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Everything posted by Abombz!!
You're almost making me wish MGREXX was still around to read this! Kind of odd though, if the GPU doesn't exist how can they have dev kits already out? Something smells real fishy in all this. The way I understand it is that there are different levels of dev kits, with the earliest kits being little more than PCs with approximate hardware and tools that they can use to get started. As the hardware gets closer to release, finalized dev kits are sent out so the developers can finish tweeking their stuff and finalize it for the actual hardware. This is, incidentally, the reason why a lot of the 360 games looked so unimpressive. The final dev kits were late shipping, and the demos weren't designed with the final hardware in mind. Well without a solid GPU an early dev kit could be completly different from what the system is actually going to be. Isn't that sort of irresponsible to ship it with a "your guess is as good as mine" metality? I suppose you could look at it that way. But I'd say think of it more like making and outline before you write a research paper. When a developer starts working with a dev kit that's "close" to what the expected final hardware will be, they're really just setting up the framework and getting a headstart, and then they can clean, tweek, and finalize after they get the final kits. I guess it takes too long to make a game these days to wait for the final dev kit before starting if you want to have something for launch. Takes to long is something that is up to interpretation since some devs can pull a half decent game in less then a year. Unless we are talking Duke Nukem Forever here LOL From what I heard, the PS3 dev kits are shipping with a copy of the unreal 3 engine, so I guess it shouldn't be too hard to start working on games without something concrete.
Now I have to ask... when you play as particular pilots, are you limited in mobile suit selection? Because when I played the campaign in AEUG vs. Titans, I'd use, say, the Nemo or the Rick Dias for the average missions, and if a mission had a hard or very hard rating, then it'd be time to bust out the MkII, Z Gundam, or Hyaku Shiki. Does this mode where you play as ace pilots replace the campaign mode from AEUG vs. Titans, or do we still have something like that? From the demo, it seems that the Arcade mode is still present, and an amalgamation of the arcade modes from both FvsZ and AvsT. Is ZZ only available in the "Ace" mode? Quebely was available in the demo, but not ZZ. Well, UC mode follows the story from the show so you can use the MSs the characters in the show could. For example, Kamille can only use the Zeta and the Mk2, Quatro can only use the red Rick Dias and the Hyaku Shiki, and so on. The thing is.... Jerids story line is kind of messed up, if you keep Lara(I think thats her name) alive, you follow a story line where Jerid is stuck with the shittiest MSs possible (Marasai, Hi-Zack and Galbady), and even if you upgrade them to lv4, you still can do much against the Zeta and the MkII at the same time while Mora is running around with a mobile armor and still gets killed easily -.- Yeah, the campaign mode from FvZ and AvT is gone and replaced with the UC mode which, IMO, is far better. The modes available are arcade, UC mode, survival, Vs, training and collection. The ZZ has to be unlocked to be available in the arcade mode, but Amuro has a special story line that allows you to play with the ZZ without going through the hassle of unlocking it (since it requires alot of purchasing in the collection mode)
You're almost making me wish MGREXX was still around to read this! Kind of odd though, if the GPU doesn't exist how can they have dev kits already out? Something smells real fishy in all this. The way I understand it is that there are different levels of dev kits, with the earliest kits being little more than PCs with approximate hardware and tools that they can use to get started. As the hardware gets closer to release, finalized dev kits are sent out so the developers can finish tweeking their stuff and finalize it for the actual hardware. This is, incidentally, the reason why a lot of the 360 games looked so unimpressive. The final dev kits were late shipping, and the demos weren't designed with the final hardware in mind. Well without a solid GPU an early dev kit could be completly different from what the system is actually going to be. Isn't that sort of irresponsible to ship it with a "your guess is as good as mine" metality?
You're almost making me wish MGREXX was still around to read this! Kind of odd though, if the GPU doesn't exist how can they have dev kits already out? Something smells real fishy in all this.
http://1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3141034 I find it funny how some people have orgasm over the PS3.... when its GPU DOESN'T EVEN EXIST!! LOL If the thing doesn't even exist, how can we be sure the games are going to look as good as those tech demos?
I'd thought about importing it for awhile, until Bandai actually released the cover for the US release. I preordered the US version for PS2 (my Gamecube is the first of my consoles to get sold to make room for the next gen, but my PS2 is modded, so I'm definately keeping it, regardless of whether or not I get a PS3). I hope it should be as good... IIRC, the only big difference was that the Cube version supported four player multiplayer splitscreen. I don't care much for the multiplayer, oh well. The GC version is pretty good considering it has a large amount of BGM and voices, you don't get the annoying distortions some games sport. The only thing that truly annoys me if how inbalanced some of the missions can be. They can range from extremely easy to impossibly hard. Right now I'm trying to keep Lt. Moura alive in Jerid story line, and its quite impossible because the wench has a thing for getting herself tangled with the Zeta Gundam and the MkII -.- I seriously hope the next gen is more import friendly... if I miss out on my SRW Alpha goodness, I'm going insane!
Just out of curiousity, what makes you say that? To me, they're fairly similar. The only reason I liked AEUG vs. Titans over Fed vs. Zeon was because I liked Z Gundam better than the original. From what I've seen, Gundam vs. Z Gundam looks like a good combo of the two, but it's starting to beg the question... why not create one massive Gundam Vs. game with this eninge (maybe an visually upgraded version for next-gen hardware) that starts at the beginning of Gundam, then runs through all of the major events and battles straight through the end of Char's Counterattack? One side would be Federation/AEUG/Londo Bell, the other would be Zeon/Titans/Axis/Neo Zeon. What makes me say that? because GvZ is actually quite more refined then FvZ was. The controls feel much more responsive and the game is far more balanced now. The AI doesn't feel like complete cannon fodder either. And, theres the UC mode that wasn't in either of the past games. Instead of putting you in the place of an annonimous pilot, you get to chose one of the ace pilots and play as them. But the real treat is how you get alternate versions of the universe. For example, you can keep Four from dying and playing an alternate version of the Z Gundam story. You can make Amuro never quite being a pilot at the end of the one year war and so on. You can even make Amuro the pilot to get the ZZ Gundam and pilot before the end of the Grips War. GvZ is actually AvT DX that was only released in the arcades. Its basically FvZ fuzed with AvT with some major and minor improvements. Why not make just a major game? Your guess is as good as mine since I can't seem to figure out why the hell they put in the G RX78 and the G GM but didn't add anything from the 08 MS Team or any of the other side stories. I'm guess we are getting a AUEG vz Axis next then a Londo Bell Vs Neo Zeon game.... you know how Bandai likes their cows milked dry. I do suggest getting this game though. The GC version is perfect, I dunno about the PS2 version though.
I hated Fed vs Zeon with a passion.... but I love this game.
I love Lost.... along Scrubs and CSI its the only show I bother to keep up with. Right now I'm up to the episode where Locke tied Boone to a tree and then he had an illusion of his sister being eaten by the unseen monster.... good stuff
Why reinvent the wheel? Or rather, why spend a lot of time and money doing a complete reanimation of something that doesn't need it? Right... but don't do a half assed job and just reanimate 1/3rd of the movie.
Its kind of beyond retarded to do that, its not like 3 90 minute movies are going to kill Bandai, you know? Just animate the whole damn thing for crying out loud.
I avoid powercolor cards like the plague. I owned 2 9800 Pros from them, and both had bad fans. I moved to pure breed ATI cards, and have never looked back.
The nex gen consoles will be much better. I Have the Nvidia 6800GT and on Doom 3 it stutters on Ultra High, Ultra High is for 512 MB cards or the SLI setup. The PS3 GPU will be more powerfull then 2 6800 Ultras in SLI mode. I am not sure were the Xbox's GPU fits in the scale but the next gen will be better than anything on the market now even for PC at least till Nvidia brings out the G70 GPU or 7800. The 6800 Series is better in performance then the FX series. Plus they fixed alot of the DirectX 9 issues in the 6800 series that the FX series had. Right now the 6800 Ultra Extreme is the hightest Nvidia card. It is 2 cards above mine. I have no issues with the latest PC games. AMD 3200+, Nvidia 6800GT. Both are overclocked. I am looking forward to the Xbox 360 and the PS3 since they will be better than the 2 best PC cards right now, ATI 850XT PE and Nivida 6800 Ultra Extreme. So rest assured the next gen consoles are going to be beasts. They are going to be at least 22 cards ahead of the GeForce FX 5200. The 6800 GT is 19 cards ahead of the FX 5200. So say I didn't want to spend more than $150 for a new video card, what would you or anyone else recommend? I bought my computer 2 years ago thinking that I'd be okay for at least 5 years before I had to upgrade again. It's year two and I'm having to already upgrade my video card. If you look hard enough you could get a better card for cheap. I bought my ATI radeon 9800 Pro for $280 back when it was the new thing, I don't think it should go for more then $150 now a days since ATI has already rolled its new line. Its a pretty damn good card.
How far is this movie going? Earth to Zeta first sortie?
Of course it didn't look too bad, but its looks kind of bad when you have 5 minutes of superior animation followed by 15 minutes of 20 year old animation lol
Of course you do. The FX 5200 is a poorly rated, low end video card. That's not to say you can't do decent graphics on a budget, that's just a really shitty card. If I remember well the FX5200 was comparable to a high end GeForce 3 I don't know, were the GeForce 3's crap, too? Seriously, though, the FX 5200 is considered to be a fairly poor video card. From performance to cooling, its gotten some pretty bad reviews. The GeForce 3 was the last well rated Nvidia card. Compared to anything ATI had back then, it was da bomb. The Ti series Geforce 4 were pretty good, even putting most of the FX series to shame. Killzone and Unreal 3 were the only demos running in real time, everything else was prerendered. Thats one thing people will get tired of, Sony lies. I remember how they claimed the PS2 could run the FF8 dance scene in real time... did it ever? Nope. Now they show the FF7 intro and claim its in real time, when the hell are they going to learn? and I find it really funny that some of the high profile games announced for the PS3 are considered launch titles. Honestly, I find that highly unlikely.
Of course you do. The FX 5200 is a poorly rated, low end video card. That's not to say you can't do decent graphics on a budget, that's just a really shitty card. If I remember well the FX5200 was comparable to a high end GeForce 3
I love the movie... but... is it scenes of the original series spliced with new footage? The difference in quality is quite noticeable. How was the first movie? Did anyone watch it? As for the Marasai... its defenetly not AUEG since you can see it shooting a AUEG colored GM
I'm sorry, I didn't mean you specifically, or to imply that you had an anti attitude. I was referring more to MGREXX and other fanboys with inability to even consider that a console besides a Sony console (or whatever brand they've pledged their soul to) has merits. If you come to a rational conclusion that a particular console does or doesn't interest you, that's different. There's no reason to spend that kind of money if you're not interested (like me and iPods... a lot of people love their iPods, but I don't listen to music much outside of whatever CD I have in the car... so iPods are not for me). For me personally, gaming is pretty much my number 1 hobby, so I'm optimistically curious about the next gen. I share your concerns about Sony's track record with defective consoles, but I'm still interested, and as for Microsoft... well, I enjoy good games in just about any genre, FPS included. Ironically, I think Satoru Iwata is a dumbass. While I do agree that Kutaragi is losing with his whole "supercomputer entertainment center" bull, I blame Iwata for Nintendo's "this is innovation, so it must be good" attitude that kept the Gamecube mostly offline, that's just now using the DVD medium on the Revolution, and then squandered the real potential of the DS with gimmicky touch screen games, ran it up against the PSP, and then returned with, off all things, a tinier Gameboy. I still really like a lot of Nintendo's software, don't get me wrong, but they need someone who's going to go after consumer interest if they ever want to get out of third. I'm not saying the next generation doesn't interest me, I'm just talking about launch titles. I can't predict the future, so I'm not going to completly dismiss the next generation. Another thing that worries me is price, I'm not going to pay more then $300 for a console, and if I do, its because its going to have must have games. My only concern is that the next generation is going to have the same games the past 2 generations had, I want inovation, I'm tired of getting that deja-vu feeling when playing games. I enjoy good games too, I'm not a fan of FPSs, but there are plenty of them that I enjoyed (Farcry is at the top of my list). And its also my #1 hobby, thats why Í don't like to have to pay extra for stuff I don't plan to use on my consoles. I just hope someone starts releasing 2 versions of the consoles, the video game version and the bullshit version so I can avoid paying extra. I think there are plenty of dumbasses working for video game companies now a days, all 3 companies have them, and they are usually the most vocal of them. Nintendo is known for dumbass claims, and calling their next system a revolution is just a way to hype it up. For every step in the right direction, its 10 steps backwards. Nintendo is naive, Kutaragi is stupid.
I'm taking it as good news. After arguing the merits of the other consoles and arguing the flaws of Sony's consoles with MGREXX, it feels a bit weird to come back with something positive now on the PS3. But it looks like the PS3 stands a fair shot of being reasonably priced after all, so I'm breathing a sigh of relief. For all the arguing about Xbox 360 and PS3, I've intended from the beginning to get both, and voted thusly in the poll. My philosophy is that if there really is nothing that interests you for a particular console, that's one thing, but if you have an anti attitude against some consoles just because you're a fanboy of another, you're the only one who suffers. I don't have an anti attitude to either console, but neither have shown games that interest me at all, and to be honest I think this current generation could've gone on for at least another year or more. I'm not getting either console at launch, I was stupid enough to do it once, but I'm not doing it again. I had to go through 4 PS2 consoles before those idiots at Sony could make a console that wouldn't break over night, the same thing happened to my PSX. Heck, even my current PS2 is being a bitch at reading anything that isn''t a DVD. As for the Xbox... I'll wait till MS blows its load of FPSs till I get it. I don't like FPSs that much specially in a console. As for Kutaragi.... he is a dumbass. Thats why I like Nintendo, they are in the market to make 1 thing, video games and video game consoles. MS and Sony are trying to be jack of all trades master of none, and I just want a video game, I don't want to have to pay $200 extra just so my f*cking console can play MP3 and browse the internet. Whats next? Sony telling us that Disc Read Errors are actually work of arts and should be cherished as such?
http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/05/24/news_6126423.html For the love of God... will someone just shoot this retard
I love when people talk about specs... is it some kind of sick twisted fetish? If the console doesn't have good games, the specs mean jackshit, and so far neither of the next generation consoles have done that, so F*CK specs
Damn! This is pure gold!!
Trust me... its just a new shell for the same old mistakes lol
You forgot to mention the best part of that article... the 360 is going to be backwards compatible. You mean limited backwards compatibility, only the games Bill chooses will be playable on Xbox360, thats as good as no compatibility at all LOL Well officially they are gonna try to go backwards compatible for all games. But they have to visit each game to do that according to my inside source at Microsoft. What does that mean? It could be very well they will make it backwards compatible but in time for the release? I dunno. I remember a couple of months ago my source said they wouldnt even do backwards compatibility. Also DOA4 looks good as the launch title for X360. DOA4 screenshot I would be disappointed in Sony if they didnt make the PS3 backwards compatible. Even Nintendo Revolution is backwards compatible. Maybe its just me... but those DOA4 screens don't look much better then DOA:U =/