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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Considering i played every other non-SD Gundam game for about 3 days before getting sick and tired of them..... Encounters in Space sounds just fine.
  2. I would figure as soon as they finished the PC version. Having to pay for live content is a really bad deal IMO. <_< And I just love how they post the minumum specs. Those specs will make the game run... but doesn't necessarely means the game will be playable.
  3. Whats the deal? Were the mods never able to ban anyone? I remember someone banned that loser called "Robotech Purist" a few weeks ago. Did you suddenly lose your powers?
  4. Getting to chose sides would be nice, along with different races, and good looking characters. Don't know about sequel... but Bioware is making a martial arts game based on KoToR that will most likely rule.
  5. True. But I found Flurry to be easier to dodge/parry then power attack.
  6. I would think it was still 0-G though.
  7. Only the Strike and Aegis... which are secret MSs. No Nu unfortunately.
  8. Ever played ZOE? its like that.
  9. They are going to be fixed on the soon to be released patch. Keen! Any idea when this patch is coming out? Gamespot says its coming out on tuesday.
  10. The thing about Power Attack... is that it damages the enemy no matter what. If you have double light sabers you do twice the damage.... even if the enemy parries. With Flurry.... all that I could do is get killed because the counter attack would do alot of damage to me.... considering the insane defense penalties that attack causes. As for Malak.... all I did was use the save game bug. Every time I would save a game, I would just hold the analog stick to the oposite direction of where Malak was. When I unpaused, my character would get this crazy speed bonus, and I would be well out of range from Malak. I kept using saber throw while he was playing catch up. Took me 2 minutes to beat him. The thing about bugs.... its almost as if they depended on the Xbox mood. Really, there would be times when everything would work perfectly, and times when everything wouldn't work at all. And my Xbox is fairly new, and no other games have trouble running. Well.... see.... when you are in a place where the average daily temp is 125 degrees.... with AC, you are so hot that not even bugs that cause you to lose everything for the past 5 hours will bother you. And besides.... this was the only new game I had over summer vacation, so I couldn't really complain.
  11. They are going to be fixed on the soon to be released patch.
  12. Sounds perfectly fine.... except for the video card. Don't know how a GF3 would handle this bad boy.
  13. I liked the game too... problems aside. I beat it 3 times... all light side, don't really see the point in playing dark side, though... the control mind skill was insanely useful. I found some of the attack skills to be largely useless. Power Attack was the only skill that really did anything other then just cause the fight to look pretty. I wish they had added some more open endedness to the game. Doesn't matter if you play the dark side... you still part of the Jedi Order? WTF? I wish we could actually join the sith. The story was nice, and so were the characters. The music was very nice too, but it was over played. The graphics on the Xbox version were.... appropriate, though I found Mannah to be really "jaggy". I also hated Carth.... I swear... if he had hit on my character I would've gutted him on the spot. The crazy robot was the best... and Mission was nice too. The Jedis in the game were so-so. Bastilla was a tight assed bitch in my opinion. Juhani was.... uninteresting to say the least. The old guy was annoying too. Didn't really play much with Ordos or Zalbag(sp) to have an opinion about them. The little robot.... meh.... it was just there. I also found the FMV to be surprisingly low quality, and the game to be awfully dark. Now... I know I can reset the brightness, but when you do, the whites look so damn bright. I lost my entire equipment in the Mannah underwater level if I had an all jedi party (just before I chose to either kill or not the giant Shark), and that happened in all 3 games. My main character lost her equipment in the first 2 games just before fighting Malak. Even reloading wouldn't solve.... I had to relaod a previously saved game to solve the problem.... and it was a 3 hours prior saved game. FMVs didn't play properly most of the time, and I had problem with in game voices too. Sometimes the game would freeze when I opened the menu or saved a game.... 75% of the time it would unfreeze.... while the other 25% I had to reboot the Xbox. My only non bug related gripe though.... was it really necessary to have all character faces so ugly? Bugs aside..... 2 thumbs up. For SW fans? 2 thumbs... plus big toes up! Not at all... if anything... I had an easier time getting money as a light side player.
  14. "Welcome to Season #2 of Macrossworld drama" Less powerful Mods and far more trolls.... in many different topics.
  15. Someone been watching Emeril? As for that guy.....we need to recharge our rings first. Rings? Whats this? A bad Captain Planet episode?
  16. True, true. Wow... He really lost his way by the Bond movies then. Vostok 7 He didn't lose his way... he just became a normal human being. <_<
  17. Please... someone.... just ban that stupid a-hole!
  18. Yeah, and denial ain't just a river in Egypt. Well... sorry I;m not drunk enough to see that! <_<
  19. It's the eyebrows of the guy in the middle with white trunks. Makes me think of Connery. But, there's not enough body hair and no ponch... so it can't be. Vostok 7 That ain't Sean Connery you fools! Thats hmmm...... errr.......... . . . . William Shatner!
  20. Pass the bong please... and point me at who in that picture is Sean Connery.
  21. Oh... so there is such thing as mod kryptonite.
  22. Wrong! Its Harrison Ford!
  23. Come on.. The picture was taken in the 1950s. Ronnie Reagan?? You are getting closer in age. but no. Clue: he has been knighted Oh gee... thats real easy. Like half the world hasn't been knighted yet. <_< . . . . . . . . Alec Guiness?
  24. You are not the only one. I read the books 3 times each in the past 2 years.... and I still like the movies better. And the actors are really a perfect match for the characters. Though.... I think the book Fellowship of the Ring was better then the movie.
  25. Brandon Frazier?
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