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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. $550 on a Gundam resin kit model.
  2. Edutainment? Huh! I'm so sorry for you!! I bet those days must have been terribly traumatic!! LOL... and why to start your video game life.... with Turok "big guns, tons of gore" The Dinosaur Hunter". I always had a soft spot for his nuke gun.
  3. That wouldn't be too hard.... the last few Bastards book, they didn't even try to hide its pornographic nature. What with DS wrapping his thing around naked Gabriel when he got his body back.
  4. Don't blame it on me! I was the one to post first, if he feels the need to post replys to my every post... thats his issue not mine. <_<
  5. Actually... it could make a whole lot of sense. A Predator ship crash landed on antartica base. Poor human fool went to investigate the crash, probably found a sort of escape pod. Guess what was inside? Yep... a mind condition Alien Queen ready to spawn thousands of eggs on an unsuspecting human base. After many attempts to contact the base, and after many rescue teams that never reported back, we have this bunch of pathetic little human CFs that are for one reason or another sent there to investigate. And guess who decides to join the party? A group (or maybe 1) predator who decides it would be a good idea to find out what happened to its mates. Thats when everything goes to heck.
  6. Actually, the animation mistake is simply a VF-1A with two small lasers coming off of the side. The YV-1R as interpreted by Tommy Yune and HG is a derivitive because they have taken creative license and made their own version of that mistake. The "mistake" VF-1A and the YF-1R are clearly different heads, albeit on the same theme. I know. I'm simply pointing out that, regardless of its name, the monstruosity is still in SDF Macross.
  7. Now I know how painful it feels to have your thread hijacked. <_<
  8. Nope, the YF-1R is a Robotech innovation. You may be thinking of the YF's from Macross Plus. The YF-1R appears in Battlecry and Toynami made a battroid toy of it. It has a hexagonal faceplace and a combination of the VF-1J and VF-1A head lasers (i.e., two on the sides, one in the middle). There's a closeup at the bottom of this page: http://www.menet.umn.edu/~ngo/robotech_s-p...se_v2_vf-1.html The YF1R is an animation mistake that is in one of the late SDF macross episodes.
  9. Actually , they only own the animation. Yeah... it was implied. SDF Macross to tastsunoko and the designs to SN.
  10. No it wasn't... Vostok 7 Yes it was. I'm not stupid enough to say something like that, in a non joking way, in a forum with about 99.9% of men. <_<
  11. I'm glad this at least served a purpose.
  12. Before I get lynched.... my post about guys not being better then horses....was a joke. You guys are the best!
  13. Its possible because custom member title is a slot in your member profile page. Maybe its set up for like 10k posts or something.... but don't worry, be there in another month or so.
  14. And guys are? I think a tenticle is cuter than a guy. Vostok 7 Sure... you guys are not much better then horses.... but at least we can get some communication, and at least you guys are bipedal. B) And besides, while some are winners, horses don't have credit cards.
  15. Was there ever a doubt that Tatsunoko owned SDF Macross? Its not about who has to do with what, its about who actually payed for it, and I think TP would have payed for it. That would include the voices. As for the BGM, it would probably fall in the same category as the songs.
  16. Thats what I told old man Bsu.... but apparently... he is too old to like Aliens, Predators, humans dying.... in Antartica(?).
  17. Nah... we just like to carry torches and pitchforks, and run like a lynching mob towards your general direction.
  18. Err... how do you know he has done that already, and is simply taking on new things?
  19. Coincidentally you've stumble upon the answer to why there's lesbian, naughtly tentacles, and beastiality hentai. Yeah... just because the Y chromosome is useless and dying.... doesn't mean those things are cute. <_<
  20. an adaptation of La Blue girl could be interesting with some of them..... hmmm. In that case I should have added Jessica Biel, huh? I would say.... get A7 here stat!!!
  21. Yeah... well, while it might see improvements, theres a big chance that everything might go even deeper down the barrel. <_<
  22. lol.... I wouldn't hold my breath, even less have a heart attack for an RT movie.
  23. No!!! I don't want to get ass, crotch and nipple shot when ever someone is suiting up. <_<
  24. they'll strip mine anime Let's see... Dragon Ball Z Evangelion Yep, it's begun. Ninja Scroll... A...Ki... Ra... a live action American Version of La Blue Girl..... Battle Angel Alita.
  25. By then.... HG would've gone into hibernation once again.
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