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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. it would sure explain all those semi-dead folks walking around wanting nothing more that to get something to eat and suffering from complete lack of self esteem. ROFLMAO!!!!
  2. Easily! Its.... errr.... uhhh... a video game!! At least Dino Crisis had the whole wound thing done right... too bad everything else sucked. And I think putting a miraclous(sp) herb in a movie.... would be a little to suggestive, wouldn't it?
  3. you forgot to add smashing Vostok over the head for random posts on MW! Yeah? And you forgot spamming the heck out of MW in yours. Touche! B)
  4. I wonder what took so long. I mean, MW is not a new forum, back in the old one we had around 3000 members, and now after a month only 1000 of them came back? Not counting the fact that out of those 1000 members, at least 100 are new. Oh well... anyway.... YAY!!
  5. She was a super human? Why? because she kicked those cerberus? If RE had melee weapons... then she wouldn't look so super human, now would she?
  6. Wasn't that Deep Space 9? No... I think that was Star Trek 3 and Star Trek 6... with the Excelsior around and all.
  7. Thank you Omega. All you w1pe0ut haters out there better recognize! W1pe0ut and Philosoma were the first games I ever played on the PSX. XL and its upgrade for N64 are my favorites from the series. If only XL supported the analog stick(s) it would've made the experience complete. Just because it was the first game most ppl played on the PSX doesn't make the game good. Example? Mine was Battle Arena Toshinden... am I going to be taking bullets for it? No!! Because the game sucked!!
  8. Where did you hear that? I want to know if it's safe to get excited for that Megaman X collection... Game Informer issue 126, "The Good, Bad & Ugly" section. The two volume Mega Man Collection is mentioned in the "Loose Talk" section. The two titles they were most hyped over were the MM Chess (Jap) and the little-known MM Soccer (Released in US but more or less overlooked by all but the hardcore MM/RM fans). Unfortunately, GI is the only place where this second collection is mentioned. I'm not saying that it can't be true- in fact, I hope to the powers that be that it is true. But CoA hasn't officially announced it, just the first one. Its possible. I don't think CoA would leave X out. Now... if only they would include the 5 GB games too.
  9. Gah! Why won't nightmares stay dead?!?!?
  10. Did you really play Dark Forces 2? Do you remember we actually get the lightsaber on the beginning of stage 3? I remember it. I remember thinking it was really cool. I remember finding out it didn't work like it did in the movies(cleaving anything in 2 with a single blow). I remember finding it thoroughly useless for anything other than blocking blaster fire or fighting the dark jedi. LOL! You had to be sideways for the light saber to hit. It was really awkward. <_< The thing about KoToR (at leas the Xbox version) is that the story was predictable (and somewhat ripped from Baldurs Gate II), and barely overshadowed the insane amount of glitches that damn game had.
  11. Yeah. But then again... Outcasts doesn't force you to pull the damn thing untill it starts throwing Fallen Jedis at you... thats around the last 3 missions. And even then.... a well placed rocket is enough to kill them.
  12. Did you really play Dark Forces 2? Do you remember we actually get the lightsaber on the beginning of stage 3?
  13. BOOOO!!!!! I'm back!
  14. We have done this before. <_
  15. Methinks Abombz needs glasses Vostok 7 No... you just need to start posting things you consider to be funny in larger font. <_< BTW, when you start quoting yourself, means theres something seriously wrong with you.
  16. If Spawn is the king of lame super heroes..... the Green Lantern is probably the queen!! <_<
  17. No you don't.
  18. yea! my VF-406 Hurricanes squadron could finally exist if they did that! Who said anything about VF4s in the game? <_<
  19. And perhaps we can also get a sequel to that gem that was Shaqfu. <_< Superman is lame... but then again, I find all comic book heroes to be lame. With Spawn leading the pack. <_< On a side note... the first 2 Superman movies were entertaining.... but I never really liked man in tights wearing his underwear overthem. <_<
  20. If you ever get to play with it... I bet you can chose what type of FAST packs to carry.
  21. At the risk of getting myself propelled into orbit in a Love! Hina manner, I feel obliged to point out its not entirely all my gender... I met a girl at a con a few months ago who had a t-shirt with a fan-art picture of Zechs from Gundam Wing on it, hair flowing in the "bishonen breeze"... ...the image was created entirely from thread stitching...! < okay, I'll just wait here while you fetch the hammer...! > Ok... I won't comment on that.... because he problem is implied. And besides.... liking guys isn't a fetish.... and you all know how some girls can be as far as crushes go.
  22. Whats wrong with you ppl? The original creators of Silent Hill will be writting the script and overseeing the production... and you guys still wish someone else would do it?!?!
  23. And alot easier as they were about 100x stronger and weren't hampered by ammo. <_< Heck... they even gave Zero nipples in X3 and the rest. <_<
  24. Ok... rivals then. Another side note..... Kakizaki is nowhere to be seen.
  25. It would never work. You would be stuck with a shallow FPS, Planetside rip off, and with only combat professions. Not only that... but the Q3 engine isn't meant for wide open spaces. While SWG isn't deep.... having non combat professions is what sets it apart from other MMORPGs (at least Evercrud and the first AC)
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