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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. I got to lv25 last night. My party was pretty good, and the leader was japanese. A rarety really, a party formed by a japanese player where all the other players were english speakers. We had 2 sams, 1 thf, 2 blms and 1 whm. For the first time ever, I finally realized how useful magic bursting is. We were doing distortion on mobs, and casting blizzard after it would = dmg between 80 and 120. I must have gotten 10k xp in 2 hours, and thats the fastest I have ever gotten in this game. We were hunting whatever would show up close to us, from Giants and Wights, to dancing weapons. While the party was well built, the japanese player wasn't exactly the best player around. He was an average puller, and a decent party member during fights. As for the sam.... unfortunetly, it was the a-hole sam I talked about a few posts back. He left the pt suddenly after dying, and complained to one of the blm that he wasn't curing enough, even though he had the brilliant idea of using this 2h to chain, and the blms were supposed to burst off his chain. A real a-hole indeed. As for you Yosho...... ppl poke you because female Elvaans look like a train wreck.
  2. Because so far.... HG has only been interested in producing stuff from the Macross Saga and New Generation. Apparently.... the RT Masters part of the show isn't considered profitable by HG.
  3. I'm inclined to think they just don't care. Maybe toynami doesn't know any better.... but I'm inclined to think that the HG employees involved with dealing with toynami are aware of the differences.
  4. Viewtyful Joe, Ikaruga, Zelda, F Zero GX, Beyond Good and Evil, Metroid Prime and Prince of Persia.
  5. There would never be DYRL MPCs... you want to know why? Because looking at those SPs, theres no difference between TV and Movie VFs... and we all know thats not true, but they don't seem to know. They would probably just ship a special edition FP with the strike cannon or something.
  6. Try being a RNG. You're basically loading your gil into a gun and shooting it at things. Sub sam.... and you will be biggest dmg dealer in the whole game.
  7. I have seen it.... and I have drool all over it. The whm in my linkshell went show off spree when she got it. Its quite possibly the best looking armor in that game. I wouldn't say best looking in the entire game, but it's a whole lot nicer than the whm AF armor that makes them look like Japanese schoolgirls working at the red cross. WHM Full AF You know what the problem is? Square decided to use the FFT job outfits as basis for the AF armors in there. But as they couldn't do capes, they decided to come up with that ridiculous looking.... thing. The same goes for the Summoner AF, its the same as the whm, except has stupid colors and the headband has a horn. And from what I gather... its not really useful because it makes mobs attack you more often then your avatar.
  8. I just don't want this to turn out like the Indiana Jones set. Don't get me wrong, I love all 3 movies, and having them on DVD was really the greatest thing to happen in the past few years.... but the extras were so bare, I wonder why the heck they needed an entire DVD just for them. If we get at least half of what we got for Eps1 and 2, for each of the 3 movies, I will be pretty happy.
  9. Honestly... I find it hard to believe that HG would simply be able to stop all import Macross toys from reaching the hands of the fans. Its too big, too many sources for them to just stop it.
  10. I have seen it.... and I have drool all over it. The whm in my linkshell went show off spree when she got it. Its quite possibly the best looking armor in that game.
  11. You know whats funny? Watching ppl run around like headless chickens over something like this.... as if the world was coming to an end tomorrow. Truly hilarious. See... if theres anything wrong with this release, something will be done about it, like it was done about the Macross 7 Trash release. BW isn't exactly blind, you know? If they are on solid ground.... just move on with your life and keep doing what you guys always do.... get import toys. Honestly... I wouldn't miss a breath over super poseables.
  12. Right.... and if the limited edition Macross stuff and the Animeigo Macross set ddin't increase the awareness... what makes you think that rather obscure movie (for RT fans)based toys will change anything?
  13. As noble as that might sound.... it would be hard to take 2 stablished franchises and simply fuse them together. Remember, Abombz, that you're talking about the company that fused Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada and got away with it for this long. And whos fault was that? Who should've gotten in the way of the butchering, but wasn't really interested in the franchise untill studio Nue butchered the franchise to make Macross 2?
  14. Best Headband in town.... cotton Hachimaki. Expensive job? Any mage job past lv30, unless you are smart and get your scrolls at the spell shop in Jeuno. Otherwise... spell start defaulting at 20k gil each. Oh yeah... the only reason to play whm in FFXI is so you get yourself a whm plate armor at lv40, they cost 20k each, but look soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!
  15. Maybe its just me.... but I sort of drooled and had a mine almost heart attack when I saw this picture. http://www.collectiondx.com/features/japan...es/P5311246.jpg *giggles*
  16. You mean the one that you weren't supposed to do? Vostok 7 No.... I mean the one I used just for fun. When I use it for real... I usually deal between 5 to 15 dmg.
  17. lol.... that would be extreme overreaction/hyperventilating HS teenage girl BS.
  18. The thing is... we all know this thread is going to deviate from its topic due to the obvious nature of the subject.
  19. All I know is that..... doing 2 Tachi: Enpis one after the other on a Korroloka worm caused Distortion that dealt 85 dmg on that worm.
  20. As noble as that might sound.... it would be hard to take 2 stablished franchises and simply fuse them together. Tansformers and Go-Bots did it, they named some bots after Go-Bots... Not only that Go-bots were given another line in the states, granted it's not machine robot, but still... or it could be that robotech is an alternate dimention of Macross, and both dimentions meet or somthing I mean Power Ranegrs did Forever Red, it wouldn't be that far of a stretch... Well.... those are different cases. See.... while the alternate dimension thing could work, which franchise should live in the shadow of which? It would be too difficult. Now... if both were the creation of 1 single company, now that would be much easier to accomplish..... but we are talking about 2 different companies. 2 different companies with different interests and views. The Power Ranger thing can't be used here, because if I'm not mistaken, the different Power Ranger series are part of a single giant universe. And those series were produced by a single company.
  21. As noble as that might sound.... it would be hard to take 2 stablished franchises and simply fuse them together.
  22. Its very annoying how great swords can rarely chain with anything. The only chain I can remember was 1 Inch Punch + Frost Bite, plus bursting with Bio. Didn't do much dmg though.
  23. Skill chaining is hard... but once you get used to it.... you can chain on the fly, whenever a pt member happens to dump his/hers tp. Pretty cool.
  24. Jesus..... can't even read? I said back when I first got it! He didn't have an LS back then.
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