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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Yeah.... I heard cianide(sp) is really good for secret annoying Elves. Specially when mixed with unresistable cookies and milk.
  2. That's a bad thing? I loved Federation vs. Zeon, even though I had the DC version without many extras or 2-player mode... I played the bajeezus out of it. If AEUG vs. Titans is the same, sign me up. I second that. Fed. Vs. Zeon is still, to this day, my favorite Gundam game, flaws and all. And from the moment I first watched Zeta, I knew I wanted a Z Gundam game in the same genre. Hope both sides still have mega-long campaign modes. Lets hope they also fixed the space levels. <_<
  3. More like Fed Vs Zeon? Gee.... I guess I can scratch that off my book. Really... the last thing I want right now is arena Gundam fight. <_<
  4. WTF? Whats the deal with the life action characters? What about game play movies? How did this game play?
  5. November? Its going to take Bandai 1 year to translate the damn game?!?! Is this a joke?
  6. Sesshomaru would kick so much ass in SCII!!
  7. Lemme guess, named him Conan? I put a vote for Crom.
  8. I doubt they are nearly as bad as a bunch of dumb asses I happened to stumble upon while trying to watch the special edition of Return of the Jedi. Not only did they come in later and start yelling.... but those stupid idiots wouldn't stop laughing! Seriously... when the SW logo showed up 1 of them laughed so hard he had soda coming out of his nose. <_
  9. I own the GC version of the game. I like playing with Taki, Seung Mina, Sophitia, Xianghua, Voldo and Killik. Out of those I play best with Taki and Seung Mina (she is the best! ) And btw..... learn how to read... its Soul Calibur! <_<
  10. Abombz!! laughs at your petty pervert techniques!
  11. Heck.... give me 5 minutes of Ungoliant doing something evil over the Hobbit.... anyday!
  12. Where can I get some stuff about Ungoliant? She seems like a very interesting..... lady.
  13. I beat the game once as a Ranger. Familiars are very useful.
  14. Best english dubs: -Yu Yu Hakusho -Inu Yasha -Vandread Worst dubs: -Dragon Ball Z -MS Gundam -Saber Marionettes J -Samurai Troopers (known as Ronin Warriors) -Great Teacher Onizuka (besides the guy who played Onizuka, the rest of the cast couldn't act even if their lives depended on it)
  15. If its a guy.... tie one of his testicles to a heavy rock and throw it out of the window while having him tied up to a chair or bed.... now thats what I can painful!
  16. Do they hangout in the Amazon? Cuz I'll be in the Peruvian side of the jungle in January. Yes... they do hang out in the Amazon. Don't be worried though, Goliath Tarantulas are as harmless as babies.... unless you are a frog. You can pretty much grab them with your hand and they won't attack.... except during mating season. Trust me... if they have babies.... not amount of running will save you.
  17. That has to be the best read I've had in years! The guy is pretty much selling a piece of rusted metal... and ppl are bidding on it!
  18. Who knows... maybe Chuthulu(sp) is paying him a visit.
  19. The Agent ONE way to handle this? Sounds more like the sick pervert, who likes to touch himself and jerk off on a door nob way to handle this.
  20. What tactics? Did you miss the part about Aliens being bugs with a Hive mentality? Oops. I meant boy scouts having better tactics than the Colonial Marines, not the Aliens. The Aliens tactics were ok... kinda like Chinese human waves mixed in with a little concealment and crawling on the ceilings. Definately different but nothing sophisticated. Those things (at least as seen during Aliens) look pretty easy to lure into an ambush. Sure. Its not like any of those colonial marines were expecting evil, super buff insect from another planet with plans on turning them into eggsacks or anything.
  21. Sounds interesting.... where would one learn more about him/her? Ungoliant was Shelob's mother. She helped Morgoth (the guy Sauron used to work for) take out the two trees in Valinor. She's in the Silmarillion. Now that must be a pretty evil spider.
  22. I'm kind of disapointed. I was hoping for some really cool demon spider. Instead... I get just another giant tarantula. <_< We got those by the truck load here in Brazil... its not exactly exciting to see one on the silver screen now. Oh well... I guess I'll just wait for the DVD.... again. <_< Sounds interesting.... where would one learn more about him/her?
  23. I play it... when I have a good enough card to run it.
  24. Someone is jealous. Why would I be jelous? Is it for the fact that I won't be able to play the game for another month or because FedEx decided it was a good idea to deliver my video card to someone else, therefore cutting any possibility I have of enjoying decent computer gaming over what I consider to be the most painful holiday there is? What a prick. <_<
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