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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Why don't you make them use the sig "Steroids are good!!" too? <_<
  2. I think they released a movie DVD of it or something.... look for a bootleg. FFX had it.
  3. Want to know what could make TPM even better? The moment you see Nubian ship get past the Trade Federation cruiser..... skip to the moment it arrives in Cruscant and pretend the boy was there all along.... skipping the whole Tatooine part of the movie makes it seem so much better.
  4. I would just like to add this: Games I would never buy again if given me the chance, or that I wouldn't play even if someone paid me to: Xenosaga, Unlimited Saga and FFX-2 And ppl.... you don;t know bad untill you play Unlimited SAGA.... that game is the definition of bad, and I love the SAGA series!
  5. I agree completly.... I'm just saying that Sammy seems to be dumping all Segas resources into a branch that doesn't need them. Unlike the console branch.... Segas arcade branch has always been able to pull out quality Arcade games. Sure.... cutting down would be great to help filter the crap that gets released once in a while (Gunvalkyrie and Sonice Adventure DX come to mind).... but gee.... it sounds like we are going to get 1 release a year or something. <_<
  6. But think about it. If you have a company that makes arcade games only, and Sega does them all the time with ease, if you take Sega and tell them to concentrate on Arcade... wouldn't they be competing against themselves? How many more Arcade games do you ppl expect Sega to pull? Its like relocating sources to a branch that does not need the extra "man power". <_<
  7. Did you even bother to read the original article? The only reason Sammy is going that route is because Sega's making more money on their arcade side of business than home console title development. Given the limited development resources, I don't blame them for wanting to maximize profit by shifting more people and budget from console development to the arcade side. Yeah... but the sales numbers I saw on the gamespot article were based on console sales before Sega had actually gained a strong foothold on the software market (1 year after killing the DC). And I simply said what I did because Sega already makes a ton of money on arcades... regardless of console development. And so does Sammy with Pachinko machines. It seems to me that Sammy is greedingly trying to take the pot of honey all for themselves.... and screw the rest. And thats just stupid... IMO. If you make so much money already... why would you cut the console game development branch? Seriously.... so Sega had loses in the past... but they are out of the red already... gee. All I'm saying is... theres no need to cut down in console game development.
  8. I don't know how much dropping off the hardware market hurt Sega.... but they make alot of things besides video games.
  9. I couldn't agree more. In my opinion the SFX held the movie together better then the story and the acting. <_<
  10. They are not lesbians.... they just pretend to be so ppl will by their CDs and watch their video clips. Now that would be awsome! Put Fear of the Dark as opening theme and I'm sold!
  11. If its better defense than what I've got right now I"ll wear it until the next holiday. I wonder for how long you can keep them. I also heard of extremely expensive Xas furniture. God..... I'm missing out on so much!!
  12. Of course you did! You are one heck of a shameless Ken lover! And I would like Guilty Gear XX.... if there was ever a perfect 2D fighter... its GGXX.
  13. They also said something about Xmas clothes or something. I just hope its better then what Sega did for PSO a few years ago.... it was so bland it was almost sad.
  14. Square is making a special Xmas themed day for FFXI..... on December 16th... too bad my vid card won't be around by then.
  15. So? Its like killing the main character..... it has been done before... I don't see why it can't be done now.
  16. I'm not sure about this one... why give the new fighter to the annoying bastard... when you can just give it to Focker and watch him end the war?
  17. Based on what? If bad acting was always the directors fault... there would be no such thing as bad actors.
  18. You can say the same thing about all the other SW movies.
  19. I can rule out 2 of those movies.... and you ruled out another 1.... still one movie. And besides..... other then Anywhere But Here (I have seen girls puke while watching that flick), she has yet to do a good job in a whole as big as Padme/Amidala.
  20. Fixed. Whats the matter with you?!?!?! Not in StarWars she can't but that's the directors fault. She's not too bad in her other flicks. Its easy to blame the director.... she could at least try to better the mood of her character.... if she wasn't such as 2 dimensional actress. And what film exactly? Don't give me the Professional or whatever the movie was called.... 1 movie does not make an actor good. <_< You could say Hayden Christensen(sp) was a good actor after having watched Live as a House.... but that doesn't mean it was the directors fault he was such a little prick in Eps 2.
  21. Best PS2 game this year? I don't think there was a title that really stood out. I would say Castlevania (oh sweet sweet Lament of Innocense song!), Breath of Fire V, Guilty Gear XX, Prince of Persia, 2nd Super Robot Wars Alpha and Disgaea. As for bad games.... I can say I was very disapointed at Devil May Cry 2. Seriously... how the heck were they able to screw up that game so bad? As for the best PS2 game available.... Ace Combat 04 hands down.
  22. Pachinko is one of the only legal forms of gambling in Japan.... its huge indeed.
  23. Giving it a second though.... as long as they only sing "Everything she says" its going to be alright. Every other song from them is 2 minutes of someone scratching a black board. <_
  24. Fixed. Whats the matter with you?!?!?!
  25. No! Bard is a terrible class. <_<
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