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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. You kill hojo a few secs before Rufus is killed by the Weapon.
  2. 13 hands!!!!??!?!?! Yeah.... Dragon has a really cool cloth, much better then Seiyas. I like how it implies that Shiryu is always fighting to death, and that protection isn't worth anything in his battles. Mainly because his cloth leaves alot exposed. As for the gold saints.... I hope they find a way to cover the leg entirely, so when you pose them kneeled, pieces of the figures legs don't show up.
  3. ET is also in the movie... with a bunch of its kind.
  4. They are making Golden Saints too?!?!!?!?!?!? *dies* I got Seiya and Shiryu.... waiting on Hyoga (hlj was sold). Really nice figures, but I found Shiryu to be of slightly lower quality when compared to Seiya (the leg pieces to stay in place all that well, and the legs are kind of too thin). Very nice figures, awsome news.
  5. Thats explains it then. Doesn't make much sense.... but I guess I get it. I guess in HGs case every sale matters.... specially when, in case of the MPC, there are better alternatives available, not cost effective, but better.
  6. Not impressed. Clouds voice doesn't match the character at all. I always figured Cloud would be in his early or mid 20s.... but he sounds like he is in his late 30s ealry 40s. It seems like its going to be 60 minutes of non stop Cloud vs "White haired guy who looks like Sephiroth, who might be a clone, or who might be Sephiroth himself", with a bunch of random flashbacks and clips of what the planet looks like after Meteor hit. As for the guy in wheel chair.... I vote for Rufus. PS I might watch the movie just so I can see that cool bike stunt on high res.
  7. I can see why you would be grossed out by Mark Hami..... I mean Camile Bidan in the first pick. But whats wrong with the other 2?
  8. (Regarding the rest of the post: what Anubis said.) You're correct that if HG had a legitimate exclusive right to DYRL in the US, it would be illegal to import and distribute DYRL stuff that wasn't licensed by HG. However, there would one major loophole: you could still import stuff for personal use. So if you ordered directly from overseas via Hobbylink Japan, Toy Wave, etc., you shouldn't have any problem. Places like Valkyrie Exchange, TMPAnime, etc., might have more difficulty, since they import stuff for resale. However, HG would have to furnish proof of its rights, something they've refused thus far to do. I'm not a lawyer, so please don't take the above as legal advice. It's just speculation based on my reading of the law. Relevant portions of US copyright law are US Code Title 17, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6. The loophole is Section 602 (a) (2). Explain me something... how is importing illegal? If its trully illegal... why haven't I seen Nintendo, Sony, MS and many other companies run after retailers who sell import games? WHy haven't I seen Habro run after retailers who sell japanese versions of TF toys that are also available in the US? In Hasbros case.... they lose a pretty big part of their sales to ppl who by the Takara TF toys simply because they might be better or somethhing. Sounds extremely fishy to me, but then again... it might be illegal... and they just don't care enough to go through the hassle of running after those retailers.
  9. I thought that "Super Dimention" term was just a generic term for anything huge. Right... but considering the ship looked sort of like the SDF Macross and it transformed into a giant robot... its hard not to draw comparisons.
  10. I really tried to dl it. Left my PC overnight.... just to wake up and find out that the 400 something megs were corrupted. On a lighter note... I did download Painkiller. While not anywhere near the quality of Far Cry.... its still great on its own. Its like a lighter version of the Serious Sam games, without the silliness and with Havok physics engine. Seriously.... nailing a zombie against a wall with a wood nail the size of a small car is alot of fun.
  11. that might be true for them. thena gain ever played xenogears? so many star wars stuff in there almsot as muhc as star trek stuff. Ali Super Dimension Yggdrasil anyone? It really depends on how much those fighters show up in the comics.... if its just for less then 1 page... then its a homage. Most japanese companies/artists allow that.... anyone still wonder how certain famous anime characters end up in hentai manga? Because they simply don't care enough to go after the publishers. If we are talking about being made part of the continuity... then thats another completly different story. So far... no one knows. So before you guys start picking up your toches and pitchforks (or door knobs in Agent 1s case)..... just give it some time. The Macross 7 Trash manga took a few weeks to go MIA. I love how ppl make storms in glasses of water, here. I'm just glad I'm packing my life jacket.
  12. If thye make a YF21 that can stand on its own.... they have my money.
  13. So.... when is the Robotech Plus DVD being released?
  14. I'm done with this thread. If I ever get Lineage 2 or WoW... I will start a new thread with impressions, and who ever wants to join the same server cool.
  15. lol I forgot it was you I was talking to Nothing would stop you? Not even my wanting to play? Wow. j/k Vostok 7 What does that have to do with anything? So I should shoot you if you ever change your mind? I have 2 words at the tip of my tongue for you... but I rather not use them at the risk of being banned. And no... I could really give a crap about you wanting or not wanting to play this or any other game.
  16. You said you wanted to play it not 10 posts up... Either way I don't care anymore. FFXI is starting to get on my nerves (again) as well lately. Vostok 7 10 posts ago.... 1 whole day ago. Ppl can change their minds, you know? Its not unusual or inhuman. And honestly..... if I was really excited about playing Lineage 2, nothing would stop me from playing it.
  17. The only reason why I'm even slightly interested on WoW is because of the Warcraft universe... it has potential, and I just hope Blizzard can realize it. And as for ppl quitting... I think the number of ppl quitting is the same number of ppl joining everyday. The PS2 version is just around the corner. As for Lineage 2.... if its the same pain to get money as it was in FFXI.... that game has not future for me.
  18. Hm. Well, I'm not pre-ordering it then. It said you could sign up, or secure a place by pre-ordering. And your last comment... I could see that coming as soon as I expressed the slightest interest Vostok 7 Nope... I simply don't have enough interest. Honestly.... this is Everquest dressed in a different outfit.... they all are. If I'm going to be lv grinding.... I might just stick to FFXI. And besides.... I seriously doubt they are making this game with solo in mind.
  19. You do realize that the Lineage 2 beta is the type you sign up for as in you will defenetly get in? The pre-order deal is, pre-order the game and get the beta disc before hand. And no... I probably won't play Lineage 2... so good luck. The thought of getting a MMORPG at launch and swimming through the sea of bugs and crap makes me want to hurt ppl.
  20. Bah! Just get the DVDs and be happy. I bed the Saturday run will be edited like crazy anyways. You are better off getting the DVD. Anyword if Bandai cut off the clip episode that was nothing but a comercial for TMRevolution and their shitty shitty songs?
  21. ROFL!!! That jet pack looks amazing!!!! [/sarcasm]
  22. Right.... but the Champions of Norrath models look like ass.... and they are not nearly as costumizable as David wants.
  23. Well..... THEY HAVE TO LET US CHANGE GENDERS!!!!! otherwise this game will suck big hairy monkey nuts. Seriously... I bet he is also ugly as a f@ck.
  24. A man after me own heart, Master David. Pirotess as the lead character in a Lodoss RPG... Or some such. I would kill for that. Hehehehe..... dark elves are the only reason why I'm interested in WoW.
  25. Like I said.... SWG is the closest thing to full costumization, but you probably already know theres no game to back that up. Theres Morrowind, but you probably already knew that. And the afro mentioned Fable. Don't know how much costumization Fable will have though (I hope for at least gender choice) The best source of costumization are usually MMORPGs.... or untill Square decides to start making RPGs were you can fully customize the main character.
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