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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. RUN BOY RUN!!! **BRRRZAP** Vostok 7 Bah! I can run faster then all of you!!
  2. Sweet! I rock!! Uh yeah... the bat was bad enough... now the tazer... :wacko: Vostok 7 Could be worst. At lest she hasn't maced you in conjuction with the three of them. Don't test your luck either! *insert tazer avatar* B)
  3. Don't test your luck. <_< B)
  4. *rubs forehead* Yeah, that bat and I have gotten quite... friendly... Vostok 7 Perhaps its time for me to try out my taser.
  5. I see I see. I was saying because I will be hurting YOU. *sees abombz grab bat* Uhhh... Unless of course, you didn't want me to.. *runs* Vostok 7 Yeah... I have to thank DA again... this bat has surely survived quite a few beatings.
  6. Hurting? Vostok 7 Ai... is the word Brazilians use to express pain. Such as japanese use ite, or americans use ouch.
  7. Abombz!!

    Mao Nome

    C. She has them mostly wrapped up, thats why they look smaller. Max even made a comment about that. B)
  8. Bah! Ai here.... Ai there! Are you hurting? <_<
  9. Abombz!!

    Mao Nome

    Those are defenetly not Es. B)
  10. I have to agree with the Major. Far too many members are hidding behind the edit button lately, going back to erase stuff they said and ppl complained about. Instead of editing posts, perhaps ppl should think more before posting for now on. If a member decides to make an ass of himself on the boards, let his/her posts remain to remind himself of how uncivil he/she can be. Editing out a post and just pretending it didn't happen just doesn't work anymore. And don't give me "but foreign members need to edit for grammar mistakes" BS. Most members don't care about grammar mistakes anymore, as long as the post makes sense. Kill the edit button! Let members think before they post.
  11. Sorry, I'm not trying to misconstrue, I don't really understand what it is you're trying to say, especially here. That's because I'm long-winded. It takes me ten minutes to say "Yes." He means you have to be really really drunk to understand that his entire post could have been replaced witha simple "Yes".
  12. New Maiden comes out this week? I am SOOOO buying it! UP THE IRONS! I hate been broke, damnit!
  13. I would like to add a note regarding this statement..... movie piracy, in the last few years, has reached the level of music piracy. You can find movies that haven't even been out on theaters yet, on DVD. <_<
  14. Why? Because Macross is absolutly no fun without transformable fighters.
  15. Vandread Martian Successor Nadesico Full Metal Panic Ruroni Kenshin City Hunter Great Teacher Onizuka is a must have if you like comedy.
  16. Hey.,... took Bandai 1 year to release the last episode of 08th MS team... who knows what they will do this time around? Thats easy to explain.... ppl should have waited untill they had the whole OVA in their hands before watching. The way it is now.... ppl can't help but to judge it based on the available episodes simply because they lack better things to do. <_< But then again... it would have taken them far longer to keep the quality of the OVA up and release all episodes together. I guess they sacrificed having the whole OVA ready to keep the good quality.
  17. The one with David Hayater (Solid Snake) was pretty good. It was much better then the parody starring Mark Hamill. <_<
  18. Figured as much. Her costume was way too detailed.
  19. Sounds like they finally added some strategy to HW. My other gripe with the game... unit capping.... why oh why?!?!?!?!
  20. IIRC, the game is supposed to be based on events in the TV series, but uses mostly DYRL styling. Graham I see. My question now is.... seeing the Strike Cannon in that poster.... will the game use the end of DYRL or will it be more like the TV version of the ending? This is just my guess, but I'd assume they'll be using both, have the DYRL version of the Bodolza fight and use the serise ending with Kamujin taking the Macross's right arm off. That wouldn't work. Quamzin died, killed by Roy a few seconds before Roy died too in DYRL.
  21. lol... its almost as bad as going to a convention dressed as the drunk version of yourself.
  22. Now i could care less about this movie but wasn't asuka german? So Shouldn't her acter be german. She was a half breed if I remember correctly.
  23. I'd TiVO that! Yes, the problem with star trek has always been the lack of complete lunatics Oh yeah! The only way to save Star Trek is to turn it into a parody of its former self.
  24. IIRC, the game is supposed to be based on events in the TV series, but uses mostly DYRL styling. Graham I see. My question now is.... seeing the Strike Cannon in that poster.... will the game use the end of DYRL or will it be more like the TV version of the ending?
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