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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. I thought you were Quadrono. I thought you were Ben-Man I thought you were a man... from malaysia... That was supposed to be a secret
  2. I thought you were Quadrono. I thought you were Ben-Man
  3. I heard this year we are getting santa hats. I don`t think the moogles will show up yet though. Maybe closer to Xmas day.
  4. Seems like my dl is finally underway -.-
  5. its not just you, this update is being a pain in the ass for alot of ppl. And its odd considering alot of ppl left for EQ and WoW.
  6. I got some pics... they aren`t treant pics but they are the closest thing to having 50 ppl on screen fighting the same mob. This was a pretty successful run, my friend went home with a thf AF2 jacket ^^ Things were pretty calm in this pic... we were around 40 minutes into dynamis and my pt was death free ^^ Things started getting kind of crazy when someone went too far and too fast, and the Quadavs started coming in like waves of crazed turtles >.< This is just to give an idea of how many ppl were there. We didn`t have a full alliance (64 ppl) but I think we were around 50 or so ppl... thats how many ppl I could see at any time. Its really fun getting hit by invisible quadavs because your PC can`t display them >.>;; And the last one... for kicks. Someone brought this guy while we were in the middle of fighting summoner and black mages Quadavs.... the blms slept most of our alliance, and the avatars woke up while our brds were taking a nap. Astral Flow took out about 40 something ppl. I survived because I had stone skin on at the time. After that, this NM killed just about who ever was left standing.... but me. For some reason I think he wasn`t in the mood for a hume white mage ^^;; Too bad I wasn`t so lucky in the second wipe out... took a raise I just so we could try to beat the damn thing >.<
  7. HAHAHAHHA... thats nothing. ^^ Once you start needing 10k xp point to get to the next lv (or 44k in my case ; you will miss the good old days ^^
  8. I don`t have a picture of the treant fight... but I have a few dynamis pictures that have 60 odd ppl fighting giant Quadavs O.o
  9. Same character, different player. Whm at 73, temporarely retired. This might be my last month since my best friend quit 2 days ago. Might try to get pld AF before I go though. Send me a tell in game, Yosho, I`ll give you a hand with genkai 1 ^^
  10. OMG! That thumb!! *shudders*
  11. And its a pitty.... since the game engine they created looks better then any crap Square managed to create. how do you know about its game engine? i only see one screen shot and a character ortho. is there any other info on this? The first picture in the article with Chrono in it... thats not CG, thats an in game shot.
  12. You need to read about Arachnid Necrosis then. *insert neat spider bite here* And that's a comparitively mild case. Juicy links please.
  13. I kill domestic spiders..... 5 a day. Some are so bloated... they explode spider goo all over the place.
  14. Their bite is pretty mild. But still, I'm glad I don't live in Brazil. Vostok 7 Mild? Those tarantulas are pretty docile.... except when they are protecting their young.
  15. Their bite is pretty mild. But still, I'm glad I don't live in Brazil. Vostok 7 You think thats bad? The common Brazilian domestic spider is one of them top 5 most poisonous spiders in the world. ;
  16. That might mean that someone near you went to Iraq and was stupid enough to bring one or two home, and they got out or were released. They probably got picked off by a bird or something eventually, or just died being too cold. Definately don't want any kids finding one. You can't. Much like scorpions... those spiders are hard to keep alive.
  17. The spider in the movie is pretty small compared to those tarantulas.
  18. Palm sized? Man I have spiders larger than that in my backyard Hey isn't there a spider in africa that's supposedly 2 feet in diameter when fully spread out? I think I read about it in an article in national geographic. Lives in deep caves methinks. I rememeber hearing a story where one of the photographers was bitten by one and all the scientists were screaming, "Don't kill it, don't kill it! It's really rare!" Goliath Tarantula in the Amazon. How big they get? Really really big.
  19. And its a pitty.... since the game engine they created looks better then any crap Square managed to create.
  20. They aren't poisonous, ppl die from the shock of having a piece of their body eaten by those spiders. Nasty little buggers. \ They are also called shadow stalkers (or something like that) because they can't stand the heat. And if you are walking in the desert and see one of them charge at you is simply because they want to stay in the shadow you are making.
  21. "The PS2 can't handle it"
  22. This is actually pretty old.... it started as a project for N64 emulators 5 or so years ago. Kind of like how they are leaving the PS2 out of it. And if Square is smart.... they will probably get it and make it official. I'm just glad they tried their best to keep the Akira Toryama art style... IMO... it was what made Chrono Trigger special.
  23. He looks like he's been having trouble sleeping... on top of being constipated.
  24. You should've joined Unicorn then... I would've gladly gotten any of you guys to 20 in no time.
  25. Been playing for about 6 months. Name- Phaedra Server- Unicorn Race- Hume Nation- Bastok (trying to change) Level- 49 whm/ 24 blm/ 26 drg/ 37 sam/ 30 war/ 20 thf/ 17 pali
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