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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Nah. They were simply trying to "kill" those who were trying to postwhore their way to the top.
  2. The treants were really nothing special. They were like over grown sapplings, but 100times uglier. <_
  3. It would've been easier if instead of making the trees have god like HP.... if they made all monsters around it charge the attackers. Maybe have them get a quick lv up boost. That way some of the ppl would've to attack the linkers instead of getting whacked by the tree.
  4. I personally think 0083 has the best BGM of any Gundam show, the first intro and its english version (back to paradise) are great too. With V Gundam, Z Gundam, X Gundam and Gundam Seed trailing closely behind. The opening of 08th MS teams is pretty good too. The only Wing song I like, is the song that plays when Heero gets the Wing Zero Custom in Endless Waltz. The rest of the two-mix songs are average at best. <_<
  5. Very cute Agent One. If opinions like yours are ever taken seriously (not because you dislike M7, but the ways you've expressed it), then, this toy is made ONLY for shaking Polaroid pictures. What the heck is..... errrr..... instrument?
  6. You recieved the prize of best ass from Vostok 7? A guy? Errr.... this is getting way too weird. First the door knob thing, and now this?
  7. I don't know whats more annoying, Macross7 fans who argue about its greatness, Macross7 haters who argue about its lameness, or ppl who pop in those threads just to say they are tired of the same Macross 7 threads poping up every so often, and ending up the same way all the time. Seriously, the toy forums usually has 5 or 6 threads about how ppl adore or hate the 1/48, and what future releases they want for the line, don't even get me started on the "Please Graham! Tell us something!!" threads that show up way too often. Its like ppl don't know theres a search function on this forum. Same thing on the other anime section. If the thread is still open is because the mods, either haven't seen it or just don't care. This is Macrossworld after all, and Macross 7 is part of Macross. And its funny how no-one complains about the sheer amount of idiotic 1/48 threads in the toys forum. We have argued about every part of Macross, from putting Mylene out of her misery to Macross Zero stench (sorry, couldn't resist ). Theres going to be repeated threads, and no one is making anyone here read through Macross 7 threads, so just let ppl argue, while keeping yourself out of it.
  8. I was nice. For the first time in my life I got more then 2 Xmas gifts. I got a 17" HDTV/monitor, a robot made of coke cans, a book and a plush(sp) Santa Pig.
  9. Mine started when the damn tree decided it was a better idea to ignore the attackers and go for the by standers. 2 newbies talked to the moogle by accident, so they were eligeable to fight the treant. Poor guys, they had horror in their faces.
  10. You are not the only one. I also dislike it but I have no choice but to accept it since it`s a direct sequel SDF-Macross Actually.... I meant as in I dislike Macross 7 but like Basara. There are few ppl who dislike Macross7 but like Basara.
  11. If the test added in more anime references you would have scored high I am sure But of course! Now.... whats the difference between a geek and a nerd? That test seems to blurry the line between the 2.
  12. I got 8%-Poser... would've ranked less if it wasn't for those "mark 5" bonus questions. This is a stupid test.... really. Most questions revolve around sci-fi (star trek, Star Wars and Dungeons and Dragons) and computers. I consider myself a geek, but I know absolutly nothing about computers, other then C++ <_<
  13. Oh? I hit a nerve? Gee. Of course I know why the heck the animation repeats itself so much! Its a low budget, cheaply made animation. Heck, even Mazinger Z and Getta Robo had more animation variations in 10 episodes then Macross 7 has in its entire run. Of course its annoying, and no amount of explanation will change the fact that, battle in Macross 7 are fast foward material, and the non battle parts aren't too hot either. That makes a killer combination. Having said that.... I must be the only person around this parts who doesn't like Macross 7 too much, but loves Basara, and thinks he is one of the better anime heros of the past decade.
  14. I tried hitting one yesterday..... I got hit by an attack that threw me about halfway accross the land.... and I was dead.
  15. It's exactly what I had in mind when the discussion opened here after the new board went up You log on: *Pow!* Wtf? How did that get there Unless ofcourse it's a warning,...all the banned members have one,..... what if you recieve one? LOL! So its the MW version of the scarlet letter?
  16. After 4 weeks of waiting.... I logged in to find a few pleasant changes. They were nice enough to remove the whole win button deal. They made the monsters in the initial areas abit tougher so you don't have to travel half the world just to take a gamble at fighting a decent challenge with high defense. They also added more stuff to the auction house menus.... nice! I also saw a treant battle. 100 players trying to damage the damn thing, and it wouldn't even budge! 1 attack, and about 20 or them dropped like flys! Got in a party today, pretty nice stuff. Turns out I make a very nice tank.
  17. I like it this way. You log in just to find out that someone "sneaked" in a member title for you.
  18. The show would've been easier to watch if every battle scene did not look like the one in the previous episode.... and.... . . . . . . . . . . they had killed Mylene in the first episode. If not kill.... I could have settled with just a "Shut the @#$% up!" everytime she tried to open her mouth. <_<
  19. Sure.... you got it easy Graham. But some of us have a rare condition..... commonly called "Chogo Lust".
  20. What are those 2 supposed to come with? And when are they coming out? With the new Saint Seiya figures coming out on the next 4 months.... I need to juggle money yet again.
  21. Oh well. I guess theres more terrible things we have to come up with.... to warm our hearts during such dreaded season.
  22. How about the SW Xmas Special? Or is that even a Xmas special?
  23. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Can't beat a blood bath during Xmas.
  24. If its popular enough. The Perfect Gundam is a custom... and its getting a MG release after being featured in a game and being released as a FIX.
  25. I played the DC version up to the expansion CD. Never migrated to the GC or Xbox versions. I played it for like 5 months with some ppl from my high school dorm. Pretty fun time. Didn't last very long when Sega started charging though. Its a good game.... but not enough for pay to play.
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