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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. If you can ignore bad graphics...... I don't know what you are waiting for.
  2. funny. i got busted so many times in HS for playing games on my TI-83 My TI-86 kept me awake during trig class in HS. Damn! I was lucky even to have a calculator that could add... And Trig... did I even take that? Funny, I don't remember. I was more of a history, language, and poli-sci student than math or chemistry. me too. i sucked at math, but my damned HS made me take all those crappy Chemistry, Physics and Trig/ Analytic Geometry classes.... Meh... I took trig in my sophmore year. It was a damn annoying class. For some reason the teach felt the need to do everything in calculator. Coming from a country that almost outlawed the use of calculators in school.... everything was fairly new to me. Thanks god I could do everything on paper and in my head, without the need of a dumb calculator. Not only that... but the teacher didn't know how to program a TI 86, and most programs were uncompatible with the TI86... so I was pretty much screwed. <_<
  3. No kidding. Apparently they're already talking about T4 going ahead without him, and his abscence from Hollywood will hardly help King Conan get the green light anytime soon. T4? It ain't T without Arnold. T3 wasn't Terminator with Arnold... Thats just a technicality.
  4. I know his best movie!! Its that one where he has to get his son a super hero toy or something.... now that was a lame flick. <_
  5. Too bad Squall was a tight assed brick. <_<
  6. Bah!! You are no fun! I was expencting some deep insights on what sort of nerve response you got from Eyes on Me that you didn't get from Isn;t it Beautiful?... instead you just quote yourself?!?!
  7. I love the Spice Girls. You should check yourself into a mental institution. <_<
  8. and the coolest ending, and the coolest song (eyes on me)..... B) Funny... I always found Isn't it beautiful? to be the best FF theme song to date.
  9. Well... Quamzins attack wasn't exactly a war. It was a simple battle that ended with the death of the last "Crazy" Zentradi. The war enede effectively when Bodolza died. Want proof? If Quamzin was really that significant.... his death would have been part of the SW1 movie.
  10. funny. i got busted so many times in HS for playing games on my TI-83 My TI-86 kept me awake during trig class in HS.
  11. Err... when Bodolza died. As Britais siding with the SDF1 didn't really stop the war.
  12. No kidding. Apparently they're already talking about T4 going ahead without him, and his abscence from Hollywood will hardly help King Conan get the green light anytime soon. T4? It ain't T without Arnold. <_<
  13. lol.... the Major kept this thread politics clean, untill ppl started crapping on it. It was mostly about the guys career, if you look back you will see we were talking about nothing other then movies. <_< This seriously reminds me of something that happened a few months ago. And here I though MW was finally HS drama free. <_<
  14. Not exactly harder..... but more annoying. <_<
  15. Funny... I always found them to be as bad as Tidus and Yuna. I really tried to get into X, but never could. i was hooked on VIII right away. besides, theres really no accounting for taste. Sure. But then again... even a good story can't save a poorly executed game.
  16. Funny... I always found them to be as bad as Tidus and Yuna.
  17. So basically.... you felt that because the poll lacked your favorite FF is was seriously lacking? Did you even stop to think that perhaps the poll creator didn't want his thread to become another useless argument about FF7? Your poll is so much BS is not even funny... where the heck is Tactics? Tactics Advance? Crystal Chronicles? X-2? Are they off shoots? Sure... but they still carry the name Final Fantasy on them so they deserve to be there as much as the main ones. All choices? Your poll is as screwed up as the old one. <_<
  18. I don;t know.... number 3 has its appeal.... after all is the only Southern Cross related material that is actually entertaining.
  19. ROFLMAO!!! Protoculture bong? I smell a Yoshinol rip off. LOL!! They are about to hit Starscream!! That was hilarious!!
  20. And wasn't it like made out of paper? A few shoots was enough to destroy it?
  21. One thing I don't understand.... do fans really like the VF1R?
  22. This reminds me of a thread a saw on gamesfaq.com a few hours ago. It was about the game Otogi, but everyone attacked the kid for having something religious on his sig. If you don't like the sig.... just disable sigs on your control panel. As for this thread.... let the mods figure out whats appropriate and whats not, because so far, this has been only about Arnold and his movie career(sp). <_<
  23. Hmmm... actually, the character in question is the bridge bunny to be featured in the upcoming Macross PS2 game. If I'm not mistaken, the Harry Porter books are out already, so anything is possible.
  24. Yeah...and denial ain't just a river in Egypt. Who are we kidding here? We'll be lucky to see this thing on the shelves by 3rd quarter '04. That said, I think I'm going to check out Call of Duty. Has anybody checked out the trailers for this yet? It basically has DoD 1.0 graphics but uses an engine capable of much, much larger enviroments. Now you can actually have streetfighting in an actual city, not just one city block. Yeah.... well.... I would trust Valve more then I trust Vivendi when it comes to HL2. <_<
  25. Err... when exactly did we cast insults? Saying you lost respect for someone isn't the same as insulting him. <_<
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