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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. That is exactly whay I hated the film off the bat and could never possibly enjoy it and will always hate it. All that work in Aliens all for nothing. This film also seemed a bit too dependant on the use of explicit language. I felt exactly the same way!! I remember my friends wanted me to leave the theater because i couldn't stop complaining about that.
  2. Thats great! *sends chain emails to all her young cousins*
  3. Now thats how you can save the Star Trek franchise!! B)
  4. Dismemberment is the same as Jedi Outcast to me, only maybe a touch more frequent. Showing damage on the characters is a nice new touch though (lightsaber tracks, black smudges on stormtrooper armor where they've been hit by blasters, etc). Unless you're thinking of Jedi Outcast with the "realsabers" turned on... Vostok 7 Those are incredibly lame!! So I get hit on the head with a lightsaber and all that happens is.... I get schorch marks?!?! WTF? <_<
  5. Its a special special box set. It will come with 4 movies and tons of extras. It will include the newly released Alien:Directors Cut (you can see the new scene in your set under deleted scenes), Aliens DC, Alien 3 with tons of new footage, and same for Resurection. It is rumored the box set will come with close to 9 DVDs.... meaning we will get like 5 DVDs worth of extras. Its going to be the collectors edition of your already collectors edition box set.... more like the Directors cut collectors collector edition. B) Make it double platinum signature series too.... just to justify paying for the same thing again.
  6. Thats what I want to know!!! She is an android.... shooting her wouldn't do a thing. She probably didn't need air, the Aliens probably didn't want her.... she just went around and opened the door. She is an android after all... you know? Super strength... being able to open doors and all.
  7. Yep... simply because no one carried guns. I guess its more of a CF spirit the Aliens had in Aliens and AR. It kind of took away the whole "you can't kill it" spirit from the first Alien. In both Alien and Alien 3.... they needed extreme measures to kill the alien.
  8. LOL... that reminds me of that stupid stupid Eps 2 comercial.... "Yoda man!". <_<
  9. A funnel was Newtype-specific weapon Mobile Suits like the Nu Gundam and Sazabi used in UC. Mind controlled remote lasers. Usually around 6 of them per Mobile Suit. The Quebley had 12. Not just lasers. The Nu Gundam Funnels also dubbled as shields, the Psycho Gundam had beam reflectors as Funnels. B)
  10. Agreed.... thankfully... they didn't make it talk.... well sort of.
  11. Nah... just pathetic.
  12. He was a dweeb in Shaft. You mean Pulp Fiction. He was a loser in Pulp Fiction.... the whole movie sucked if you ask me. Pulp Fiction is a great way to kill a night, a brilliantly strange movie... So is sleeping.
  13. Yep.... bad acting included. <_< B)
  14. I kind of like half Alien Ripley... she kicked ass!!
  15. Jedy Outcast had its fair share of Gundam skins. But then again.... I find non-transformable valkyries to be lame. <_<
  16. Not only do they look like funnels... but they are Nu Gundam funnels!! I only think its a weapons platform... because that damn back pack looks way too awkward to be hanging on its back the whole time. <_<
  17. Actually...it is. I don't know what material is getting reinserted, but I doubt any of it will make the movie not suck. Edit: I think we're mainly getting an alternate/extended ending. An ending which I'm sure will still suck and blow. Or maybe an ending that will drop hints of a possible sequel. <_<
  18. He was a dweeb in Shaft. You mean Pulp Fiction. He was a loser in Pulp Fiction.... the whole movie sucked if you ask me. <_<
  19. Bah! Give Mace Windu, Samuel L Jacksons Shaft look.... now thats one bad Jedi moffo.
  20. I don't think those are funnels.... that thing on its back looks more like a weapons platform then anything else. <_<
  21. I know he is... but I was watching the movie a few days ago... and I noticed, and I found it to be kind of funny. Don't worry... they won't. The 2 good Alien movies already have Directors Cut... and Alien 3 will get its own. There are enough extras in there to empty their "Alien bonus material" boxes.... I doubt Alien Ressurection will ever get a DC version. <_<
  22. Question for Seed lovers.... what do you guys think of the Providence Gundam? I for one find the design to be so... cluttered that it borders silliness. I think Bandai should just drop Okawara for good.... with his large back packs and all. Seriously... its a really bad design, I wonder how that thing will fly. <_<
  23. Few years? ZZ Gundam will most likely be out by the end of next year.
  24. Its supposed to be 3 films if I'm not mistaken. The first one is supposed to have several anime sequences... done by the same ppl who did Ghost in the Shell.
  25. You never know... he will be playing a different role in Eps 3... perhaps he is a better bad guy actor then he is a whinny brat actor.
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