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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. As far as Midichlorians go... the fact remains that it was mentioned and it was mentioned in a way that gave it a fair amount of importance. Qui Gon went as far as compare it to Master Yoda, and to say Anakin had the highest count. If its not relevant, why mention it in the first place? Why not mention it again in Eps 2? As far as the original trilogy goes..... it was bad, and somehow it got tons of oscars, while the new one so far hasn't even gotten the SFX oscar yet. <_<
  2. Found the ending too mushy for my taste. They should have all died. <_
  3. I really liked the series finally of GTO (both anime and drama), V Gundam and Babylon 5.
  4. Considering the first HL shipped with TF classics.... why wouldn't valve ship TF classics 2 with HL2? Give me a break... are they going to claim someone stole their source code again? <_<
  5. What I found most sad in SWG is the complete lack of character class missions. I mean, you got hunting missions, BH missions, exploration missions, atisan missions, and heck even entertainer missions!! What about Commando, Squad leader, battle medic and smuggler specific missions? Ditch the stupid entertainer missions and give the higher classes something to do other then go out in the wild and hunt animals. I seriously doubt Han, Lando, Boba or most of the SW characters started their days hunting animals in Corellia. <_<
  6. Not if I catch him with a rocket launcher first!!
  7. "In my experience, there's no such thing as "luck." - Obi Wan Kenobi Comming from the School Of Goldeneye, tripmines and grenade launchers were a way of life. You either learned fast or died. Often. A very few of us (myself included) learned the mystic art of "grenade trigonometry" where we could eventually hit any point of a map that was in range by bouncing it off the walls. Since this is a family board, I won't repeat the many names I got called for that. lol. Ah! Power weapons!! Thew only way of playing Golden Eye. B)
  8. We get quite rowdy at the office. I got a book thrown at me today because a satchel charge I totally forgot I placed went off and killed 5 people who were having a knife fight... they all had the great idea to see who would win in a knife fight free for all in a clearing... ... when the SC went off and killed them all I got quite a lot of chin music... At that point the game momentarily changed from a free for all into kill the boss. Ah! The memories it brings back!! Playing lan with the dorm proctor.... beating him and getting frounded for the weekend!! Damn you HS!!
  9. To be honest/.... the only MP I ever really played that much was JO... and that was for 1 hour when I handed Vostok his ass with a rocket launcher. But Bsus idea is great..... we need to get ppl to play online once HL2 is out!!
  10. Who is that? Legolas in the future?
  11. You are no fun!! Oh well... there are other ways of watching ppl suffer.
  12. Yeah? Welcome to a fandom! <_<
  13. Then... its about time you met my rocket launcher!!
  14. i r t3h l337 sNlpz0r. Blah-de blah blah. Just you wait until we have the 1st annual Macross World Half-Life 2 Tournament, sonny boy. Oh!! I will have bsus head hanging off my wall!
  15. Latest MS business model: hijack promising PC titles to the Xbox, delay the PC release SEVERELY, release said promising titles exclusive to Xbox to promote Xbox sales. Negative externality: PC releases then appear dated and unoriginal. Just you watch, Half-Life 2 and Deus-Ex 2 are going to be such let-downs... But you missed 1 point..... hijack a PC game, have it released on the Xbox a few months earlier and completly unpolished. <_< The Xbox KOTOR sucked.... and Bioware better fix it bugs for the PC version.
  16. Tell me about it. I got Xbox Halo 6 months ago and it was already disapointing. The graphics weren't much to look at. The enemy design silly (except for the flood). The weapons weren't really that fun. The vehicles were an excruciating pain to drive. The AI isn't much better then what we have been seing for years now. The plot is annoying. The level design uninspired. The only reason why I even thought about beating the game is that the model physics are amazing! I'm telling you.... hitting an enemy as it leaps in mid air at you, with a shotgun and seeing it fly back from the impact is a sight to behold. Don't even get me started on the granades. Those are some realistic physics.
  17. I was wondering how Mystical Quest escaped the poll. I vote for unlimited. <_<
  18. One thing though... if it had been done right... this would have been a pretty neat cover.
  19. Bulls eye! No one is willing to watch over the system so one liners aren't rewarded.
  20. At least they're relatively clean. Ever wonder what the cast of LOTR must smell like? With all of these scenic lakes and streams in middle earth, you'd think they could find the time to take a bath. LOL!! It reminds me of that satire LOTR site.... were it had Sam always trying to give Frodo a bath.
  21. Thats why I say Jedis are lame. <_<
  22. 1-Money that needs to be saved instead. 2-Don't care enough 3-Don't like the valks available 4-Don't have enough space 5-Only like the VF1S 6-Could care less about the other valks 7-Better things to spend my money on.
  23. I don't think Wry trusts anyone's translation other than his own .....but that's just me. Funny... specially considering this is his translation.
  24. Its not that anyone here thinks its not cool.... its just that we think ppl aren't cool enough to deal with it. <_<
  25. Because it was just there. They started working on the Mac and PC version first. I bet they were pretty far along when MS gave priority to the Xbox version. heck... I even think they might have some PS2 version code somewhere there. And for that reason I seriously doubt MS will be releasing a PC version of Halo 2 anytime, if at all, soon.
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