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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. This sounds like a pretty sweet deal. I just hope they really mean worldwide. I would suck to not be able to access it from other countries outside the US and Japan. <_
  2. Other then having a bunch of non RT units in the game (mainly the VF4 and the Stampede).... I don't see why you would be flamed. One question.... is this a continuation of an old Freespace mod that was around a few years ago? I remember playing 2 early levels for it. It had no sound, but most of the units had already been changed (except for the SDF1), and they had added anime like com pictures. It disapeared after a while. Is this it? Congratulations... thats one heck of a mixed starship salad.
  3. So they come built already? PG kits are Perfect Grade models. You got to build them yourself and they have great detail. Oh well... they still look great.
  4. Sure. I'm just glad they were nice enough to leave his face out of the picture. <_<
  5. Really Really nice! Are those the ones that light up? How do they compare to PG kits?
  6. Really? I thought it was just reported right now..... what with the game killing GT4 Prologue in Japan. Oh well... I guess I'm past my prime.
  7. Bottom line... this game killed, sales wise, and Bandai felt it was US worthy. No release date set yet.... but its coming. source: http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/mobiles...ws_6085511.html
  8. Woah! I missed that! Link me! That is unheard of... Even for extreem levels of synthetic hormone use. Naw, the guy I was talking about would bulk up from 165 to 220 in about a month or so. His initail package he takes (allways bragging about it) is about $5,000 and labeled as animal steroids to avoid problems. Im seriously surprised he doesnt get lockjaw Yeah, but he isn't a beginer, and 4 days and 1 month are quite different. Still, incredible gains can be made from steroids. Here is one of the guys who I know: Kris Dim I don't know whats worse... the fact that he looks like he has inflatable pillows under his skin, the ugly veins popping out or that damn red thong. <_<
  9. You are saying that even with that... it was a bigger disapointment then Devil May Cry 2? Devil May Cry 2 was your run of the mill sequel. The team promised more of the same, and in a way, they made true on that claim. Castlevania was IMO more hyped to be the true rejuvenation of a classic series. They (Konami) promised that the series would go to a new direction while staying true to Castlevania. They didn't fufill that promise. It played more like Rygar than DMC. Hence the biggest dissapointment of the year to me. I see. I never really expected anyone to have their hopes up for this game after the fiasco that was Castlevania 64 and its "add on". I didn't and I came out surprised, really. To me it felt much more like DMC because Rygar didn't have the whole "walk around a map killing everything in each room", it had a much more progressive feel then Castlevania and DMC had... hence the comparison. As for DMC, sure the team promised more of the same, but they provided more of the same in a downgraded notion.
  10. They never said they were lesbians.... ppl assumed they were because they kiss many times in different video clips and shows. <_<
  11. This movie better rock! Because that synopsis really got me excited. 2005 cannot come soon enough! On a side note.... its sounds like Eps 3 much like Eps 6 is held together by SFX while Lucas used spit and gum to hold the characters and plot together. <_<
  12. You are saying that even with that... it was a bigger disapointment then Devil May Cry 2?
  13. Dynasty Warrios is alot of fun. I can't wait for Samurai Warriors.... the Japanese based Dynasty Warriors game.
  14. Vasteel? Is that the name for the japanese version of Thunder Force?
  15. It makes some sense now. SO its basically like the book. I just hope they skip that part with Saruman and the hobbits in the end. That totally ruined the book for me. <_<
  16. WTF? How does that make any sense?
  17. For me: Shooters: -Thunder Force V (Techmo soft for PS) -Einhander (Square for PS) -Parodius (Konami for SNES ) -Area 88 (Capcom for SNES) -All Contras except the ones for PS -Ikaruga (Treasure for GC and DC) -Panzer Dragoon Orta (Sega for Xbox) -Giants: Citizen Kabuto (Interplay for PC) -Half Life (Valve for PC) Platform: -Yoshis Island (Nintendo for SNES and GBA) -All Castlevanias except Castlevania 64 -Sonic Adventure (Sega for DC) -Megaman 2 (Capcom for NES) Fighters: -Guilty Gear XX (Sammy for PS2) -Marvel Vs Capcom (Capcom for DC) -Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Capcom for PS) -Garou Mark of the Wolvers (SNK for DC) -Last Blade 1 and 2 (SNK for PS and DC) Adventure: -All Zeldas -Prince of Persia (don't know who makes them) -Otogi Myth of Demons (From Software for Xbox) -Terranigma (Enix for SNES) -Secret of Evermore (Square for SNES) -Secret of Mana 3 (Square for SNES) -Demons Crest (Capcom for SNES) Survival Horrors/RPG: -Silent Hill and Silent Hill 3 (Konami for PS and PS2) -Resident Evil Rebirth, 0, 2 and 3 (Capcom for GC) -Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter (Capcom for PS2) -Onimusha (Capcom for PS2) RPGs: -Star Ocean 2 (Enix for PS) -Final Fantasy XI (Square for PC) -Chrono Trigger (Square for SNES) -Dragon Quest VII (Enix for PS) -Fallout 1 and 2 (Black Isles for PC) -Super Mario RPG (Nintendo/Squre for SNES) -Grandia (Game Arts for SS) -Phantasy Star 4 (Sega for MD) Strategy: -Homeworld 1 and 2 (Sierra for PC) -Super Robot Wars Alpha (Banpresto for PS) -2nd Super Robot Wars Alpha (Banpresto for PS2) -C&C Red Alert 2 (Westwood Studios for PC) -Final Fantasy Tactics (Square for PS) Misc: -Ace Combat 4 (Namco for PS2) -Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles (Bandai for PS2) -SD Gundam G Generation F (Bandai for PS) -Actraiser (Enix for SNES) -Viewtiful Joe (Capcom for GC) My favorite companies are Konami, Capcom, Square and Nintendo. Note on Square.... they are one of my favorite developers.... during the SNES age though. So far... they have yet to impress me in the past 2 generations.
  18. They look very nice.... but I will pass them for the DOMs that are due out after the Zakus.... they look extremely nice.
  19. As much as I would like to agree with you..... pop is something that has been around for ages in Japan.... why tATu? Why the most tone death duo to date? Why didn't they pic some of their home breed singers, who can actually sing, to starr in their own anime movie? how about that voice actress for Minmay? How about anyone other then tATu? The only real reason I could think of to have tATu in an anime is that the producers could cash in some serious money out of hentai that could be made out of this movie... and it wouldn't be a Japan thing.... because theres ppl who would pay good money for that around the world. <_< P.S. You mean Mari Iijima.
  20. Based on what? If bad acting was always the directors fault... there would be no such thing as bad actors. Even good actors can't act when given a shitty script. Hence Liam Neeson, among others, coming off like crap in Ep I (hell, and Ep II) Sure... but you can't pull that excuse all the time. If the actor sucks.... he/she sucks period. No amount of good or bad directing is going to change that.
  21. As much as I would like to agree with you..... pop is something that has been around for ages in Japan.... why tATu? Why the most tone death duo to date? Why didn't they pic some of their home breed singers, who can actually sing, to starr in their own anime movie? <_<
  22. Lament of Innocense is nothing like Castlevania 64. If I was to compare it to something, I would say its Devil May Cry crossed with Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Its a good game, not the best, but still fun to play and with plenty of replayability as you can play with 2 other characters after having beat the game, and both of them feel like a completly different experience. The controls handle exactly like in Devil May Cry... so don't worry about them. And the sound is, literally, amazing! And they were nice enough to include the Japanese track, which not enough developers do now a days!
  23. I can feel the love right there. But anyways.... I was simply refering to how "Steroids are good!!" is the perfect catch phrase for the suggest avatar. I did not mean you endorsed(sp) steroids.
  24. I would love to see that for Xenosaga too... because that was defenetly a movie disguised as a game.
  25. Yeah... and seeing Greedo as a kid and somewhat related to Darth Vader is mildly disturbing. <_<
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