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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. I really liked the first 10 episodes. I was surprised the Brazilian Cartoon Network manged to get them so fast. I do have a few complaints though.... Anakins voice isn't that great, and was it necessary for Obiwan to crack so many jokes? Specially after that "I came from Resident Evil" Bounty Hunter was killed him. "Captain.... looks like I made a mess" + really dumb looking smirk. Was that really necessary?
  2. You managed to nail the exact reason why I dislike online games.
  3. I have honestly hit every single bug in that game. From losing lvs out of nowhere..... to losing equipment out of nowhere. From getting lag when trying to open the menu to freezing up after saving a game. Don't even get me started on the shitty FMV quality... this is a DVD for crying out loud. And would it hurt to have some good looking in game character faces to chose from? <_< But I know what you are saying.... I have yet to run a game without a problem.... and I have a new PC. <_< But lets not turn this thread into a KOTOR thread.
  4. Yep.... March 2004. As for this new game... it looks pretty good so far. I just hope they come up with some fresh new battles. I know the fans love Hoth and Endor.... but gee.... with such source material... lets hope they don't pull another Rogue Squadron 2.5. <_<
  5. I wholeheartedly agree with that. Today, I learned that the PC version of Secret Weapons Over Normandy has no multiplayer! None! Not even the "versus" mode, carried over from the PS2! That moved it down a notch to the "rent it for PS" category. <_< And honestly.... if you are going to make a multi-platform game... at least have the decency of working on the PC version separetly. KOTOR is a good example of a game that was rushed for Xbox... and didn't turn out quite well on the PC either. <_< It was hardly rushed in my opinion. Its one of the best RPGs, hell games I've played in a very long time. When it comes to KOTOR, from the very beginning it was announced that it would be released on the Xbox and the PC. They said they were working on both versions as the same time since the setup was similar. The PC version was actually delayed a few months. Word was so it wouldn't interfere with SWG sales or Jedi Academy sales. One or both of them. Then there was Microsoft asking/paying to get it first. All of that seemed likely. If I'm recalling correctly both versions were going to be released at the same time before that. Have you played the Xbox version? You can't tell me the bugs weren't annoying. I'm sorry... but I find it ridiculous that a console game can have such obvious problems. As for the PC version..... I know alot of ppl who have the worst time getting the game to run properly... and they all have good computers. And the interface was pretty clunky in my opinion. It wasn't untill the Xbox version was announced that they came up with the whole exclusivity deal. The Xbox version was rushed and released first.... while the PC version was released 3 months later. KOTOR has been announced as far as before BG2 was released. Like any other game... it was delayed. It was also delayed around the time the Xbox version was announced to have a 3 month exclusivity. Jedi Academy has nothing to do with it... as it wasn't even announced when MS announced the exclusivity. As for SWG... they are 2 different types of games..... it would hardly interfere with one another. And besides.... SWG sucks on its own.... regardless of release dates.... it still got shitty sales. I never said I didn't like KOTOR. I enjoyed the 3 times I beat the Xbox version. I'm simply criticizing the blantant lack of testing it recieved before being released.... something that many games now a days seem to be plagued with. And honestly... I might be the only one who thinks this way.... but its ridiculous for a console game to be released with so many bugs. I can compile a list anyways if you want.... it will take a few hours though.
  6. I wholeheartedly agree with that. Today, I learned that the PC version of Secret Weapons Over Normandy has no multiplayer! None! Not even the "versus" mode, carried over from the PS2! That moved it down a notch to the "rent it for PS" category. And honestly.... if you are going to make a multi-platform game... at least have the decency of working on the PC version separetly. KOTOR is a good example of a game that was rushed for Xbox... and didn't turn out quite well on the PC either. <_<
  7. Sure.... but the AoE engine was pretty outdated back then. There were cheaper, more up-to-date engines. I was refering to Battlegrounds... not the new game. Never played BF1942.... can't comment on that. Though... I'm simply stating that it sounds just like what they did with Battlegrounds and Age of Empires. Considering all games released on PS2, are usually ported afterwards to other consoles, and that those screens were from the PS2 version. Untill I see that they are concentrating on a PC version as well as PS2 and Xbox.... I will keep saying "PS2 ports are a bad bad idea".
  8. You know what? This smells like what Lucas did with Age of Empires.... swamped the AoE sprites for SW sprites.... and added a few really uninspired levels. Lets hope this will be more then a project that 5 college students can put together..... but better. And honestly..... making the game based on a PS2 version is a really really bad idea. <_<
  9. I don't know.... I keep hoping that Bandai will release a decent version of SD Gundam on a new generation console (Neo sucked), as they are far better games then those 3D action games will ever be. I guess I will have to settle for SD Gundam G Generation Advance and a Game Boy Player.
  10. I wonder how they are going to show GitS. Even on Adult Swim... theres some heavy stuff in it. Maybe they will edit none the less.
  11. Its cel animated alright.... its probably because that scene would be way too hard to animate in CG and still get it to look good.
  12. Supposedly... its due out along with F91 and Seed summer 2004. Its what Bandai is calling the "Revival of Gundam". Sounds more like "Gundams last stand" to me.
  13. I guess ppl haven't realized that the more you ban/prohibit/what not the more appealing you make that thing.
  14. Wow , you actually sound like you´re pissed off about M0 , now that´s something to admire. Not that I want to defend M0 all over again but it´s certainly a good series , if not better than anything out there. Of course it has its dissapointments (such as music , slow character develoment , continuity gaps ...) but even then it makes one hell of a good Macross series , up there with Plus and DYRL. Even if I wanted to hate M0 as much as you , it would be impossible or hughly unlike for me to find any good or relevant reason to hate it. It would have to be the crappiest sh*t in the Macross universe for me to hate it. MII was a huge dissapointment for me yet still I haven´t reach that point where I could say I hate it , but I certainly dislike it for personal reasons Strong words indeed lol..... I just seem to find reasons to hate things way too easily for comfort. I guess I hate it because I was expecting more.... and that I seriously hate prequels to already established continuities. That.... and the fact that I have to wait 6 months to see if the story develops into something watchable or if Kawamori flushed his toilet with Zero in it. <_< I guess I would've liked the series better if I had seen each episode 1 after the other... instead of watching a new episode every decade. But lets move on.... I don't want to sound like a certain someone who can't seem to get over his hatred for Macross 7 (though... I did a few months ago ).
  15. Oooook...so you´re seriously telling me that M0 animation is crummy ? You gotta be kidding me , that has to be the most ridiculous statement I´ve EVER seen on this boards and that´s something <_< Wow , I still can´t believe this guy actually thinks the animation is crummy This is certainly unbelieveable Ok You may say the Music is crap , the characters are lame , you could critisize just about everything but the animation I may hate Macross Zero from the bottom of my heart.... but I know the animation is good. With that out of the way.... I said crummy in reference to the amount not the quality. Regardless of it getting more episodes then Macross Plus... I simply cannot stand waiting 6 months for simply 30 minutes of animation.... no matter how breath taking the animation is. So don't get your panties in a bunch. <_< Gundam was created by Yasuhiro Imagawa, the creator of Giant Robo to celebrate 15 years of Gundam. Tomino had nothing to do with G Gundam. <_<
  16. I still find it surprising so many parents have allowed their kids to sleep in that freak of natures house.
  17. Don't let it be an OVA..... please. I'm tired of waiting 6 months for nothing more then crummy 30 minutes of animation.
  18. I don't even know why I bother with this thread.... but anyways.... Its cool and all to point out how major movie studios pull the same prank on fans as HG is doing now, but.... can anyone tell me the last time a major Hollywood studio said they weren't going to release something, and then end up releasing it anyways a few years later? I don't remember hearing Fox say anything about not releasing a super duper Alien box set a few years after the first one was released. The same thing holds true to just about every movie mentioned.... except for SW... and thats blantant milking the fans money. <_< HG came out and said they they were not going to release a remastered edition of Robotech, because it was too much of a hassle to re-edit the masters, as they had lost the records that pointed at which time each of the original edits were done. But fine... most ppl can swallow that, right? Wrong. The fact is.... HG is forcing fans to get the new sets, why? Because the original sets were quite possibily the shittiest most shameless DVD releases to date. While Hollywood might pull surprise second editions of their movies.... at least they don't make an ass of an attempt to release them at first, claim they won't improve the movie anymore and improve them anyways a few years later. Can anyone of you see the difference, or am I just too drowsy and speaking nonsense? <_< And honestly.... if I was a Robotech fan... I would tell HG to shove the new sets where the sun doesn't shiny.... and give us some info on their new show. But honestly.... I rather sit here and watch as RT2k4 gets drowed in the wave of good animes to come out in 2004. P.S. Its really funny how HG compares themselves to big Hollywood studios.... talk about being pretensious. P.S.2 Before anyone says anything about blinding bashing..... just remember, blinding bashing goes hand in hand with blind defending. <_<
  19. Just about every eps after eps25. The Planet Lux story arc is unusually good for Macross 7. And as someone else mentioned.... the last 10 episodes have alot of action.... and singing.
  20. I hope anyone minds.... but since its been 4 days since anyone touched this thread, and its a pitty to let such collection of useless anime knowledge die.... I will ask a trivia! In Heavenly Warrior Shurato.... why did Shurato and Gai become successors of the god Brahma?
  21. Yes... forget about Gundam. Why? Because you will never find a person who will give you an unbiased opinion about it, specially since 90% of ppl here seem to dispise it. <_< If you can rent.... rent as many as you can without listening to anyone. Ppl bash Wing, but you might miss out on something that you might enjoy if you listen to them. If you can't rent.... buy the first DVD of the series that are available and see if you like anything you see. If you don't.... its not really a big loss. But if you do like.... expect to be spending alot of money on it. Have an adventure spirit.... walk into this unknown region without a map.
  22. Apparently... someone else has picked the game up and renamed it Nexus. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/nexus/...ws_6084072.html
  23. There was this old movie... I don't remember the name. it was about an Astronaut that started to melt or something. He went on a killing rampage till he finally melt. It was a very odd movie.... in a terrible sort of way. I'm only glad it only lasted 65 minutes. <_< In Brazil... it was called The incredible melting man.
  24. Ring of Red was done by the original Front Mission design team. I wonder if Square brought them back for this next one? RoR looked cool, but I heard it had long load times and sloooooow battles. Like, FM2 slow. The problem with RoR weren't the loading times or more strategic, although very slow, battles.... it was the challenge... the last few levels were insane. As for FF4... like many of the first generation PS2 games it looks too much like Front Mission 3 in high res. All those Wanzers featured in themagic-box preview have already been seen in FM2 and FM2. <_< But anyway... mecha action always good... but I'm kind of curious about the so called Front Mission Online game, and I wonder if its going to have a more RPG format or if its going to be one of those really boring MMORTS games.
  25. Ppl whine and whine about the world pass and the random server placement.... when its quite possibly the best idea anyone had and quite easy to hook up with your buddies. A world pass is not necessary, each time you create a character, it will be placed on a random server. Your copy doesn't have an assigned server (unlike PSO). All you have to do is create and recreate a character untill you land on the server you want. The World pass depends on the population of the server its parice can range from 100 gil to 10000gil. That makes alot of sense.... you say you don't want one of the most original FF games.... but instead you wait for a game thats has whores as main characters, and enough fan service to make a dead man kill a kitten(Yes... I'm refering to Rikku and Yuna), a Tomb Raider like game play, mission based game, and a soundtrack that sucked... and now sucks even more because Square decided to dub the songs. "We"? Speak for yourself... 90% of the ppl who picked this game up have absolutly loved it. I don't really see where you are coming from Why was it a 75% drop from FFX? Because most players don't have the resources to put their PS2 online.... if only they had released the PC version along side the PS2 version.
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