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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. I'm honestly ready to put this game out of its misery. I'm just waiting on my copy of Ninja Gaiden, hopefully it will keep me busy for more then 12 hours of non stop playing, and Clive Barkers "The Undying" has been "calling" me for a few days now.... maybe that game is cursed after all. Considering Lineage II is going to be 200% pure random PvP, I'm going to steer so far away from it as a vampire runs from cross and holy water. City of Heroes sounds kind of cool, and WoW keeps sounding better and better. BUt you know how Blizzard is.... not expecting that game to come out any time soon. But then again.... I won't feel accomplished in the game untill I have at least gotten 1 AF. And I have done more quests then I care to remember. My whm is lv25, and I can say it sucks to have raise because everyone in the area expects you to drop everything and come raise them. My sam is lv32, sucks to find a party. I got Ninja and dragoon this weekend, and I can say Ninja is a terrible job, and dragoon is a complete drag. I got rank 5, and I can say ariships are not that hot. I got gobbie bag I and mog safe I, both were pretty useless, except for giving me a huge budget hole. And to add insult to injury..... Square decided to decrease the rate of crystal drops. Yesterday, I went from lv1 to 10 with my dragoon and I got a total of 5 crystals. Seems like those dumb frakks want us to go hunting NMs as a source of significant income.
  2. Not as well as Miramax.
  3. Actually if memory serves me correctly... as if often doesn't... and I don't recall what eppisode this animation is seen... But I distinctly remember an eppisode where the "head" is actually retracted up-underneath the Valk in fighter mode and is capable of "extending" out. Presumably this is something the toy isn't capable of doing Also I think the 'A' 1/48's laser barrel looks too long, looks kewl, but still I think its too long. Though I haven't really looked closely at the pics I have seen. You are refering to the episode where the big battle with the Bodolza fleet happens. Hikaru "extends" the head of the 1S to make a whole in the bunker wall.
  4. I really really glad City of God didn't win anything. Its a crap movie and its well over 2 years old. And besides... it would cause every single anti-US Brazilian to get a nasty case of swell headedness. And Bill Murray should've won something for Lost in Translation.
  5. Don't ask me..... I'm still trying to figure out how the frakk ppl find pts past lv32. And to sort of answer your question...... its because all those ppl have absolutly no life. I put emphasis on the no life part. JUst about 95% of the ppl in our server don't do anything else other then play FFXI all day.
  6. Priceless.
  7. what do you take this site for? robotech.com? Opinions matter. this is not a I love everything yamato does and will buy it blindly club. if you like it. Fine. go buy it. If you dont; fine. Either way your entitled to debate and discuss your opinion. Only time will tell if thsi toy is sucessfull or not. I agree with you... to a point. I'm guilty of this too, but once you state your opinion on the matter, you don't have to keep hammering the same nail. After the second page, it was the same BS over and over again. This happens alot here, but if you state your opinion, just move on afterwards or something.
  8. Thats because the xp is good.... but everyone is a retard. Its a bitch to find a pt too.
  9. Thats because you guys weren't around when the first 1/48 review came up.... now that was a riot, wasn't even locked till page 50 something.
  10. Just wait till you get to sit around in Jeuno waiting from an invitation from parts unknown.... its real fun. Been lv32 for a week now... and not even a single pt invitation in daily 8 hours of game play.
  11. And here is the Emissary mission dragon. Sorry about the quality... but damn that thing blends in well with the background.
  12. I finally figured out how to get pictures out of the POL server.... so I got 2: First.... this is a pretty cool picture of my first trip to Qufim. Funny thing is.... the Phatboy guy... I met him again a few days ago in Yhoator jungle, and we couldn't remember if we had pted together before... I can't believe I actually have a snap of the time I pted with him when we were still just wars.
  13. Hows this for fancy? The main body alone costs 1.5 million gil.
  14. Getting record in that mission is kind of hard since the game gimps your entire pt. Unless we are talking about 4 blms and 1 or 2 palis.... getting record is hard. We got record in the other dragon because there was no gimpness on purpose. All it took us were 2 sam 2hs to bring the dragon down. Funny thing is, my LS kept telling me how not even the entire LS put together could bring it down.
  15. Hmmm.... I would've taken a picture of the dragoon flag quest dragon... but the damn thing went down in 2 minutes. Truly anti climatic. Wading through the sea of Bogys and Banshees in Korroloka for the ninja quest after killing the dragon was much harder, too bad the leeches were again..... weak. On a brighter note.... we do, now, hold the record for killing that dragon, at 1 minute and 45 seconds. Our whm was pissed because he didn't have the time to cast even a single spell. And one lucky soul got to be taken around Vanadiel doing advanced job quests simply because he shouted "Need help with killing the Dragoon quest dragon!!" in Sandoria. I'll probably do the quest again because our lv52 sam wanted to kill it again.... I'll be sure to take pics.... if I'm not too busy messing his Meikyo Shisui up.
  16. Yeah, he did come up with Jar Jar................. Jar Jar was nowhere near as bad as the Ewoks. hmmmm...... . . . . . Wookie Boat!!! . . . . its indeed amusing.
  17. Might be just me.... but they look nothing like their ages. Honestly... I wouldn't have given them less then 16 years... with Aioria at 18 or so. I guess I have to watch the show again.... I don't remember the height difference of the bronze saints at all... though I can see Shiryu and Ikki being taller then the rest.
  18. The size difference wasn't really that noticeable in the anime if you ask me. I always thought they made the Golden Saints taller to sort of embelish their power. Remember, Aioria without his cloth wasn't that much taller then the rest, but when when he put it on, he seemed taller. The only saint that look tall was Shiryu if you ask me.... untill he got his new cloth, and then he just looked like everyone else.
  19. Funny... I always found this song to be the most unberable of Minmays song..... every time I hear the Kyun-Kyun thing.... I fill like hurting/wrecking something.
  20. Abombz!!


    Thanks. Excuse getting OT, but that Hades fig looks nice. I'll have to check into that series, never heard of it. Same here. The Hades looks a lot like Vavel from Robot Alchemic Drive, too. Wonder if they shared a mecha designer HOOOOOOOOO!!!! HADES PROYECT ZEORIMER!!!! I LOVE THAT MECHA!! And the animationn too. Anyboday have ANY information about this? Is it a resin Kit? a toy? Scale, release date, ANYTHING?? I just had a strong chill run up my spine when I saw that picture. MUST.... OWN...... ZEORYMER...... TOY/MODEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. ... real cool lookin. I hope EP 3 is so violent little kids run out of the theatre screaming. You know, that would actually be funny. After years of being accused of kiddy-fying his films, Lucas snaps and makes "3" a gore-fest. You should hear how Mace gets it... Is he eaten by a big-ass genetically enhanced shark? Yes... with laser beams attached to their heads.
  22. ... real cool lookin. I hope EP 3 is so violent little kids run out of the theatre screaming. Now that would be a sight to behold and take pictures!!
  23. Thats why I really like the Z Gundam manga adaptation... they killed Yazham 5 pages after he first showed up.
  24. I'll do myself a favor and disregard your entire post based on this simple quote. If you had really watched both series extensively enough... you wouldn't have said that. After the 3rd or so defeat.... Jerid becomes Asuka after being bested by Shinji. And Uso didn't? And Amuro didn't have a reasont to complain? Have you even watched the original Gundam? You are saying that being thrust into the role of "ray of hope" of the Federation, and practically being forced to kill.... is not enough reason to act like he did? Just because Camille had a reason to be a loser, doesn't make him a likeable character.
  25. Its not just Seiya..... Hikarus hair was very popular back then.
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