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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. I suggest you find yourself a AVP:Arcade game ROM (courtesy of Capcom).... its gold!! It puts all other AVP games to shame!!
  2. Not even the beginning saved AOTC like it did with TPM. AOTC only got good once Gianosis(sp) was introduced. Though... the boring parts weren't as painful as the boring parts in TPM were. <_<
  3. This is one sad pathetic attempt from Square. Really... the fans are desperate for a sequel for FF7... specially after FFX, the last FF to ever deserve a sequel (instead we got 30 hours of j-pop turd), and instead we get a movie.... featuring Tidus as Cloud? WTF?!?!?! Square has lost its touch. <_<
  4. LOL... perhaps there will be some time travel involved.... with Ripley going back in time to hunt Predators and Aliens. You know how Hollyweed is..... doesn't make sense? Lets put some time travel in it!! B) Pretty good game... but the Arcade AVP game is the best game to ever carry the name of those franchises.
  5. Meltrans had the superior mechas, probably more aces, but lacked in numbers. Zentrans had worst mechas, better range of mechas, and outnumbered the Meltrans. I would say.... stale mate. I was tempted to say better fortresses for the Zentrans, but we never get to see Lap-lamiz fortress do anything other then sit there and be destroyed.
  6. 1) Just because humans aren;t aware of Aliens doesn't mean Aliens aren't aquainted with humans. My only problem with the setting... it smells too much to that eps of Enterprise with the Borgs and all. <_< 2) Perhaps... a cold climate Predator?
  7. note to self: never use the back button on MW. <_
  8. Any game really..... but stay as far away as possible from Unlimited Saga.... I don't know what Square was smoking when they decided that game should've been released.
  9. Nevermind... its a waste of time.
  10. I'm probably biased because I'm a huge The Profession/LEON fan, and she was really good in that, even though she was 12. She was good in HEAT too, although that was a minor role. Wasn't too bad in Anywhere But Here either, and i can't remember any other movies she was in. she didn't really do anything in those movies... She didn't do anything in The Professional/Leon? I think you slept through that movie Max. One movie doesn't make a bad actor good.
  11. There is not best console. Pick the console that has the games you want period. <_
  12. You are wrong the Saturn did very good in Japan besides it was No.2 over there and the N64 was No.3 . You are forgetting that Saturn has a lot of excellent games especailly in the 2D category like Capcom and SNK`s fighting games w/ the use of 4 MEG/RAM cart. Also don`t forget Treasuresoft (former Konami develovpers) had also top notch titles like Guardian Heroes, Radiant Silvergun. Plus many RPG`s that never came out from Japan and many more ........... PS: I know it`s been along time, Hi guy how are you all. Sega was doing bad in Japan since the Genesis... thats what killed them. Saturn did terribly in Japan. Just because they had excellent games doesn't mean they were doing well. Look at the DC! It has better games then the PS2 had around the same time.... and yet it is dead now! Now a days... good games don't make a successful console. Look at the GC. Its being beaten by 2 consoles that have a big difference in number of good and bad games.
  13. Lame!!! Whats this BS? A live action movie? Won't Square ever learn? <_<
  14. More immersive to deal with bad acting & vastly off translations? No thank you! I know what you are saying Keith, and I agree with it. I'm only saying thats the prime excuse used by dub lovers. If you look hard enough... you will find ppl who use that same excuse in MW.
  15. LOL... not nearly as bad as the first 2 minutes of Queen Amidala.
  16. I'm on my 3rd PS2. The first one get its vent damaged... couldn't work for no more then 15 minutes. Contacted Sony... they told me it would take 2 months to fix for a price of $300. The 2nd one... get the oh so common "Read disc error" at first only with CDs, then with PS1 games, then PS2 CD-ROM based, then DVD movies and then finally DVD-ROM based games. Didn't bother with Sony this time around. Oh... and with my PSX.... I burned through 5 different controllers in 2 years. All of them... with the same problem, the left d-pa arrow would get stuck for some reason. Tried opening them up and cleaning whatever sign of "stickyness" they presented.... nothing.
  17. The DC rocks. Grandia 2 was nice (although not as nice as the first one), Tech Romance, Bangai-oh, Virtual On 2, Soul Calibur, all 2d Capcom and SNK games you can think off, that only a Sega console seems to be be able to pull off with perfection. And lets not forget Skies of Arcadia. And most important.... they had something most companies now a days seem to neglect.... VGA adapters!!
  18. Heck... in Japan they buy a PS2 simply because its a new version. <_< And besides... since the PSX was a huge success.... most ppl only know the PS name. Like most ppl only knew the name nintendo back in the day.
  19. I agree with B, but not A, cause remember Saturn and Dreamcast was the first respectively and we all know how that went. For one... the Saturn was sold for about $100 more then the PSX. Second.... it did poorly in japan. Third.... back then Sega had no idea what they were doing anymore. As for the DC.... it was far better then the PS2, but most companies were caught up in the Sony hype machine to bother with the DC. The DC was also doing poorly in Japan.... which was what decided which console lived and which did not. And besides.... Sega was on their last legs during the DC, there was no way it would survive if its parent company had absolutly no money.
  20. ok thats just nasty...ewwwwwwwwww Ah.....it's not nasty at all. Besides, female ninja garb should ALWAYS be form fitting. More like painted on.
  21. TPM was cool.... untill they fled Naboo.... then for some reason everything sort of got less interesting from there. The whole 3 different perspectives ending was pretty neat.... even though I wished they had blown Anakin out of the sky.
  22. which is a good example that great graphics and faster processing can't compete with a good and wide library of games. Good library is debatable. So many games... they ought to get some of them right. And besides good games on the PS2 are a minority compared to bad games. <_< The Game Cube turned 99 simply because it was the cheaper console. There was no where else to go.
  23. My bad.... previews refered to her as "Kunoichi" so I just figured that was her name. And yes... I'm aware of the meaning of it.... figured it was one of those games with a character whose name has some deeper meaning or something like that.
  24. hmmm. All other SW movies had a ton of dullness in their scripts (WTF happened in Empire Strikes Back) Retrun of the Jedi had fan service... (the princess in the brass bra and panties) They all used and overused special effects... However the lameness of JarJar can't be correlated to any other SW film... Perhaps the shittyness of M7 though. Sure.... but not nearly in the same level as Natalie Portman in both movies. Sure.... not nearly as much as Eps 2 though. B)
  25. The AotC novel was much more complete then the movie. If you have the DVD... most of the deleted scenes in it made it into the novel, plus a few parts that are nowhere to be seen in the movie. As for the miss characterization of some characters.... some are, defenetly, some I found to be just right. As for the violence... I kind of like it... it makes the book much more detailed, though, the unusual amount of severed limbs is a little too Lucas for my taste.
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