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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Hmmm... sounds like you need help them.
  2. Thats awesome! Thanks, I didn't know. I guess you got more exporing to do then. ... I guess. I have had a b!tch of a last few days. Been, not in the mood to pay attention to MW. I have noticed myself opening up a thread that I have no interest in and just staring at one letter for two hours at a time. Ouch! Thats very very bad.
  3. Thats because its always 2 messages... the one you recieve and the one you send. Just like in the old forums.
  4. It will most likely follow the DYRl story... with Hikary already a pilot and everything. Or maybe its just SDF Macross with DYRL designs, for a possible US release.
  5. Sounds like a curse word if you ask me. What about mechs? What new mechs are in the new series?
  6. Almost all characters made the cross in one for or another. Ziegfried (he is not Nightmare anymore), Taki and Voldo did make the cut.
  7. You can still kill the little devil then.
  8. When you are trying to have a nice chat with a bunch of ppl, perhaps? <_<
  9. Time to get a new brother I say. Hey, he gets everything, nothing I can do. The little bastard got a 1/48, and I still don't have one. Life ain't fair is it? My sisters get all the love too.... unlimited credit card and all.
  10. Time to get a new brother I say.
  11. Tell that to the Pink Pecker Squadron... lol... not only were they pink... but the name is extremely gay. Hah, lol, it's so hard to imagine Ray flying a pink valk, too..... Not nearly as hard as imagining a pink valk.
  12. BWAHAHAAH! i'm still there! *insert devil avatar* Not true! You are 10 down! You can't be on 24 hours a day!! I can!! That's where you're wrong! No Job, no School, no car. and on the rare occasions when I do go places, I have a Sidekick for wireless web. Plus, I function without sleep. I 4m t3h p0s7 r0b0t! BWAHAHAH! No job, no school, no friends, no car.... no life! I don't even got 5 meters away from my PC!
  13. Sure... but we still get out Masterpiece Prime... don't we?
  14. Hmmm... where that giant crashin space ship when you need it?
  15. LMAO! Bat Megatron? Weres Star Robin?
  16. Yeah.... you get that from the overly colorful set up. No self respecting robot would wear such colorful pieces. I disagree. He looks much more like a bad korean bootleg, what with all those pointless "details" and the mismatched coloring. Thats what I meant. I'm tired of the new utlra colorful TFs. I want my TFs to have decent dark colors.... I don't want them to look like cheap third world country toys. <_<
  17. BWAHAHAAH! i'm still there! *insert devil avatar* Not true! You are 10 down! You can't be on 24 hours a day!! I can!!
  18. Nice! The VF2 is always a damn nice looking fighter. Too bad it was featured in the monstruosity. <_
  19. Thats awesome! Thanks, I didn't know. I guess you got more exporing to do then.
  20. BWAHAHAAH! i'm still there! *insert devil avatar* As for features.... would affordable be considered a gimmick? Sure, they can be affordable - as long as we drop the fusion drives, r/c circuits and Tera Patrick --- People, be REASONABLE!! And it's certainly good to hear that the Monster is on the way... and in 2004. Gotta start saving now! Tell that to yamato not us!
  21. Yeah.... you get that from the overly colorful set up. No self respecting robot would wear such colorful pieces. <_<
  22. BWAHAHAAH! i'm still there! *insert devil avatar* As for features.... would affordable be considered a gimmick?
  23. Wait... do they become playable after you beat them, or what? Something like that. At first I thought it was... but only the Elmeth opened up for me. The Big Zam is still being my reach. Last night i notice theres the Zakurello too... but I didn't beat it. Are you sure they're all there? I unlocked the Grabro, Bigro, Zakrello,. Braw Bro, and Big Zam the first day! It took longer to get the Adzam and Elmeth, though, because I had to figure out exactly what to do to make them appear. Ok... so far... I have counted the Elmeth, the Big Zam (hard to miss), the Braw Bro and the Zakurello. Then theres that giant submarine like MA that I never bothered to fight. As for the others.... I haven't seen them at all.
  24. The fallen has Megs face for some reason. <_
  25. I believe verniers on the wingtips would give more maneuverability. I agree. But what i meant was in a isolated test not during scramble. Thw wing thrusters are necessary to give the fighter balance in space. If you notice all sci fi space fighters have wings of some kind. Even the Lancer that was pretty much a suicide fighter has wings in proportion to the fighter itself.
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