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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Enterprise, Star Trek 2,4 and 6. Everything else is garbage can material. Though... I haven't seen anything from DS9 past the first season, and I wasn't impressed. I liked babylon 5 much more then I liked DS9.
  2. Trust me... I know what you mean. I'm one of those who loves good looking armor and customization options in RPGs. But you see.... there is no anime based RPG that has that sort of options. POS is the only one so far. As far as cool looking armor goes, I like of ot the stuff in FFXI, I just wish they would remove the damn hot pants already. I understand what you are looking for, because I would also love to have something like that in a game, but as far as it goes, PSO is one of the few Japanese style RPGs that offer anime like character costumization. As far as KOTOR goes.... the characters not only looked extremely ugly (the females at least), but the armors were beyond lame. MOrrowind was awsome... but the actuall character models look just as bad as those in Everquest.
  3. Sounds like you are looking for one of those crazy semi-hentai dating sims. Unfortunatly.... theres no such game.
  4. Theres none. The best you will get is SWG character creation. We haven't gotten to the point where RPGs feature customizations beyond mere cosmetics. I would love to be able to change everything about a character, but so far, no game has accomplished that. On the SWG thing... I think more time went into the character creation screen then the entire game.
  5. The Ultima name has been defiled for me. Ultima Online sucked big donkey nuts, and Ultima 9.... well.... I don't really need to say anything about that, do I? I was looking at EQII screens yesterday.... and I can say that game looks like crap. Just from the screens you can see that its going to have extremely choppy animation (from limb display). BTW Yosho.... why the heck were you telling your brother that getting the Ninja flag is hard? Its extremely easy, more so then getting the Pali flag. All he needs is help to kill the 3 slugs. PS the only reason why I'm considering Lineage 2 is because the game can be played entirely solo or pting.
  6. Really? What do you call Korean animation? Or french animation? Or..... *shudders* Afeganimation?
  7. I have officially given up on being a sam. Its war all over again and I rather not have to go through that crap again. And besides.... sams aren't fun. They are like wars who can hit better then wars, but not take dmg well. And besides.... I'm always stuck with tank dutty, if I wanted to be a tank I would've been a pali. If I'm going to stick around only for a moth or 2.... I might as well get something out of this game, something I haven't been getting.... and that something is called FUN!!
  8. I made my decision..... I'm playing FFXI till the end of April, and then moving on to Lineage 2. FFXI really became boring to me this past few days. I used to log on whenever I could, now I can't stand the thought of logging on outside pting hours.... and even then I can't play for more then a few minutes before thinking about logging again. I'm a lv27 sam now.... and just thinking about reaching lv40 and then restarting as a dragoon, makes my stomach twist. Its not so much the game.... but the community itself.... I'm getting burned, and I'm getting burned fast, and I usually take that as a sign of moving on time. My LS is moving on to Lineage too.... so I figured I might jump on their band wagon and play a game with ppl I know, usually makes things more fun. And besides.... it would be a group of ppl on the same lv, so that might be even more fun. Lineage 2 seems to be a cool game with emphasis on soloing..... so that might be fun... if not... oh well. And besides... I'm a sucker for dark elves. P.S. this ain't one of my many "I'm going to quit!!!.... or maybe I won't" thing. This time I'm really going to quit at the end of April.
  9. For a continent they would need to release an expansion.... unless they already have the code in the game. For example... they are adding a new avatar because the code is already in the game. Apparently, when you type the command line for summoning Fenrir, it says you don't currently have the avatar, while typing a random cmd line for a random avatar (like Bahamut) will give you "command line doesn't exist". Theres plenty of things that could be added. But what I miss most.... is previous FF cameos and weapons. I would love to see a GS called "Buster Sword", or a sword called "Gun Blade", or a double bladed staff like Zidane had.
  10. Thats what it sounded like to me reading through it, and I really hope that's what it is because that sounds immensely cooler than PvP. Kinda like when the twinkling treant was around... If that's what it is then, I'm in... Otherwise, I'll forget it even exists. Vostok 7 See.... the previously upcoming MMORPG called Mythica had that sort of private area.... but MS pulled the plug on it. Too bad it was the only MMO based on Nord Mythology too.
  11. Honestly.... these Dynamis areas sound like big private areas where you can bring friends in and fight things like a massive alliance while still getting xp individually, and having lot for the entire area. Sounds awsome if you ask me... specially since its a big free for all as mobs aren't taken anymore. Thats just me dreaming though.... feel free to disregard.
  12. Actually.... no. They would probably set it so whenever you chose to engage another player theres a pause so both can start battle mode. But then again.... thfs would be useless in PvP that way. So I say.... keep FFXI PvP free!! And besides.... PvP in a game that requires no skill what so ever is retarded. They will most likely have to revamp the battle engine... which means we might have an expansion coming.
  13. The Vic Viper is in this game?!?!?!?! And TWIN BEE?!?!?!?!?!?! Must buy!!! Even though I hated the Xbox AF Delta and the DC game was mildly underwhelming.
  14. Sounds like they are getting ready to increase the lv cap again.... I hope they go all the way up to 150 this time. I'm really looking foward to Genkai 1..... yeah right!!
  15. Furniture still isn't worth anything...... except for brass beds. As for PvP area.... I thought they were going to call it limbo. And I still don't see how PvP would work in this game.... if they make a separate area, palis will rule everything simply because they can cast protect on themselves and heal, while everyone else has to pray on being able to get criticals often. If they use 2h.... palis can counterattack with invinsible. Mages would never venture into those areas. Something is really wrong with PvP in FFXI.
  16. To all you bastards who wished for an economizer and gem box in FFXI.... maybe square will finally hear your prayers. And a new avatar? Too bad its going to be Fenrir..... I wish they would add Bahamut instead. And what the heck are Dynamis areas? PvP?
  17. http://www.ffxionline.com/forums/showthrea...4205#post304205 WOOT!!!!!
  18. thats what you get for subbing rdm with whm.
  19. I'm hardly ever on And yeah, there's like no one in my LS lol. I can get a DRK probably, and the owner is a PLD. But I haven't seen any WHMs yet. Vostok 7 Then you better find a second rdm for this. And specially one that isn't an elvaan. Yosho already has crap MP because he is an elvaan, even with apple pies and orange juice, he still going to have substandard MP..... and him as the only healer won't work. Either you have 2 rdms subbing whm with decent MP..... or you have 1 taru whm subbing blm.
  20. You could get her to help us Vostok 7 I'm not getting her to help you because she is barely ever on. And besides... you got a linkshell now... use it!!
  21. DIdn't do anything special yesterday. I lved my whm with a friend for a few hours, but once he left the party went to crap. Our main tank and puller was a coward and refused to pull anything other then tough flies. And he would start yelling at me to heal him if his HP dropped 50 points bellow max. And he wouldn't do anything unless his hp was full. He also would pull sheep and complain to me whenever I couldn't keep him healed and wake the party up at the same time. Then I went to help a couple of friend kill the emissary dragon. Easy fight, except for me and the whm Vostok pted with on saturday, the pt was between lv22 and 18. Easy fight, no one got cursed. And then we stuck in Giddeus and helped them get Giddeus keys for Kazham. Took us 30 minutes for the first key and 2 hours for the second.... I even lved to lv27 there.
  22. wouldn't it be the same thing? gamecube 100 Free loader 20 =120. I got mine for 120.50...well actually 115 since it shipping was a lil cheaper. and it came with 2 games, biohazard and some other game...looks weird..the main charater looks like tofu. *shrug* Thats probably Animal Crossing or the other wierd game were you have to go around eating other animals. Getting the modded GC is a much better idea then getting a freeloader. At least he doesn't run the risk of misplacing the disk. BTW... you probably already noticed that.... but you are going to need 2 memory cards, because whenever you start a japanese game with a memory card that already has american games saved in it, the game will ask to format the memory card.
  23. Never been a fan of Mospeada, but that looks pretty cool. Might pick one up once I hear about its articulation and poseability.
  24. It has nothing to do with the day of the week.... Kazham seems to bring the mental retardation in everyone.
  25. I just had the worst party experience ever. Forget every other story... this one beats them all!! So I got into this party.... it was alright in the beginning, but the lv gaps were mind bogling. It fell apart... and then was reborn with some nice players in it... or so I thought. Lets begin with..... 1- LV27 War- first thing he does, is tell everyone how much of a terrible tank and bad puller he is. Gee.... you have to be a moron to say that, specially when you are lv27, has almost 50 points more defense then everyother tank in the party. He also had this stupid emote everytime he used boost "You can't boast this!!". Now.... WTF is that supposed to mean? At one time, we had 2 blms and 1 whm in our party. The mages said "Keep the battle away from us so we are not hit bu sleep". I was the puller so I came back to camp and stopped as far away from camp as possible. Now... this retard decides to provoke it.... but instead of walking up to it, he sits close to the mages, and pulls the mob up to them. So I provoke again, but I start to walk away.... to my surprise, this moron provokes it away from me, and into the mage cluster. WTF? 2-LV27 WHM- this one is a major retard and everyone should avoid him. He blows through 300 something mp in less then a minute. He casts only Curaga and Cure III, causing so much hate not even the tanks can pull the mob away from it (hate greater then benediction). Not only that... but this idiot doesn't have regen. Regen is honestly much more useful then Cure III at this lv because it doesn't attract nearly as much hate then Cure III. But according to him it was his choice.... well.... thats great for him, but free will doesn't make him less of a stupid moron. Its like saying "Oh... I didn't have money for Raise... so I got something else instead. It was my choice... I pay monthly to make my own decisions". 3-LV26 Blm- this one acted as if she knew everything. She came up with the brilliant idea "Lets all move to Yohoator Jungle!!". At lv26 this is suicide. So we go there anyway.... we arrive there and this genius says "Ok... everything here will eat us alive, lets go kill things on the other side of zone". Its all fine and dandy... except that nothing but gobs spawn there. Its not really a problem for her... because she isn't the one who is doing all the pulling!!! I swear to God... this game attracts some of the dumbest and most stupid ppl on this planet.
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