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Everything posted by Abombz!!
Those ppl should be taken out back and shot. <_
I hope this is not the beginning of a new saga. The Robotech Trolls Saga is done.... now we have the Fansub Trolls Saga?
Which brings me back to my (much) earlier comment on how there won't be any revolutionary games until we get some new & improved game engines. Cranking out game after game based on the Quake or Warcraft engines is not the road to new and exciting gameplay. For something really, truly new we need something much more capable than any of the current engines allow. That's a large part of why I'm so excited about Half Life 2, and it's Source engine. Half Life 2 on it's own will likely be an awesome single player experience, but I'm equally excited about the possibilities the the Source engine will open up for mods. And if it is a disappointment, then you're all welcome to come over to my place for "Pong Night." Just bring your own paddles. By the way.... Sega is making an Astro Boy game based on the Source engine!
Bah. You know you'll give in to the siren call that is Half Life 2. [smith] It is...inevitable.[/smith] Considering how Deus Ex: Invisible War turned out..... I'm not that excited about upcoming high profile games anymore.... as a matter of fact.... I'm almost scared!
I agree but I find as I grow older (I'm soon to be 34 next month) I like gaming less and less and have taken to my other hobbies more and more. Perhaps it is because I grew up with games... from the dawn of Defender and Pac Man to the first home consoles to the birth of computer gaming to the next gen consoles and back again... I've seen it all, played it all and have (much like a junkie) developed such a super high level of tollerance for the gaming drug that it takes a huge ground-breaking, genre busting title to make me even wake up from my corner and take notice. I have all the time in the world to play games as I can make time... I just have little interest any more. I thought I did and I upgraded my home computer into space to prepare for the new titles that are coming out but the more they get pushed back and the longer I languish in the doldrums the less I want to play video games. Jo jo dancer, your life is calling. I don't really think it has much to do with age. Games now a day lack something.... something seriously important.... originality. You can't expect a person, regardless of age, to be excited about sequels anymore. And if at some point you were an avid game player... its even worst. Now a days games are all about deja vu.... the slightly annoying, and awkward feeling that you get from playing a game that feels exactly like the game you played a few months back.
It was fun when the game was but a mod. When they decided to release it to retail... the kids literally invaded that game. I swear... many times playing that game I thought I was stuck in a Kevin Smith/View Askew movie.... or it was just a bad South Park episode. <_<
Which classes do you guys plan on going through? I plan on reaching lv30 on War, Thf, Ninja, Samurai and Dragoon. I plan on ending as a Dragoon/Samurai.
The main problem with online FPSs is not the cheating or boredom.... its having to put up with sad pathetic teenagers, who, when shot, do nothing but trash talk. Seriously.... the limited exposure I had to Counter Strike kept me from shooting ppl for a long time simply because I didn't want to have to put up with sore losers.
You should try to get to lv30 before considering a class change. By all means.... don't wait for me. If everything goes well.... I plan on making up for lost time in the weekend following the 17th.
I agree with you there.... I get whole lot more enjoyment out of single player FPSs. Specially ones that have cool physics going on. Halo sucked.... but at least it was fun shooting at the Flood with the shotgun.
True.... but in this case the mechanics really got in the way. And as far as character development goes.... FFVIII was pretty thin. Only Squall and Rinoa really got any development what-so-ever. Quistis got some up untill Rinoa showed up. Zell, Selphie and Irvine got really really low development. And seriously.... theres something really wrong with a game that choses what characters you can use in the final battle.... specially since a new one may or may not jump in if one of them fall..... really really annying. <_< Don't even get me started on the random nature of Squals limit break.... if I went through the trouble to get Lion Heart.... why would I want to use anything under it? Its like having Omnislash but use Cross Slash instead.
Thats a pretty narrow minded, stereotypical view of RPGs.
Nonsense!!! Squall and Rinoa forever!!! FF VIII is the greatest FF EVER!!! I am an Unapologetic FF VIII fan!! I am not saying its a bad game. When it comes to FF.... every single game has flaws that balance the series off. Theres no best FF game... if you were to analyse them.... they would all turn out to be even.
I'm getting a new card 2 weeks from now (the 17th)..... I sooooo going to hit this game with a vengence and make up for lost time.
I would like to see your reaction if you lost your entire equipment everytime you tried to fight Malak. <_<
Worst Mario ever... avoid it like Dracula avoids a cross. Want suggestions? -Yoshis Island (best Mario game, hands down) Uh, yeah... other way around. I grew up playing the 8-bit Marios (and eventually, the 16-bit one). Super Mario Bros came with my NES. I didn't care much for SMB 2, but I loved SMB 3. I used to watch the SMB 3 cartoon on Saturday mornings, then run into my room to play the game. Super Mario World was great too... and then game Yoshi's Island. Boy, was that game dissapointing. It's like they recycled the worlds from World (kudos for the crayon art style, though. Worked good for Kirby, too), but they replaced all the characters with lamer ones. While we're at it, I hated Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, too. I mean, despite having Mario characters, they were nothing like the classic Mario games. Since they finally got through all the old Mario games, I kinda hope they come out with a new 2D Mario on GBA. Which reminds me, Capcom is making a new 2D Zelda for GBA. I grew up palying NES Super Mario games.... but unlike most of you... I actually played the original Super mario 2 along with the game that gave birth to Super Mario USA. As far as Super Mario 3 goes.... I always felt like hurting ppl who would always suggest playing that game. Seriously.... what was the point of all those different suits... really. And the short lvs, and the last 2 annoying worlds. The only good it did was open the doors for Super Mario World. I rank it as low as Super Mario 64. Now Yoshis Island.... that was a fun game. It was original, something mario games were lacking, had great graphics, and Yoshi was fun to play with. And it was anything but a rehash of World. As far as Sunshine goes.... I kind of liked it... though I have mixed feelings about it. Seiken Densetsu 3 was slow paced? Are you sure you played it long enough? I can assure you... once you do the class lv up quests, the game is anything but slow paced. Then you owe it to yourself to get the original, and non sucky, FFT.
Come on! You can't tell me FF8,9 and 10 were worse then The Bouncer and Driving Emotion Type S!
FFTA is no where near the original in quality. What Square did was strip FFT of any plot, remove job points, add FFIX system of spell/ability learning, made earning money a bitch, turned the game into an annoying mission based RPG, killed the soundtrack, and added the ever so annoying and oh so unnecessary judge system. Seriously... I played the game for 20 hours straight. Hate the characters, couldn't earn any money, had yet to see any sign of a story, and felt like ripping my ears off. The soundtrack is so bad it makes Harmony of Dissonace sound good. Its defenetly not more of the same. Its basically scraps released on the strength of the FF franchise, and the hardcore fanbase of FFTA. And don't even get me started on the equipment system. I like RPGs... but the last thing I want is to browse through a long list of items for 30 minutes and still not be able to buy the right stuff. And by strategy games.... you mean strategy RPGs? Its certainly not better then Tactics Ogre, or Fire Emblem, or Advance Wars, or Disgaea. I liked the judge thing. It forces you to think out your battles a little more. Afterall the word "tactics" is in the title. Sure... .but how much thinking did it really require?
FFTA is no where near the original in quality. What Square did was strip FFT of any plot, remove job points, add FFIX system of spell/ability learning, made earning money a bitch, turned the game into an annoying mission based RPG, killed the soundtrack, and added the ever so annoying and oh so unnecessary judge system. Seriously... I played the game for 20 hours straight. Hate the characters, couldn't earn any money, had yet to see any sign of a story, and felt like ripping my ears off. The soundtrack is so bad it makes Harmony of Dissonace sound good. Its defenetly not more of the same. Its basically scraps released on the strength of the FF franchise, and the hardcore fanbase of FFTA. And don't even get me started on the equipment system. I like RPGs... but the last thing I want is to browse through a long list of items for 30 minutes and still not be able to buy the right stuff. And no... I did not want more of the same.... I wanted an enjoyable game.... which FFTA clearly is not. And by strategy games.... you mean strategy RPGs? Its certainly not better then Tactics Ogre, or Fire Emblem, or Advance Wars, or Disgaea.
And I dare to agree with you. Squares worst offering since The Bouncer. <_< Great game... heck.... it even comes with a built in strategy guide.... and they even call it a plot device. This is one of the best games to grace this generation.... really. Talk about sleeper hit. A must have for any GBA owner. Harmony of Dissonance.... I never imagined I would want to rip out my ears playing a Castlevania game. Aria of Sorrow.... I think Konami is more worried about coming up with hard to remember/pronounce names then coming up with good original games. Sprites ripped off from SotN.... story set in the future.... but where are my robot Vampires?!?!? Couldn't agree more. One of my favorite SNES game... now portable. Please... state a reason. I loved all Secret of Mana games (including Secret of Evermore), and Sword of Mana is perfectly fine, and its a damn fine remake of the original Secret of Mana. Worst Mario ever... avoid it like Dracula avoids a cross. Want suggestions? -Fire Emblem -Advance Wars 2 -Super Puzzle Fighters -Breath of Fire -Metal Gear Solid (its a Game Boy Color game that works fine on a GBA and is a great game) -Tactics Ogre (this is how FFTA should've turned out) -Yoshis Island (best Mario game, hands down) -Legend of Zelda: A link to the past (look into the previous GB Zelda games if you like this one) -Megaman Zero (only if you are a fan of Mega Man) -Pokemon Ruby and Saphire (look beyond Pokemon.... great RPGs) -F-Zero -The 3 Castlevania games (only if you are a fan) -Mega Man EXE Battle Network (only if you are a fan of Mega Man) -Lunar Legends (very nice RPG) -Wario Ware -Mario & Luigi -Double Dragon Advance (remake of the old Arcade game... fun) -Street Fighter Alpha 3 -King of Fighters EXE
Here I thought the high school level drama was gone. . . . . . . . . . silly me. <_< Its not like this was the first thread ever called official and done by someone other then the bosses. Why are ppl complaining about this one?
Phantasy Star Online had the same system... but without the world passes I think. I remember the first time you played the game and created a character it would assign you directly into a server. Though.... PSO was far from being massive. The world pass system has its obvious draw backs.... but it also keeps lags to a minumum.... which is awsome. i could stand SWG and its extreme lag when walking around cities. <_<
We should all play in one server... it would be better that way. Though.... timezone is a real pain for me. <_< Seriously.... though Lament of Innocence has kept me afloat for the past few days.... I wonder how I managed to survive for so long with the sweet sweet sound of its theme song.
Ah come on! If you were all by yourself you should've accepted that world pass. I'm a lv13 War, lv6 Thf. I usually only play on weekends.... and now.... i can't play at all.
The patching process did not take nearly as long as some ppl claimed. Sure.... installing the game takes a while, but it took me 25 minutes tops to patch the game, and I have bad internet. As far as the game goes.... its good alright. Once you learn that walking around with the "form party" option turned on is actually a good idea.... things progress much more smoothly. I can get you a WP..... and a few other ppl can too, though, Yosho managed to land on my server on his own.... after only a few tries. So its not terribly hard to get to the server you want. As for me... I'm down for the count. I have no video card, and probably won't have any for another 2 weeks, probably more.