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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. You don't need to wait that long... start hitting their customer support and they will fix it. They did that with the Auction House and the alt+tab and the windows key thing.
  2. In the end... the game is just a PS2 port. Square probably didn't want to refine the PC version of the game and end up lowering the sales of the PS2 version. And you got to remember, PC gaming is not as main stream in Japan as it is in the US, so Square probably thought it wouldn't be worth the time to change the interface. Oh well... I kind of like it, honestly. Being able to play the game entirely on the keyboard is rather refreshing. Now... if only they had changed the mouse pointer color so it wouldn't blend so well with the back ground. <_< I'm just glad that some of the ideas that were well excecuted in FFXI will be used in Worlds of Warcraft.
  3. It also had a much better atmosphere and sound then any Resident Evil ever had (except maybe for the remake).
  4. I rarely go back to my home city anymore but when I do everyone and their dog checks me. It kind of feels like an invasion of privacy. I read somewhere the Japanese feel the same way. Especially with the influx of new players, they'd rather you do /sea <name> if you want to check the level/class and if you want to see what they're wearing then ask first. Its annoying. I remember reading some of the first faqs to come out right after the game was released in Japan.... and almost everyone resented ppl who checked too much. I only check a person if one of their armor pieces catches my eye. If I want to know the lv.... I usually do a search for their name, its that simple. Checking only doesn't bother me when I have the seek party thing on.
  5. Those pictures look pretty cool. Really creepy stuff. One thing that bothers me.... I was never a fan of the characters design in Silent Hill 2 and 3... they just looked odd to me. And I hope they fix the textures. Silent Hill 3s characters all looked like they had some really odd skin condition.
  6. That really has nothing to do with your character being a female. If you were a male red mage, ppl would still check you and try to get you into a party, simply for the fact that, eventhough you are only a second hand healer, you are still a healer never the less. And if theres a shortage of white mages, red mages are the most appropriate healers to get. Just to prove the point.... my warrior didn't get checked untill I was around lv10. My white mage gets checked by every single low level player in Sandoria.
  7. Actually, I think that describes most foreign dubs. Vostok 7 Then you haven't watched many foreign dubs. <_<
  8. You have heard the american sound dub, right? Compare that to the original Aussie dialogue track and tell me you don't laugh every time you watch the americanized version... Considering I heard the portuguese dub before the american dub...... it was perfectly fine to me. But then again... the portuguese dub sounded as if they had recorded it in a bathroom with a bunch of ppl having an orgy and someone with diahrea(sp). <_<
  9. That's what we ended up doing! After running back and forth all over the level, and getting sick of my friend suggesting "did you look over there yet?" I just got fed up and said "I'm dumping this bitch into that huge hole." Of course it turned out that was the idea or something. lol. I did get more enjoyment then I should've out of the tentacle death scene. I must have replayed it about 15 times before moving on.
  10. Except for the 1/2 hour I wasted on the "dream" sequence in the beginning. Well.... you could've just killed yourself or something. I just wish they make good enemies for the new one. Seriously, something that really pissed me off in SH2 and 3, the enemies were pussies. You could blow through both games without killing anything. <_<
  11. What are you talking about? Silent Hill 3 was great!
  12. Yeah. But I have managed to find many new players that are down to earth or not teen like. And sometimes, its pretty easy to find double job characters looking to lv up one of their jobs. Its alot of trial and error, I guess.
  13. Grr I've ran into this... I was lvl 15 and partied with a group, one guy was like a lvl 11 or 12 WAR... The party leader died (she was WHM IIRC, and I tried to tank but my provoke ran out and the other WAR didn't provoke... party leader dies and ends up in like Jeuno) and was trying to get back, but then left the party when she warped... I kept saying "lets wait for her to come back" but this low lvl WAR is like "no, let's kill things." Then, he decides we should camp right next to another party so that we can get all their spam. Then, he's telling me to pull high level gobs. This stupid n00b is basically trying to run the whole show, when he didn't even get party leader status after our party leader left! One pull and the whole party gets slaughtered because yet again, this kid is a total n00b and doesn't know how to play, but is still trying to call all the shots. I die and am so torked off I leave the party. I hate parties that go bad. Vostok 7 Honestly... thats what tells are for. If someone was to do that in a party I'm in... I would immediatly tell the rest of the party to let the idiot die from his own mistakes. If he comes back and complains.... tell him to leave the party if he doesn't like it. <_<
  14. Honestly... if party members do their job, I usually care less about their comments. As for that mission.... I'm inclined to think thats a boss battle, so I wouldn't do it on my own.
  15. Don't ever let a WHM pull! If he pulls a second time, get out of the party. When the WHM is playing target, let he or she die. <_< As far rude ppl.... I don't understand how you manage to find so many rude ppl. Seriously, must be the wave of players around your lv. I have met 3 or 4 ppl who I really wish I could kill, but everyone else has been either nice or indifferent. As far as WARs go.... that is true, but against a IT monster the extra hp and armor don't really count for much because the monsters still deal a butt load of damage on you. And strikers should always be prepared to take damage, as no matter how many times WARs provoke, they are always going to get hate faster then WARs do.
  16. Blacklist the idiot! Seriously.... my new hatred is for low lv players who like to tell advanced players how to play their game. Damn tarutaru... didn't even have a sub job and was already telling me how to play the game. Worst yet.... WARs who won't tank. Give me a break! If I provoke something but no one else is getting enough hate to get the thing off my back.... provoke it! I got to a point where if tanks won't provoke, I end up telling the party that I will be the first one to zone in case they pull a target they can't deal with. And don't even get me started on whms that don't heal tanks. Seriously.... the games biggest problems, are the players. Totally Agree with you. Some WARs out there are sissy... they're afraid to get hurt... I don't know how many times I have to yell "For God sake, Provoke before WHM die" and "Provoke so I can use sneak attack!" (I am a lvl 28 THF and lvl 15 WAR as sub job) WHMs above lvl 20 are usually good and helpful (at least on my server, I am in Midgardsormr). The only instances I don't provoke is when I happen to be fighting an IT monster and the other party members are of a higher lv then me. I suck at soaking up damage, but if the whm is in danger I usually provoke regardless of my hp. WHMs are always helpful (with a few exceptions), but they are always the first ones to leave the party. <_<
  17. Blacklist the idiot! Seriously.... my new hatred is for low lv players who like to tell advanced players how to play their game. Damn tarutaru... didn't even have a sub job and was already telling me how to play the game. <_< Worst yet.... WARs who won't tank. Give me a break! If I provoke something but no one else is getting enough hate to get the thing off my back.... provoke it! I got to a point where if tanks won't provoke, I end up telling the party that I will be the first one to zone in case they pull a target they can't deal with. And don't even get me started on whms that don't heal tanks. Seriously.... the games biggest problems, are the players. <_<
  18. Makes me wish I had treasure finder and get a pair of jumping boots (or whatever they are called) and sell them for 250k. Yeah, you know those insanely expensive rare items. I don't understand them. It says you need to be level 20 to use them, but you have to be level 50 in order to kill the monster that drops them. Then by the time you're level 50, there's something else for you to wear, and you have to be level 60 to kill what drops those. /cry The rabit charm sells for around 200k and the monster you need to kill if your average n00b hare.
  19. Makes me wish I had treasure finder and get a pair of jumping boots (or whatever they are called) and sell them for 250k. <_<
  20. I guess we all have that problem... Abombz is running circles around me in a Chocobo, Yohsho is nearly too... And in the time it took them to go from 13 to 20, I went from 10 to 16. And had to make level 11 six times. And had 3 months I screwed around in while I could have been catching up. All in a game I bought to play with my friends, who I've barely even seen in the game. I love this game, but at times it can be very frustrating. Vostok 7 Blame yourself for that. You had 4 whole weeks to lv up... and instead you decided it was a better idea to create a second character.... and be a WAR again. <_<
  21. Last I heard... the next chapter will be a movie only.
  22. If you think thats good... I would run a search for "Saint Seiya" at HLJ. They have these new figures coming out, and they are awsome. I got the Seiya figure a few weeks ago, not only does it have the quality of a SOC and SIC figure, but it makes the old SS figures look like a pile of chunky crap. The production values are awsome, and the figure is extremely faithful to the anime. And guess what? The armor is made of metal, and the parts won't easily fall off (unlike the old figures). Not only that, but if you look at it from behind, it doesn't look like the character is naked (unlike the old figures). Seiya is already out, Shiryu and Hyoga are coming out this month, and Shun and Ikki in the following month. Any Saint Seiya fan should pick one of those up.... highly recomended.
  23. I got to warn you though. Untill you reach lv10, its going to be sooooooo boring. Seriously, every low lv character in the area will want to party with you, but you will get nothing but crummy xp if you accept. It gets specially boring around lv8 and 9. And also.... its an extremely expensive class, and I would suggest you try to get to Sandoria to lv up. Its the best place for white mages.
  24. Vostok.... to get a really long xp chain... all you need is 2 good tanks, 2 good strikers, and 2 good whms. 1 of the whms will always heal while the other rests. Alternate the whms between battle... and you can stay in constant battle and still have fully rests whms to aid you. And now.... everyone bow before the mighty of the bird!!!
  25. I think... the guy might be a clone of Sephiroth, and the wheel chair guy is actually Rufus.
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