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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Wasn't Hunk hired by an independent party?
  2. I Am! Leon's back! should be good, i hope. He is not the only one who is back in RE4. who else? Identity not revealed yet... but Capcom calls him "Unknown Umbrella operative".... now... there are so many of them, take your pick. B)
  3. I Am! Leon's back! should be good, i hope. He is not the only one who is back in RE4.
  4. Why should anyone waste their time explaning? <_< By calling the Game Cube a kiddie console you already proved you won't understand no matter what we tell you. <_< Why is it better? Stable frame rate, better graphics, an actuall story, better characters, better track design, better sound... do I really need to go on? <_<
  5. Of course! Japanese game are far more expensive then american games. Its the same issue they have with DVDs... why allow gamers to buy cheaper alternatives when you can force them to get the most expensive game? B) The same reason there region lockouts.... why not make Region E for Earth and have all dvd players playing the same DVDs? Why not have only 1 TV system instead of having 1 for each major continent? <_<
  6. Still... theres only 1 ending that fits the continuity... and thats Jills vest ending. As for Rebecca going with Chris... I'm not sure... I was under the impression that Chris left by himself.
  7. Megaman Zero is great. I really like Zeros new look. I love how challenging the game is. My only complaint is the rank system. <_<
  8. Both are dead. The RE series follows the best Jill ending... where Barry, Jill and Chris got out of the mansion. That would mean Rebecca got beheaded by a hunter. As for Billy Cohn.... I remember in a file in either RE:rebirth or RE2... that said that a body a con was found in the woods along with a few other bodies. That I think was Billy.
  9. Thats an Xbox game actually. And last time I heard... the only special thing about AC05 would be its online capabilities.
  10. I liked Phantom 2040. It had an interesting story... and way too many cyborg freaks. As for the character design... if it wasn't Peter Chung... it was someone who could clearly copy his art. <_<
  11. LOL!!! This is so damn funny! And yet... so damn true.
  12. I'm kind of interested in seeing how they will incorporate Nemesis, Jill Valentine and Carlos. B)
  13. What is Otogi and Disgeae? Oh and is anyone playing with the Logitech wheel? Impressions? Otogi is an Xbox game made by the same ppl who did Armored Core. You are basically this demon brought back to life... and you have to go through levels in a tone down Dynasty Warriors type game. Everything is destroyable... and you can throw enemies through houses and what nots. Disgaea is this really cool anime style strategy RPG. It has this really deep Final Fantasy Tactics style job system.... and the ability to level up to level 10000. Otogi is an Xbox game and Disgaea is a PS2 game.
  14. I know. Thats what I did. But still... getting hit by a boss usually meant around 1/3 of your life gauge lost. Slow moving bosses were easy to handle... but the fast moving ones were tough to deal with. As for the redesigns.... sure it is nice to see old bosses renewed.... but they all looked like ppl wearing costumes. If they were going to redesign the bosses... at least make them look like viriuses. <_<
  15. Perhaps I should point you to Bubble Man and its bubble lead... they killed "freak of nature" Willy in MM@ with 3 shots.
  16. As much as I like F-Zero... tight budget requires me to wait for it to hit the bargain bin. At least I have Otogi and Disgeae to tide me over.
  17. Guys! This isn't a chat room! Don't get this thread locked. <_
  18. Nice! Other then almost mistaking her for Hikaru..... I would say.... watch more Law & Order!! B)
  19. The same reason BoB gave... plus they make for very unusual but nice display pieces. And my favorite of all.... a reason to slam friends when they walk in and giggle at the sight of my toys. <_< B)
  20. Nope. She was like 15-17 during the TV and DYRL eras. That's why she looked so good at M7. Vostok 7 Which brings your love for Milia to a new light.... a sad and pathetic light. <_<
  21. It could be another Prometheus class carrier.... while I don't think it was an animation mistake, you can see a few of them in one of the earlier SDF Macross episodes. So it could be simply your fighter taking off from it before it was destroyed by that Zentradi attack. Or even better.... it could be a second Prometheus on earth.... and you taking off from it before Earth was destroyed. We don't know for sure how the story will play out, so we don't know if Earth was already destroyed by the time the SDF 1 was back from Pluto.
  22. Why did it feel different? Perhaps because most of the sprites were lifted from Megaman8? Or maybe because half of the bosses were Megaman 8? How about.... playing as Forte made the game extremely easy, while Megaman was a pain to get through? Or perhaps because Forte was basically Zero without his sword? B) As for Transmissions.... its bland design bothered me. That... and the fact that the game was infact a port of a Wonderswam game, jumps were terribly hard to accomplish and that the bosses were far too over powered. Oh... and the boss designs weren't very brilliant... but then again... I never liked the cosplyaing look for EXE. <_<
  23. They were all awsome!! B)
  24. Favorites? Metal Man, Gyro Man, Pharaoh Man, Tomahawk Man, Napalm Man, Shade Man, Terra, Saturn.... and the coolest looking one.... Tengu Man. Coolest power up.... Rush Armor in MM7 and Gospel Boost in Rockman and Forte. I bet they would... but having beaten them back then.... have no reason to dl them again.
  25. Nobody said that. Because you like a bad Megaman... might as well make you the best fan here.
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