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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Well.... most ppl don't like to party untill they are around lv10 as anything under that won't give you enough xp to lv up fast enough. As for getting used to the cities and landscapes..... theres nothing really to get used to. The game has a map for most of the areas, and you can buy additional ones. And its not like the landscape is barren. You can easily spot a few land marks while traveling around.
  2. It really depends on what class you plan on playing as. I met a white mage once, she was level 13. The next day she was already lv 20. Took me around 1 day or so of approximetly 8 hours of play time to reach lv 10. And a little over that to reach lv 14. Now... you try ti get into parties "aggressively" you might be able to get through 1 class and start a second one.
  3. Watch out.... maybe next time is might be a kitchen knife... with some psycho holding it.
  4. YAY!!! Shelob!! I will just go to see Shelob... and then I will probably leave the theater. No more giant spider= no more fun. Can anyone get me a screen shot of Shelob in the up coming movie?
  5. Eat my heart out? For what? This? Even PSO had better Xmas stuff then this crap... and heck... PSO wasn't even an MMORPG. <_
  6. I can't wait for the new Alien hit..... Aliens Vs Predators Vs Jason Vs Gemlins Vs Creatures. What tactics? Did you miss the part about Aliens being bugs with a Hive mentality? <_<
  7. Sounds like an paintful piece of old entertaining material.... sign me up! Now... if I could only find that damn SW special.
  8. I kind of like it. I always wondered what the Ghostbusters world would look like serious.
  9. Ouch. Even I downloaded Scary Movie 3. I'm sorry I brought it up. Heh... back then dling wasn't exactly an option. And trust me... where I lived and went to school.... boredom seemed to be that annoying ever present person in your life.
  10. Not one single movie? You must be a fun date. The last 2 movies I watched in a theater.... Mission: IMpossible 2 and Scream 3.... I guess that left a pretty big scar.
  11. I say... screw the new movie! I want that very old Spiderman sentai show from japan. He even had a giant robot and everything. As for the first Spiderman.... it was a good movie, but most of it was about his origins. There wasn't enough web spinning action if you ask me. Spiderman 2? I'll wait for the DVD release... like I have been doing for the past 4 years with just about every single movie release.
  12. basically its just press the triangle button for melee attacks and hold R1 and R2 and press square to do the god/shining gundams finger attack. So... they just finger themselves? Wait.... that sounded really bad, didn't it?
  13. One thing I still don't get.... how are you supposed to fight with the Master and God Gundam? Neither of them have long range weapons, and just punching eachother is silly. I doubt Bandai implemented some sort of special fighting engine just for 2 units.
  14. Oh, I'm not saying that I can't do it without tricks. But I know I couldn't when I was seven and playing Megaman for the first time. Back then, those tricks did come in handy, and they're part of my fond Megaman memories. Well... same here.... kind of. For 2 years, I had no other game other then Megaman 1, 2 and 3. Trust me... I have those game memorized. But before you had the games memorized... didn't the Yellow Devil in the first Megaman game give you a hard time? And when you first learned about the pause trick, didn't you whip the Yellow Devil's ass, then do a little happy dance? Again, I'm not saying I need tricks to beat them (I beat them without tricks on the Megadrive collection later), but those tricks are part of my fond memories for those games. That's why I want them in the collection. Actually... no. Back in the day it was impossible to find out about tricks. I beat all Megamans trick free. Its not like I had the internet back in 80s, and its not like I knew a million ppl who had the first 3 Megaman back then. As a matter of fact... before starting to use the internet... I didn't know any Megaman fans, at all. I heard about the Elecman trick a few months ago..... and so far thats the only MM trick I have heard of, and I have never really tried it out. Not exactly... thats not really a situation that would call for "0wn3d".
  15. At least they didn't go out of their way to add specific missions to the AU units. <_
  16. Oh, I'm not saying that I can't do it without tricks. But I know I couldn't when I was seven and playing Megaman for the first time. Back then, those tricks did come in handy, and they're part of my fond Megaman memories. Well... same here.... kind of. For 2 years, I had no other game other then Megaman 1, 2 and 3. Trust me... I have those game memorized.
  17. Japan has plenty of unique looking singers. Its not like the studio got in contact with their agent and asked to make an anime of them. Its all about money... and anime studios are just like every other company. Give them enough money, and they will make a show about a brick laying on the sun. <_<
  18. Yes, the Megaman cartoon did suck, and so does the box art... but that's part of Megaman's history... As far as I know, the Navi modes are supposed to be easier in general. The regular modes should be same as we remember, except they'll have saves instead of passwords. I'm actually hoping that they're the same right down to the little things... like rapidly pausing to get multiple hits off the elec beam, constantly re-opening the weapon select screen to get infinite metal blades in Megaman 2, the high jump trick in Megaman 3... Tricks, Tricks and more Tricks! Way to cheapen the Megaman experience. 6 months ago... I beat every single Megaman game, from beginning to end, without losing more then 1 life in each. And I'm talking Megaman 1 through 8, X1 through X6, GB MM1 through 5 and Megaman Zero. Makes you really proud of yourself...... and your fingers really numb after 2 days of non stop blue bomber.
  19. They could've worked alittle on the box art. Seriously... why can't they have japanese art instead of the cheap carppy american art? <_< And as for the American collection.... I would seriously ditch the 2 cartoon Megaman episodes for anything. Heck.... I would love some still art galery instead of that bad bad cartoon. I'm still going to get the GC version though. I know the PS2 version is probably going to have some really bad loading times. I just hope the emulation is good. I'm burned with SNES games that make poor PS ports. And I seriously hope they didn't pussyfied Megaman I. That game was an awsome challenge, and I hope they keep it as is.
  20. I don't know about everyone else... but I did enjoy Megaman 2 for the GB. It had some of the coolest Megaman songs to date.... just like its NES cousin. I just wish Capcom would be nice enough to add the first 3 X games into that collection.
  21. Are you sure the Megaman collection is ever coming out? The Japanese release has gotten a confirmation and even box shots. The American version has gotten nothing! Pretty sure. GameNOW just featured it. It was exciting news, too, because they reported that Megaman 1-6 will have the original versions AND the Navi versions from the Japanese PlayStation versions. Speaking of the Japanese versions, all they're getting is the PlayStation Rockman 1-6 in a box with Rockman X7. Did they give a release date or anything? Is it still coming out for both GC and PS2? Is it only going to feature MM 1 through 8? Gamefaqs just says "February," but GameNOW featured it as number four in their monthly "Hot 10," and this month was the January issue. So that leads me to think late January, early February. Although, at work (Gamestop), we don't have any listing for it in the system yet, so we can't reserve it... In any case, they seem kind of far along. (If you're curious, it was beat by Sonic Heroes, Maximo II, and something else I can't remember right now). The game will feature the following: Megaman 1-6 (original NES versions and Japanese PSone Navi versions with new lifebars, weapon select screens, remixed music, and hints from Megaman characters) Megaman 7 (SNES) Megaman 8 (The huge question is, PlayStation version or Saturn version? We're praying for the Saturn version, so we can fight Cutman and Woodman...) Megaman: The Power Battle (Arcade) Megaman 2: The Power Fighters (Arcade) In addition to the games, I'm hearing that there's going to be a ton of bonus stuff, inlcuding interviews, a history of Megaman, over 50 pieces of original artwork, two full episodes of the US Megaman cartoon, and some other stuff that Capcom is keeping secret for now. As far as I know, Capcom will release it for both the Gamecube and the PS2. I'm planning to get the PS2 version at the moment, basically for two reasons: first, I like the PS2 controller better. Second, I basically want this to be playable for as long as possible... and PS3 has already been confirmed to be backwards compatible with PS2 games, so I know I'll still be able to play Megaman 3 in 2007. Of course, there's always the chance that Capcom could do something silly, like use the PSone version of Megaman 8 for the PS2 collection, and the Saturn version for the GC... which will probably make a lot of people go Gamecube... but would actually force me to buy both... I wouldn't discart backwards compatibility for the next Nintendo system.... really. Nintendo is well aware that it was what kept the PS2 from drowning in its own poor launch. And considering the GBA had backwards compatibility..... the new system having it is almost a sure thing. But we all know Nintendo is always so unreasonable and stupid. As for AUEG vs Titans.... I sure hope they fixed the Space levels.... because this one is a sure thing of having about a million levels like that. <_<
  22. Looky! Its ass lights up! But question... why does the GP03 gets the worn out look if it was only used in space? It looks like it just went through a sand storm or something.
  23. Starcraft? Multiplayer?!?! I don't really care to play games with other people. My friends are the same way. We all love games, but aside from a FPS here and there, we don't play games together. That's why I quit reading gaming magazines. They give games like Project Gotham 2 ridiculously high scores based more or less on the online modes, and take points away from other games for not implementing some kind of online gimmick. I agree... to a point. Some games do deserve to be played with other ppl though. And thats the case with RTSs. Starcraft was nice in single player mode, but honestly the AI just wasn't enough of a challenge. But to be honest... I must have played Starcraft multiplayer maybe once or twice. Back then.... my computer was a lag fest. <_<
  24. Are you sure the Megaman collection is ever coming out? The Japanese release has gotten a confirmation and even box shots. The American version has gotten nothing! Pretty sure. GameNOW just featured it. It was exciting news, too, because they reported that Megaman 1-6 will have the original versions AND the Navi versions from the Japanese PlayStation versions. Speaking of the Japanese versions, all they're getting is the PlayStation Rockman 1-6 in a box with Rockman X7. Did they give a release date or anything? Is it still coming out for both GC and PS2? Is it only going to feature MM 1 through 8?
  25. Are you sure the Megaman collection is ever coming out? The Japanese release has gotten a confirmation and even box shots. The American version has gotten nothing!
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