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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. And the funny thing is... according to Robotech: Battlecry, the VF1S has almost no armor what so ever. And if you compare it to the 1R... they have around the same armor rating.... how come the VF1S can't go to warp speed and magically become invisible?
  2. Van Damme as TinTin?!?!?!?! Why to ass rape my childhood memories! How the heck would that work? TinTin was never buff. TinTin never did ballet moves and pretended they were martial moves in slow motion. It will never work!! Honestly.... Toby Maguire would make an awsome TinTin. Come on, you MUST think Van Damme is good lookin'. Yes... he is great for scarying little annoying kids. <_< Looks wise.... hes a freak of nature. What!? No way... Every chick I ever watched a Van Damme movie with said he was super sexy. Do you think he looks like a freak becasue he has too much muscle? He actually isn't really THAT muscular. Its not my fault if every chick you watched Van Damme movies with had the IQ lower then that of a door. <_< I don't care if he's not even that muscular or not.... he still doesn't look good. PS Consider this... .there are girls who actually find boy bands pretty.
  3. Yeah, but it looks soo cool!!! Except that your delay time is doubled... So yeah, you can double weapon, but the delay time of each sword is added togeather... Not that great. They got some nice attacks though. Vostok 7 Have you seen a fully armored Samurai? No? Then you haven't lived yet. <_<
  4. He still isn't exactly good looking. <_<
  5. The red eyes are like his version of going super-powered. It's been ages since I watched, but Inuyasha busted out his super crazy swing with the tessaiga and nailed Sesshomaru with it. While Sesshomaru was recovering Rin found him and tried to help him. He ended up driving her away and when she was alone she was killed by a pack of wolves. After Sesshomaru had recovered he found Rin dead and he tested out his sword on her and she was brought back to life. She stuck with him after that... Yeah... I remember that part. I never got to see the end of that episode though.
  6. The main problem here is not the speed.... is how a simple variation of the basic VF1 would be able to attain such incredible speeds with a simple armor down-grade. Sure... its lighter, but it would have to attain amazing speeds to be invisible. Heck... even a VF1 with fast packs isn't invisible to radar, and goes so fast..... does the 1R achieves light speed?
  7. Yours should be "A man, from Malaysia" Vostok 7 As much as stupidity looks good in a sig... I would never want crap like that for a member title. <_<
  8. I guess... you either have to take a bullet for someone (Vostok and Jemstone).... say something really remarkable (Graham, Bsu and JsARCLIGHT).... or just fill it up with something random so ppl won't be able to put in embarassing quotes (DAs case).
  9. Sesshomaru got the second sword called tokijin after he had Kaijinbo (Totosai's ex-apprentice) make a sword out of one of the fangs of Goshinki that broke tetsusaiga. When Inuyasha does not have tetsusaiga in his grasp, his eyes turn red and his demon blood takes over his mind. Skip acouple of scenes....... He goes to Totosai to consult him on how to make tetsusaiga light again. Totosai tells him that in order to make the sword light, he must kill a giant dragon with a human face on his head called ryuukotsusei, thereby surpassing his father Inutaisho and gain an attack technique called bakuryuuha. For more info consult these websites: ~ http://www.chibiexplosion.com/inuyasha/index.html ~ http://www.wot-club.org.uk/Inuyasha/ Mods please delete the message above this one. Thanks The part about the Ryuukutsei and the bakuryuuha I'm know. I saw those episodes. Though... kind of annoyed me that Ryuukutsei would be so easily killed. <_<
  10. On a scale of 1 to Cool, you have to be awesome. Vostok 7 In your case.... I would give you a negative 10.....and you still got a title.... whats gives? <_<
  11. Seshomaru is pretty cool alright. I'm just sorry I missed most of his development episodes. I don't know how Rin started to tag along with him (I did see the episode she first showed up), I don't know how he got that second sword. I don't know what it means when his eyes turn red (I only saw him doing that in the Oyakata-sama story arch). But then again... I have no clue what they were talking about when Inu Yasha decided to take on that giant dragon on his own and he went beserk or something.
  12. Yes... he is great for scarying little annoying kids. Looks wise.... hes a freak of nature. Only Dolf Lungren and early Mortensen are uglier. Vostok 7 Earlies Mortensen? As in.... Vigo Mortensen? The only other movie I have watched with him is that movie about rehab with Sandra Bullock.
  13. Van Damme as TinTin?!?!?!?! Why to ass rape my childhood memories! How the heck would that work? TinTin was never buff. TinTin never did ballet moves and pretended they were martial moves in slow motion. It will never work!! Honestly.... Toby Maguire would make an awsome TinTin. Come on, you MUST think Van Damme is good lookin'. Yes... he is great for scarying little annoying kids. <_< Looks wise.... hes a freak of nature.
  14. I do hope you are not talking about Shessoumaru. The guy with the fur over one shoulder and the little green guy Jyaken that follows him around? Inu Yasha's full demon brother? Shessoumaru kicks ass. Very interesting character. The main character's name is Kagome. No Seshomaru. Seshomaru is an awsome character (one of the coolest characters design to date!). The guy I'm refering too is a dead guy who was brought back to life by a Shikon Jewel shard. He uses a really odd sword (basically, a bunch of swords bound together), acts like a school girl, and has a thing for Inu Yasha. I think he is part of something called the Army of 7 or something like that. This is after Inu Yasha and Seshomaru defeated Narako(sp) the first time. And its after they went searching for him and "weird" things started to happen.
  15. Van Damme as TinTin?!?!?!?! Why to ass rape my childhood memories! How the heck would that work? TinTin was never buff. TinTin never did ballet moves and pretended they were martial moves in slow motion. It will never work!! Honestly.... Toby Maguire would make an awsome TinTin.
  16. I'm just glad the brazilian CN already has a sizeable chunk of the series dubbed. The last episode they showed for season 1 was that gay looking guy with the crazy sword. He wasn't killed yet. They are going to start showing new episodes in a few weeks. Too bad they were too stupid to leave the songs undubbed. The potuguese version of every songe is enough to want me to rip out my ears. <_< Its really an awsome show, and the BGM is fantastic too. P.S. Just a question... the main character, is she called Kagome or Agome? The few episodes I watched in english called her Kagome (or something like that) but the potuguese dub called her Agome.
  17. This statement doesn't really make sense. This was a multi console release. Silent Hill 1, 2 and 3 were all built to work on a PSX and PS2..... how do you figure they had to make it "run on a console"? If its built from the ground up with a console in mind... why would that be an issue? And I have to remind you.... Japanese companies are not as keen to releasing rushed games as american (and non americans) are. So if the game is bad.... its not that it was rushed, its simply that they thought it was "good" enough. I do have to agree with your on Silent Hill 2. Silent Hill was 1 of the creepiest games I ever played. But SH2 wasn't nearly as scary or creepy as the first one. They made the monsters creepy, but not scary. The characters were alright and so was the story, but the game itself wasn't that great. <_<
  18. Yes... and no. First... you need a high lv party to go with you. I have seen 12 lv35s getting massacred in the palladin quest. Your best bet if getting some lv50 players to go with you on the quest. Second, lving up a bit more wouldn't be a bad idea. And be prepared to spend alot of money on that job.... its the most expensive job in the game.
  19. I told you I could help you get to Jueno.... just say the word.
  20. Heh... I hit lv21 today. Qufim is awsome for partying! Too bad I'm once again... hunting crabs. <_< And giants kick sooooooo much ass! And my party killed 3 of them... one of them had a gigas leech for a pet and they almost wiped out my party.
  21. Abombz!!


    All you missed was that we now know the anwser to life, and that the QRau may or may not suck.... but thats not important. I wonder what would happen if the Agent left... and someone with the handle "Doorknob lover" showed up here.
  22. Now that you mention it..... it might not be a bad idea. My whm enhance magic is at 0.
  23. Seriously.... watching someone spam the log with "I wish I had a FG so I could shove it up s ass" is extremely annoying and pathetic. <_
  24. Thats because you usually approach the player. Japanese players that are on at that time are usually a different breed of players then what I get when I play early in the morning. And one thing... I hate american players. I don't know why, but for some reason most of them think its funny to spam the log with useless messages, most of wich make no sense due to poor spelling and sentence structuring(sp). They never spell anything properly (I saw a Swedish player go off on an american player because no one could understand what the heck he was saying), they macro some really vulgar phrases, love to put swears in ability macros, slap you if you don't do your bitting, and rarely know how the game works. Sometimes... I feel as though my IQ drops when playing with them for the sheer stupidity. Now, foreign players are awsome groupers because they say the absolute minimum and when they do say something its game related. And I'm aware there are good american players... but at my current lv I seem to only find stupid players who would be better if shot. <_<
  25. I believe there's a way top remove the 3d skin off the mouse pointer so it's its ugly white self again. What I want is a Japanese IME for the NA release. Working with the auto translator is unbelievably frustrating as it just plain doesn't work. It only helps to further seperate Japanese players from American players. My conversations with Japanese people typically go like this: Imode: Konbanwa, PT kumimasen ka? (Hello, would you like to form a party?) Kotans: ‚È‚ñ‚Å“ú–{Œê‚Å‚È‚¢‚ÌH (Why isn't your typing in Japanese?) Imode: Amerikajin to iu wake nan desu ga... (Because I'm American...) Kotans: ‚È‚ñ‚Å“ú–{Œê‚ªo—ˆ‚éHI (How in the world do you understand Japanese!?) Imode: Nihongo ga dekiru Amerikajin kekkou iru to omoimasu kedo (Well, there are a few of us who do understand the language...) Kotans: ‚ [‚·‚Ý‚Ü‚¹‚ñOOG@‚±‚Ì‘OƒAƒƒŠƒJl‚Æ‚Ì‚ ‚ñ‚Ü‚è—Ç‚­‚È‚¢ŒoŒ±‚ʼn“—¶‚³‚¹‚Ä‚¢‚½‚¾‚«‚Ü‚·B iGM„Dj (Oh, I'm sorry, but I have had bad experiences with American players in the past, so I'll have to pass.) So yeah.... there's a typical conversation I have when looking for party members. Not being able to type Japanese in game pissed me off to no end. Especially when you need help for questing. I'm going to be after my AF3 pretty soon, and recommended party is 15 people at level 55??? Where the heck am I going to get 15 people at level 55 if not for the Japanese?! Imode.... I understand how you feel. When I play with my white mage early in the morning, I keep getting tells from japanese players. Since early in the morning for me is not so late at night in Japan, they figure 99% of the players are japanese speakers. At first, I would try to answer as best as I could (I can't read kanji) and tell them to use hiragana and katakana only. Some of them were flattered that I could speak at least a little bit of the language and even read katakana and hiragana, while other would reply the same way they do to you. Now, I simply tell them that I speak english only, and I can't help them because I've had bad experiences with playing with Japanese. Some japanese players seem to have more patience with foreign players then others. But honestly, seeing the new wave of players, I can't really blame them for being hostile. I just wish Square would find a way to split the players into different language groups instead of just japanese and english. I don't mean setting up servers with different language, I simply mean they should allow you to put more language for party searching. And let you put your country on your profile page at POL. Seriously... if they have Canada in there... why the heck can't they put more countries up? And the funny thing is... you have to have an american address to play the game, but your credit card doesn't need to be american, and in POL you can only be american, japanese or canadia. I find that extremely short sighted and messed up. <_<
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