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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. What has he done with his life? He has avoided a decent pair of paints for longer then any other man alive... that must count for something, right?
  2. The only thing you can trust that kind of man with.... is that he will contantly screw up and turn you off
  3. Considering I have 3 games for my Xbox, I think I'll pass on Xbox 360
  4. Talk about reality smacking some people in the face
  5. I kind of liked how Obi took out Grevious with a blaster. It fits the whole sense desperation going on in this last movie. Jedis were falling by the hundreds, and Obi had to do whatever he could to take out a very dangerous foe... and he did it. You can't expect to take out an enemy gracefully all the time, you know?
  6. I wish they would call it something else... Xbox 360 is a truly retarded name.
  7. Put the man on a g-string to go with his pansy red booties
  8. Old combiner type Super Robot
  9. Maybe the name of the movie is Evil Superman Returns?
  10. There is something there... but considering the rest of the suit, I vote for pads too
  11. That looks more marron then red, to be honest
  12. One thing I have to hand to them... he does look different dressed as Superman
  13. Is it just me... or are those muscles part of the suit and not the actor?
  14. At least some of the strips are worth laughing at
  15. Perhaps thats just an early "build" of Vader? Maybe he had parts added to him as time went by? I don't really think Anakin was completly stable, after all you can't just recover from skinny dipping in hot lava like that. Or perhaps he had upgrades or something. There are several years between the new and the old trilogy, there are a thousand possibilities as to why Vader looks different. You only have to put up with Spa Vader for about 5 minutes of movie, there are a ton of other issues ppl can concentrate on when complaining about the new trilogy
  16. Were are all here to discuss an 80's cartoon franchaise that has been downhill since its Movie release in 84... I don't think anyone here takes anything too seriously. Its not just a cartoon... its the essence of civilization!!!
  17. says the man with no friends. Dude, Jemstone is a woman without any friends... Get it right!. Jem, J/K, nothin but love. so she/he says. i don't believe anyone is who they say they are on the internet. has anyone actually met Jemstone in person? is she/he indeed a woman? until then, shes a guy as far as i'm concerned. No offense taken. I mean look at you who has to pretend to be a man. It's gotta be pretty rough so I feel your pain. i don't have to pretend, i am all MAN! i make guys like A1 kneel before me, kneel before zod! EDIT: this is all a joke of course
  18. A more cynical view would be that Tomino merely took over at the end so that he could set things up for Char's Counterattack. True true, but you can't deny there was a sudden sharp change of tone in that show. How Gremy went from cannon fodder henchmen to full feldged bad guy, or how Mashama changed too.
  19. I heard somewhere that Tomino wasn't planning on writting/directing/whatever ZZ, untill he saw the first 20 episodes and realized what a huge fart up ZZ is and took over. Thats why theres a huge tone difference between then first quarter of the show
  20. No. It's those, "silly twats on MW." Get it right man! AND nice works. Cocky and Funny works well with the ladies but Cocky, Funny and Nice works wonders. ... No kidding. Thats why I am the nicest guy on the board. Aw, he is just a big teddy bear!!
  21. Honestly? I can't even tell the difference between the 2 anymore. Both EB and Gamestop near where I live are basically the same store, and they both don't follow the apparent "rules" of a normal EB and gamestop stores. No one trying to shove games in my face, no misinformation, no nothing. Surprisingly enough, both stores seem to have mostly girls running the registers. That being said, I usually go to Gamestop first, this particular store has a much neater set up then EB. EB has this huge wall for PC games, but everything else seems to be hidden in the middle of strategy guides, toys, and poo I usually avoid. Not only that, but they seem to be real slackers with dealing with new shipments. As for Gamestop, they have a nice PC lineup, used and old games, and equal size shelves for all 3 consoles. I haven't had any problems finding rare games at all. So to this merger... I *shrug*
  22. Now I know what's bugging me. That's not Stik at all, it's Professor Fuyutski from Evangelion! Oh come on, no one else see's the similarities? With enough booze... I bet I can see the similarities too
  23. So... Superman should look like bruce willis? I think this superman needs a little meat on his bones, I wonder how he will look in blue tights and those sticks he calls limbs
  24. I thought you were Quadrono. you know I wonder what shes doing now. Proly lurking. Maybe she got a life... as hard to believe as that may be
  25. I thought you were Quadrono. I thought you were Ben-Man I thought you were a man... from malaysia... That was supposed to be a secret Blame Ben-Man... not me... He isn't here... so I blame you =P
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