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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Ok... I should have said something before I was picked on by a RT fan. I'm sorry but I don't consider the 2 franchises to be the same. Stick Robotech on the cover of this game.... and for me, its simply not the same.
  2. Thats it.... I'm never getting it unless Bandai ships them separately later. Honestly.... how am I supposed to get something like that from hlj? That will cost me too damn much.
  3. For one... if you were to really give some though.... you aren't a very good Macross fan for not wanting it to be popular. I understand where you are coming from, but BW is a one hit wonder, they made Macross and nothing else. To wish for a non popular Macross is to spell doom for BW. BW needs the money, there fore Macross need to be popular for the money to come in. When a show is not popular, theres no money. When theres no money, there are no new shows. And besides, if Macross was to lose its popularity, I doubt there would be any major studio who would want to back BW in a new Macross project. If you want to wish for Macross not to be popular, first wish for it to be popular so BW can get tons of money to spend. And your view of Gundam is wrong. Gundam isn't aimed for kids..... Alternate Universe Gundams are. Zeta Gundam had more remarkable deaths then the entired Macross franchise. Add that to the extremely depressing content, and I find it hard to believe its aimed for kids. Even Bandai themselves said "Gundam Seed pisses off the hard core Gundam fans (aka older fans)". There are 2 Gundams going on, the UC Gundam, with more interesting characters and better plot, aimed for hardcore older fans. And the AU Gundam, aka pile of crap, with turds like Seed and Wing, with crappy shallow characters and uninteresting cliche ridden plots. P.S. Kawamori and BW haven't put out a decent Macross since Macross Plus.
  4. Yeah... very common. Its called crappy streaming job in part of Bandai.
  5. Gah ppl! Lay off Gundam! While most recent shows suck beyond reason.... the older Gundam shows are of very good quality and are on the level of SDF Macross. Why isn't Macross as popular as it used ot be? First: it had 1 TV series. It was a huge success, followed by a movie of similar success. And after? Nothing for a few year, and then we get Macross 2, which wasn't on the same level of SDF Macross.Its very common for a Japanese fan to forget about a show as soon as the show ends. Thats where Gundam is popular..... because it never stops being shown. One show ends, to be quickly replaced by another Gundam show. The reason why Gundam isn't good anymore? Because Bandai decided to get rid of the only reason why it was good in the first place.... Tomino. Get rid of Kawamori and you will get crap Macross series. Bandai should have gotten rid of Okawara and his bland mech designs, not Tomino. Second: at $50 per DVD with no extras and 30 minutes of anime, theres nothing to wonder as to why video only OVAs aren't very popular, thats where Macross Zero fits. Its hard to find someone willing to shell out $50 for 30 minutes of anime. Not only that... but with close to 5 months between each episode, I find it hard to believe many fans would stay intersted long enough to watch the OVA till the end. Perhaps when all episodes are available, we will see Macross Zero true success. Is Gundam over milked? Heck yeah! Seed with its lack of originality is proof of that. But in the same note.... Macross was left in the closet for too long.
  6. Maybe. Or Bandai might strike a deal to alter the game to fit HGs needs..... thats when I will defently get the import version. $50 will go for a Macross game not some hack franchise that uses Macross as its basis.
  7. Honestly.... I would wait untill Z Gundam makes it to the US. If it is a success.... then Bandai might consider being more agressive about brining more Gundam crap in.
  8. The original SD Gundam is a master piece of comedy. It features all the original voice actors and MSs. This SD Gundam is a hack made for the American audience. <_<
  9. i'm not really expecting one, but it would be nice. after all, HG only has the copyright to the TV series and not DYRL. Yeah.... but theres no difference. Considering this is a game that features VF1s.... HG has all the right to block this. Specially because there will be no different between DYRL VF1s and SDF VF1s. The game isn't detailed enough to portray the tiny differences between the 2.
  10. Ok... if it comes with a display stand.... I will get it.
  11. Trust me... this show will never ever get any where near the level of entertainment as the original SD Gundam movies. You just can''t compare.
  12. How can you be expecting an American release? <_< Seriously.... don't hold your breath. I seriously doubt it will be released here. VFX2, which had better chance of getting released here simply because it was less based on SDF then this, was never released because HG complained. How do you expect them to react to a game based on SDF macross. <_< And if this game is really based on DYRL.... don't expect to see a Millia color scheme simply because her 1J wasn't in DYRL.
  13. Yeah... but Gaidens animation puts the entire Alpha in shame. And no.... no VA VF11.... only a VA VF1.
  14. Nice! It must have taken a truck load or effort to translate it. Gundam fans here will surely appreciate your effort.
  15. Actually... its very useful. Watch 0083 and you will see Kou use it as a mini beam saber as the GP02 had more powerful beam sabers. It looks awkward.... but I can tell you it save Kous life.
  16. Why are the Zentradi always bested? Because thats how they were built. The Zentradi were nothing but weapons created to police the galaxy. If they were to run out of control, the protoculture had to have a way of getting them back in the leash..... and using genes that could be bested by humans was one of the ways. Zentradis were perfect in mass numbers.... but in 1on1... they could be bested.
  17. LOL.... why are the GP01 lower legs so stubby now? I have the MG right here and the line art.... the GP01 was supposed to have sleek legs not stubby ones. <_
  18. Meh.... GP04 is too fat for my taste. the GP04 is my favorite gundam design, and is my second favorite MS overall - right behind the Kampfer... Now, if Bandai would go and make a HY2M kampfer, I'd be set! Do you have any of the GP04 resin kits available? I have one of them, but it's a recast, and rather crappy at that - not worth the $80 I paid for it. I haven't been able to find/afford any of the other ones (especially, say, the 1/48th scale ones available on HobbyFan). I also have the GFF (like you'd have to ask! ). What do you mean available? Yeah. I have the 1/220 model and its absolutly nothing to look at. <_< I have seen the 1/48 model assembled... that one is a beast... but it was very articulated.
  19. Meh.... GP04 is too fat for my taste. the GP04 is my favorite gundam design, and is my second favorite MS overall - right behind the Kampfer... Now, if Bandai would go and make a HY2M kampfer, I'd be set! Do you have any of the GP04 resin kits available?
  20. Whoopie! TF Armada level Gundam. Please tell me they went beserk and killed the little kid in the frist episode!
  21. Meh.... GP04 is too fat for my taste.
  22. Why the heck would you want to buy this when you have a model level toy available? <_
  23. Thats why its not coming out here. For Japanese standards.... $400 is massively cheap. <_< And to be honest... you can only say if it is worth it or not.... untill you own it.
  24. About damn time!!!!! So... it comes with part for both the FB and the standard GP01? Nice! But GP01 only looks good standard. But gee.... so expensive?
  25. She is promoting the TF game "Transformers" Generation 0" the one that will never make it across the big pond. <_<
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