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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Terrible pity? I'm sorry but how many times can one chick play the tough "take no sh!t" chick. It was played out in The Fast and Furious, and got worse in Resident Evil and SWAT. Ugh......I'm glad she was offed in the first movie. I agree. Michelle Rodriguez gives me the creeps! Though... he is right about her voice. I'm looking foward to this movie.... hopefully they will put Nemesis in it and make it look cool. BTW.... screw lickers.... hunters are much better monsters to have. <_<
  2. Headaches watching 0079? Is that the excuse they use now for not enjoying an old anime? It was known for a while that Zeta would be a direct to DVD release. Lets face it, even airing in Adult Swim, Zeta would still need to go through extensive editing. Heck.... if aired in Adult Swim I bet they will most defenetly cut the part about the 2 Seed character having sex. I for one.... seriously hope Bandai leave the TMRevolution "clip" episode from Seed. It isn't enough to have alot of clip episodes, but you also need to have an episode created to promote one of their songs. And IMO.... TMRevolution sucks, and it sucks pretty bad. The only good song they ever put out was Heart of Sword, period. <_<
  3. Don't even bother with AC2... the game is dead in the water because the player economy completly killed it. <_< Last I heard... Turbine got the rights to make a Dungeons and Dragons based MMORPG. Yeah... but you seem to be forgetting that this is the first MMORPG attempt of a japanese company. They set out to make a different kind of MMO.... one that wouldn't feel like the pain that is EQ... and IMO.... they have achieved it. Just by the simple fact that this is a japanese console MMORPG, you should have known not to expect anything. And besides, running wasn't easy in FF games, and FFXI does just that. Its possible to run just as it was possible to run in EQ. All you need is: -pay attention to your surroundings: don't pull a mob when theres more of its kind around, or other agro monsters. -Know the mob: you have to know if they will agro you by smell, sight or noise. If you see one of its kind approaching you, try to pull the mob you are attacking away from it. Some agros might get close enough to tough you, but might not attack you. -Always expect, the unexpected: yesterday, my party got killed because a Banshee respawned in our camp spot, when it shouldn't have. Easy to say... we got massacred, so did all the other parties around the entrance of Qufim. The same happened at the entrance of Dehkuft tower, but this time it also brought a Wight along. -Call for help: trust me... theres always a whm near you. No xp is worth sacrifycing whatever death penalty your lv has. Its actually pretty easy to avoid agro. Weapons do look alot different. As for the mobs.... someone told me its a work in progress. The last 2 updates added new skins to mobs. And they do get alot bigger. The worms went from knee high to twice my size in Qufim. And the way things are going, they introduce a new mobs every lving spot. The spot I'm in, introduced Giants. Selbina introduced Damselflies. Konstchat introduced Tremor Rams. And so on. I honestly can't wait to take on a Behemoth with 3 parties.
  4. The furthest I got in EQ was a lv14 Death knight (or whatever they were called). Thats when I tried to fight something that would've otherwise been a piece of cake... and I got killed after I didn't hit it a single time, tried to run and the thing would still hit me. Thats when I realize that EQ wasn't entertainment.... it was a torture. <_< And you can run from mobs in FFXI. There are plenty of other characters in the area you are in. Call for help... and start running. It works 90% of the time. Either run to a zone.... or run to a place you know theres plenty of ppl. Though... it wasn't nearly as bad as SWG. Now that was a mess of a game. <_<
  5. I had a cool snap shot of Shiva casting Diamond Dust on a monster... I will try to post later.
  6. Not damned good.... but good. Its not the greatest game.
  7. Well.... why should they make you be able to run from battles? Thats kind of silly, seriously. By the time you hit lv10 you should be well aware that 90% of the creatures will both link and agro you, so you should be aware of the creatures that are around you when you start a fight. After lv10.... unless you are sure you can make it to the entrance of another zone... to even consider disengaging a battle is extremely silly. And later monsters can't really follow you as fast as early monsters can. I know I pulled 5 Wights after me once, and I manage to run half way accross the map because they couldn't keep up with me (either that, or some n00b decided it would be cool to provoke them). And my low lv whm has no problems disengaging and running from a mob, and I have done that with both orcs, goblins and sheep. And there are only 2 ways of running from a battle.... either cast gravity on the target (I think its a whm spell) or using a flee (a thief ability). And if I'm not mistaken.... just about everyother MMORPG doesn't allow you to run from a battle. I know I couldn't run from battle in EQ and AC. And in SWG you had that stupid burst run thing that needed recharging. My only complaints about the game are: -The players: I have met some dumb ppl, but some of the FFXI players really take the cup. Seriously... I would rank them as high as EQ players. They can go from n00bs who somehow made it to lv20 without knowing anything about the game mechanics, to n00bs who think they know more then everyone else. Worst yet, both love to spam the chat log. And ppl who put their silly little skill shouts as /shout should be shot. The whole area doesn't need to know what sort of stupid offensive yell you came up for skills. <_< -the first message: it might just be me, but having a fixed message to get someone into your friends list is extremely silly. <_< -the lack of nationalities: in this game... you are either Japanese, Candian or American... and that sucks. Specially since Japanese players stay away from American players when they are really staying away from all english speakers. <_< -the lack of variation: seriously.... just increasing the size of monsters isn't enough. I'm tired of fighting clippers, who look exactly like snippers, land crabs and river crabs, they don't even have color variations! The same thing for just about every other creature. Goblins are all the same throughout the game, same for Quadavs and Orcs. Don't even get me started on armors. Untill lv 30 they all look like simple color variations of the 3 basic armor sets. Sure they look color later on.... but gee. -The sukebe factor: whats the deal with female characters having to wear hot pants? I always figured, if you have a 9 feet tall blood thirsty man turtle after your head, hot pants aren't exactly what you would look for when going out in the wild. I gave trying to figure out the reason for the lack of pants when I first saw mithras in the character creation screen.... and I realized that 90% of the players got off watching those mithras acting "playful". -lv cap: does everything really has to require you being in lv20? -thieves: the most useful class for gil farming. Why couldn't they balance it better? Untill lv15... no one will want you in their parties, because you can't handle damage as well as a WAR and you can't deal damage as well either. IMO, they should've given sneak attack as a lv10 ability, not 15. <_< A search function at the auction house would've been great too.
  8. I guess you are right. It would only fit a Macross parody or something.
  9. Maybe they could cast William Shatner as the voice actor for the carrier captain.
  10. Heh.... reading that out loud.... the theme song of Star Trek and Enterprise started playing in my head.
  11. Ok... lets try to keep the level of this thread and not flame bait Gundam fans, because you know as well as everyone else here that the old Gundam shows have as much quality as Macross does. With that out of the way.... its kind of a funny statement... considering it also gave us Macross 7, which I consider to be the G Gundam and Gundam Wing of Macross, and showed us how not everything in Macross is a synonim(sp) for quality (heh... another thing where Macross resembles Gundam ) With that out of the way.... I would love to see a series that concentrated on Zentradi characters piloting Zentradi mech, maybe even some new tech like transformable Zentradi fighters or something. The setting doesn't really matter, but something set after Macross 7 would work just as well as something way before Macross Zero. The Zentradis are great unexplored terrain.... it would be nice to have some cool Zentradi characters that aren't Millia. And it would be nice to have a show that concentrates on how Zentradi squads work.
  12. A straight port would be REALLY good if they included the "wrong system card" level. ... Many PCEngine CD games had a error screen that came up if you were using too old a system card. Rondo of Blood on the PCEngine was unique in that it had a mini-game, consisting of one Castlevania/Akumajo Dracula level done in SD style, with the error coming at the end of the level. lol.... I never saw that. I played Rondo a few times only, I did beat it, but I never got the time to sit down and explore the game properly.
  13. But how big would the war be anyways? Wouldn't culture shock put at least 75% of the fleets out of comission? And how much of a threat would the rest be? The UN Spacy fleet would be quite large by then, and the New Macross class ships couldn't easily wipe out the remaining Zentradi fleets.
  14. You can always remap the controls. The thing is, the percentage of ppl who play the PC version in Japan is rather small. Square was aware that some japanese players are serious MMORPG players (or MP games) and they figured they could simply pull a port to make those happy. The thing they never considered is that every other player in the world wouldn't swallow a PS2 port as easily. The game is expanding, and I bet Square got enoug complaints to consider upgrading the HUD (specially at higher resolutions since it gets so small). As far as controls go... I usually run around in 1st person and fight in 3rd person, and IMO... it works just fine using tab or num pad 0 to target something. As for the game moving slowly.... it does. It moves extremely slowly and some classes require more time then others, specially when you are just starting. Classes like mages go extremely slow between lv7 and 10, but take off at lv10 and 11, specially whm between 11 and 20 and blm after 20. Thiefs... don't even bother choosing that class if you want thing to move fast. Between lv1 and 15, you are pratically useless and very few ppl will want you in their party. Once you get a subjob and the advantages start kicking in, you will realize just how much faster the game moves. Things really pick up after lv20 because ppl start looking for a more elaborate party. No more "whm as an after thought" that goes on so much in Valkrum. My first party in Qufim... I was earning 150xp per battle, and none of them were near death experiences like fighting snippers in Valkrum.
  15. I thought it was going to harder since you can't use items with him. Sure.... but the range of the swords is far greater then that of the whip.... so you can keep your distance from enemies. And boss fights are much easier too, except for the 3 elementals. Medusa was extremely easy to beat, and so was Walter and Death. Its all about not having to get close anymore.
  16. Honestly... I don't know how far Macross could move. What sorts of incidents could Kawamori "portray" after Macross 7? The Zentradi war is over, the proto devlins goned, would a civil war really be that interesting? Would watching battle of valkyries against valkyries really be that hot? Watching a bunch of politicians, who we don't care about, do shady business while the pilots are out there killing themselves really that interesting? If Kawamori was to make a new series.... I seriously hope he introduces a new alien threat. Because honestly, and I know I will get some flak for saying this, a civil war would feel way too much like something out of the Gundam universe. <_< Perhaps he could do a series about Max and Millia between the end of SDF and the beginning of Macross 7. Or even come up with brand new characters between those 2 dates.
  17. Its more action oriented..... and much easier IMO. As for Pumpkin.... its more comedy oriented.
  18. I don't understand why ppl complain about the controls.... using the keyboard is just fine. Arrow keys for camera and num pad everything else is a perfect set up. As for 1 character per account... the race variations are almost 0 (except for mages), and you can sample every class with 1 character, so wheres the problem? <_< And Effect... you might enjoy the game more if you stopped trying all classes and stuck with one untill you hit lv18 and started being able to sub class. IMO.... EQ and AC had much slower controls then FFXI. As a matter of fact.... EQ has the slowest controls I have ever seen! And I have played PS3... which is the slowest moving game to date. At least they made the zones interesting. SWG had a whole lot of nothing anywhere you looked. EQ had really bland zone, same for AC. Oh well.... we still have Worlds of Warcraft coming... so I guess theres still hope. PS If anyone bought FFXI expecting a PC grade MMORPG.... they were either grossly misinformed or were smoking something really strong.
  19. Castlevania: Lament of Innocense (the japanese version is simply called Castlevania) was released 2 months ago for the PS2 and it was done by the SotN team. The game feels much like Devil May Cry without the guns.... which may or may not be a good thing. Its 3D and its much better then the blasphemy that was Castlevania 64. It has great soundtrack. The game deals with Leon Belmont, the first of the Belmont bloodline, and how he aquired the vampire killer whip. It has good replayability (has 2 secret playable characters). As for remakes, ever since Konami released Chronicles, they hinted on more remakes, but they never happened... at least not so far. Personally.... I would love a remake of Rondo with Blood (Dracula X)... heck even a straight port would be nice.
  20. I second that.
  21. Funny... the game is being produced for the Xbox too. I wonder if Konami plans on releasing SH3 for the Xbox too.
  22. No one said you have no merit, and no one said you don't know what you are talking about. You posted an opinion, and ppl posted a counter opinion, thats all. And I don't understand why you think having random standards is bad. I have that too, it what makes me enjoy some bad games while hating good games at the same time. All it means is that while you really enjoy a genre of game, you won't necessarely enjoy every single game of that genre, and you might end up enjoying a game that is seen as bad while hating games that are seen as good. Its almost as if you liked games according to phases of the moon. You don't have a predefined favorite genre. Calling your standards random wasn't meant to offend.... it was a simple explanation as to why you enjoyed a game you felt you never would (Vice City) and you dispise 1 that was meant for you to enjoy (Battlefield Whenever).
  23. Well... I don't know how well that would work. Cloud isn't exactly wearing armor. And if I'm not mistaken... theres an armor set that will make you look like Kain and Dark Knight Cecil from FF4. I wouldn't mind if Square added clothes that would make your character look like characters from the original Final Fantasy Tactics.
  24. Well... what do you expect? Not everyone can get a state of the art computer every year to run games. Thats why consoles are more mainstream then PCs... all you have to do is pop the game in and play, you don't have to worry about bugs and games not running because of random crap. Have you seen the PC games that ship now a days? We are back to the age where developers get games out the door simply to earn money. Do yourself a favor... get Deus Ex: Invisible War and tell thats not a complete mess of a PC game. Silent Hill ran on the PSX... what did you expect? The hardware was extremely limited. Thats what Konami had to work with, and consider they actually got a whole 3d world instead of 3d models on prerendered back grounds like Capcom did with RE... they did a damn fine job! Untill PCs are easier to deal with, and developers learn that ppl don't want to buy a game just to wait for a patch that will make the game playable..... ppl will have to deal with consoles, and their limitations. I realize you were not comparing consoles to PC, but your post was a typical console games Vs PC games comparison... so I just couldn't help it. You actually found the zombies in RE2 and 3 scary? Thats pretty funny. IMO.... what was scary about SH weren't the monsters.... it was the atmosphere and the sound. Running around the dark school, with the lights off, the volume turned loud and some sort of surround sound was a great experience. SH wasn't a game about running around shooting random things, the monsters aren't even a variable here since they could all be easily killed with meele weapons or avoided all together (in SH3, other then the bosses, theres actually 1 ocasion where the game forces you to kill monsters). Then your standards aren't as high as you think. Actually... its not that your standards are high... they are simply random.
  25. Thats because Elvaan females are scary, and the model is not appealing at all. <_< Why would hurt your eyes with an elvaan female when you can have a mithra or something? Specially considering the elvaans are only good for 1 thing..... meele jobs (except for ranger).
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