one heck of a time putting the billing address down.... that even when retailers take foreign credit cards. Ahh, that's why we have a "Comments" field during checkout so that you can put in the complete address to your heart's content lol. The only reason why I like hlj is because all they ask is for the shipping address.... no billing or anything. I never understood why they could do that while most other e-tailers had to ask for billing address. Umm, well, in the U.S., when you process a credit card, you verify the card by matching it with the billing address. The credit card processor will tell you if it's a match. And many people have different billing addresses (such as a P.O. Box) than their shipping address (such as their work address, etc.) Also, some customers purchase items as a gift and want it shipped to someone else. I have no idea why HLJ doesn't ask for a billing and shipping address. But hey, they're in Japan, I don't know how things work there. I see. Oh well.... by the time the Hikaru 1s comes out... I will give my card a try with one of MW e-tailers.
  24. DYRL designs... not much they could complain about.
  25. I wonder what sort of alternate weapon Heihachi gets.
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