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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Last time I checked.... the 1/48 was perfect transformation... I might be mistaken as my eyes aren't what they used to be.
  2. I did download them but I wanted to own the actual copies of the game (I'm like that with my colelction). It was either that or buy Tokyo Kid's arcade unit in Harvard Sq. Of cousre the release I want has to have all the tracks. I think Capcom would give a release 110% if they really were going to unlike many other companies. Capcom ahs been pretty good with the few rare CD soundtracks they have released out here even tho they were mainly Street Fighter dictated. I understand. But then again... the Neo Geo Pockets version of the game wasn't exactly a faithful port. And another thing.... this is a Capcom USA release, as far as I know, its not coming out in Japan (but as everyone knows, they will probably get something that will put this release to shame). I doubt the US branch would go the extra mile to release the soundtrack. But yeah... an anniversary OST would rock!
  3. I dislike the 1/48 for reason most here are already tired of hearing. I actually like the 1/60, dispite its many inconsistancies. Considering I don't play with it, just leave it on my shelf, I could really care less for perfect transformation. And besides... at least my 1/60 1S doesn't have an ugly seam line running down its head... like a certain other toy. <_<
  4. You could have just dled them. I had the 2 roms a few years ago for the CPS arcade board emulator... they were pretty small too, and using the keyboard didn't detract from the fun. As for releasing the tracks stateside... I bet they would do like everyone else does... cheapo packages with missing tracks. <_<
  5. Not really. It would be a show on Earth... a very boring setting, as the Spacy is in charge of space. <_< And besides.... Macross has always been about the characters, not the military. As far as we know... the branch doesn't really matter.
  6. Everyone knows the real moneys in the toys. Not necessarely. While you can get alot of money from toys.... its from licensing your show/movie around the world that really brings in the fat cows. While shows can be broadcast around the globe, that doesn't necessarely mean that the toys will get the same treatment. Very rarely do toys follow TV shows, unless theres a huge demand for them (doesn't happen ofte). Sure theres importing... but its just not the same as it will only appeal those who have the money and means to get to the toys.
  7. What for? UN Spacy has the robots.... UN Spacy has the fun.
  8. Which makes it even more pathetic. <_< B)
  9. I always thought you were supposed to wear something under the flightsuit. Its not a flight suit.... its a biker suit.
  10. You can probably shut it off. Its probably just Missale Camera or something. The demos show it simply to display the cool factor.
  11. Thats the reason I didn't like MM3.... if I wanted to beat the bosses again I would play MM2. The soundtrack was good, but MM2 soundtrack was still better. Heck... Metal Mans theme song is still one of the top video game songs, along with the Needle Man theme song from one of the Game Boy games. I'm just glad the collection is also being made for the Game Cube... Mega Man transmission sucked so bad, I felt like scratching my eyes out with a fork. <_<
  12. I agree to a certain extent.... the voices were annoying, but the american intro was by far less annoying then the J-poppy japanese intor. <_<
  13. Nope... MM2 was the best. The soundtrack has trancended time.... still one of the best soundtracks of all times. Please tell me you are kidding. While original, as far as Rockman games go.... Legends was a blasphemy as far as video games go. Legends 2 was fairly decent, but still not good. I doubt Capcom would put their hands in the fire for Legends... specially with their recent spree of cancelled games. <_<
  14. Its about time!!! I just wished they had included the X games.... and the GB Megamans. And I glad its coming out in the US, unlike the old PSX updates.
  15. So what? Anyone here seen Burn up W? There was a robot in that series that was a clear rip off from EVA01... and I didn't see any one complain about it. <_
  16. If you think Shin is bad.... don't ever watch Go. Go is a travesty to all anime fans in general. On a side note.... BW did GR Go.
  17. Am I the only one who hasn't had her bottle of Yoshinol yet today?
  18. Come on!! Don't tell me you didn't enjoy the Getta Tomahawks splitting moons in half!
  19. Goodie! More Bat-crap. I just hope they go for a more gothic setting then the crap they did in Batman and Robin, couldn't they have added more multicolored lights in that movie? <_
  20. Most DVD players in Brazil are multi region (because no one in the world uses R4 besides us. <_< ). Mine is Sony, can use pro-scan and all. It plays all DVDs just fine, except for R0 DVDs.... those I can only get black and white. <_< As for what titles? R2 Japanese anime DVDs of course.
  21. He's probably getting ready to retaliate in case something goes wrong. Contingency... every soldier's gotta have a plan B. Oh yeah.... he is going to have a real angry full Meltrandi after his @$$ if he does manage to reach out.
  22. Here Is it just me... or is he reaching out? <_<
  23. Hmmm.... lets see...... B )..... did it work?
  24. Can any of you say..... "Jailbait"? <_<
  25. I thought unit capping was in the original HW too? "Maximum number of assault frigates reached..." "Maximum number of blah blah blah...." which is why salvage was always such an attractive option. Bridge of Sighs, mmm.... Thats in single player mode. In multiplayer mode there was no unit capping unless you choose to limit the number of units you want to build.
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