I did download them but I wanted to own the actual copies of the game (I'm like that with my colelction). It was either that or buy Tokyo Kid's arcade unit in Harvard Sq. Of cousre the release I want has to have all the tracks. I think Capcom would give a release 110% if they really were going to unlike many other companies. Capcom ahs been pretty good with the few rare CD soundtracks they have released out here even tho they were mainly Street Fighter dictated.
I understand. But then again... the Neo Geo Pockets version of the game wasn't exactly a faithful port.
And another thing.... this is a Capcom USA release, as far as I know, its not coming out in Japan (but as everyone knows, they will probably get something that will put this release to shame). I doubt the US branch would go the extra mile to release the soundtrack.
But yeah... an anniversary OST would rock!