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Everything posted by Abombz!!
I still say Farrel would do a good Bond. He has the style to be a secret agent I guess.
SHAFT!! of how ever you spell that.
Hugh is too rugged to be Bond. To be Bond the actor has to be kind of girly. So was Connery Girly!!!!? Kind of..... Connery had a certain style to him that made him girly and swave without compromising his manlyness. Its a pitty so few man have that. Like manboobs? I don't remember Connery man boobs... All men have boobs... and if I'm not mistaken every men could, hypothetically, breast feed too. Better be Jackie Chan then Jet Lee if you ask me.
Jackie Chan is 007!!! I could see that happening.
Hugh is too rugged to be Bond. To be Bond the actor has to be kind of girly. So was Connery Girly!!!!? Kind of..... Connery had a certain style to him that made him girly and swave without compromising his manlyness. Its a pitty so few man have that.
Hugh is too rugged to be Bond. To be Bond the actor has to be kind of girly.
Yes she was.... though she was the chubby yet cute kind of chubby person.
Hmmmmm..... Colin Farrel as Bond? I could see that happening. Hugh Jackman and Orlando Bloom? WTF? I would rather see they put 007 out of its misery though.
Hmmmm..... Everquest didn't have a worldwide release back when I started playing it... and yet it recognized it was going to have worldwide players. The same for AC, and just about everyother RPG before FFXI. It was S-Es stupidity plus short sight that caused that period. Theres no other explanation. You are going to tell me that they didn't know FF is a massive international success? Yeah right. Are you telling me they are going to have individual worldwide releases for each other country in the world? I think not. Saying that its not a worldwide release is not an excuse at this day and age.... because the game sure as hell support non american credit card.... how the heck do you explain that then? Right... what about non NA players? IN my server they make up about 40-45% of the english speaking players and there are damn fine players, just as good as japanese players. Why are those ignored? In the end... japanese match the lv of ignorance of americans. Except Japanese players are polite. And for that matter.... if japanese players have bad experience with bad parties pulling trains.... I want to see they explain japanese thfs who make asses of themselves stealing from Gobs in various places and then fleeing to zone with just about every gob in the area after them. I never said the AFs were good.... all I said is that I wanted the AF. After getting one you pretty much don't have much left to do anyways. Its that simple. I know how utterly useless the are since most players past lv70 don't use them at all. And for that matter... no one said you have to reply to my hate volleys.... ignore my posts, like everyone else in this forum does. I would like to point out that this list only holds true to american parties. The few conversations I had with a few japanese players (I got 4 of them in my friendslist, got them after I pted with them as a whm, almost never see them on anymore) who could speak english point out that the favorite dmg dealer list goes like this: 1.Dragoon or Ranger 2.Samurai 3.Warrior 4.Monk 5.Dark Knight They really to hate dark knights and refered to them as "useless" or "not nearly as good as Rangers and Dragoons" throughout the many conversations I had. They seem to really like Dragoons subbed sams, and held Rangers as their favorite dmg dealer class and would most of the times rather have rangers then blms in their pt. Just as ppl claim that wars are favorite tanks till lv30 (behind palis) when most ppl seem to prefer to have a sam as a tank then a war. American players love dark knights and I fail to see why. And american players dislike sams.... since for every 100 new american drks, theres only 1 american sam.
But I am quitting.... I'm just waiting for my copy of Ninja Gaiden to arrive and then one of my sisters is taking over the character, dispite my warnings. And I already preordered City of Heroes.... I hope that will keep me busy till WoW
Jesus.... that pic makes her look pretty ugly. She's no Cher, but she IS decent. Not in that picture.
Jesus.... that pic makes her look pretty ugly.
Then you missed a riot!! Billy Crystal was clearly the attraction in an otherwise boring and uninteresting cerimony.
I'm watching the Oscars right now. Got to use my DVD -burner for the first time ever by recording it. And I was shocked by naked Billy Crystal.... so many times.
Anymore man breasts and I will scream!!
Good lord, the man is like fifty. What did you expect, chisled pecs? Vostok 7 No... I expected no old man nudity. It should be a crime or something. Arnold looked awesome in T3. Oh!! Muscled man breasts!!. . . . . . .. ... .... excuse me while I go puke.
Good lord, the man is like fifty. What did you expect, chisled pecs? Vostok 7 No... I expected no old man nudity. It should be a crime or something.
On the Oscar thing.... there was too much naked Billy Crystal for my taste. He has soggy man breasts.
Its so much fun when the producer of the game locks you in the pen with the retards and kills whatever chance you have of playing with good players... you know something is wrong. And BTW.... japanese players are just about as much asses as americans are. This one player approached me on a trip from Bastok to Jeuno in the airship. He asked if it was ok to talk, all in japanese, as it was mostly in hiragana, I understood him and replied as politely as possible that it was ok.... his answer was "Oh, I thought you were japanese" and then "Sorry". WTF?
A+ only really means that you can get weaponskills sooner than others. As far as not being able to hit more often or stronger, that can all be changed with str+ acc+ and dex+ equipment. As far as names go, all I have to do is look at the search comment. If they have no search comment, then they're American. If they have a search comment, and it's in English or has heavy auto-translator usage, they're American. Everyone else is Japanese. I also noticed that American players are the only ones setting languages for JE. Those 3 things are like the kiss of death. However, there are some classes where you will always get a party with almost no waiting. Paladin, Bard, Red Mage and Summoner. I'm not sure what happened from level 20-56, but suddenly it seems like there's more white mages than the server actually needs. At any time now, there are only 6 paladins at my level range online, 2 bards, a lot of red mages (but all in groups) and 1 summoner. I know you may think summoner sucks, but wait till you get group blink, stoneskin and enthunder. As far as melee damage dealers go, the order in which you get invited is: 1. Dark Knight 2. Dragoon 3. Samurai 4. Warrior 5. Monk A+ really means that you hit better and has higher weapon skill lv cap with it. Want proof? Get 2 wars, both with the same skill lv on great axe and great sword.... see which one hits more often. The great axe one does... because wars get A+ proficience with axes. And it doesn't matter... if you happen to lose your wyvern... you are stuck with a completly useless weak dmg dealer who can't hit the broader side of a mountain. Well... on your seach comment comment... theres no winning then. The english version of FFXI isn't cappable ot using japanese characters, how the frakk am I suppose to get a decent search comment? Why am I supposed to suffer because of Squares extreme near sighted dumbassness? Seriously.... they will only accept american address for registering to POL, and yet they let you use credit cards from all around the world... hows that supposed to make sense? Even in my POL profile.... I can even set my nationality to anything other then Canadian, American or Japanese. WTF? You know what I'm going to do? My search comment is going to be "I'm not american, I'm brazilian, so please don't punish me for their asshatery" The thing I hate about american players.... they are either dark knights or palis. And whats worse..... american palis refuse to party with other palis!! I had a japanese tarutaru pali in my pt once (he sucked at holding agro, let me tell you), we invited another pali, and the idiot went on to complain about having another pali in the party!! Even if palis get pts out the wazoo..... I'm never going to be a pali... because everyone is!! I rather quit then be a pali. Welp.... whm isn't fun anymore. I quit a great pt, 100 points from lv26 because I was having the worst case of boredom. I have no money to buy spells. 8 hours of no party today for my sam either. I guess I ran out of options.
How is she an exception to the rule? Urallupons is a name created after asking the game to create names at random. That name falls on the "is a name" category.
Heh... I can't believe I actually had to buy the only high lv player in my LS. Let him borrow 50k to buy a sword and now he will help me with just about every quest.
If you consider boredom as pain... then I guess I could say I'm in excruciating pain every time I boot the game up. Dragoon is an extremely useless class. I lost my wyvern... and decent challenges were eating me alive at lv6. I don't understand why Square decided it was a good idea to make every class dex retarded. Seriously, even with A+ proficiency, easys still dodge 9 out of 10 of my attacks. As far as partying with english speakers.... I found a nice way to filter out the bad players. 90% of the players that have actualy names for character names (not a bunch of words put together) are good players. 70% of players who named their characters after anime characters (non popular anime, mind you) are good players (the other 30% just don't know any better). 100% of players who name their characters with retarded names (like slang words) are pure retards and should be avoided at all costs. 99% of players who name their characters after popular anime character (Dragon Ball Z... I'm looking at you.) are a bunch of no good retards. Another 6 hours of no pts in Jeuno.... I guess I should go lv my thf or something.
Considering the series has been officially licensed in the US... finding fan subs might be hard. And so far... no broadcasting plans for Zeta Gundam.
Skull One bartender in eps. #57 Day Dreamer
Abombz!! replied to 1st Border Red Devil's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Macross and Southern Cross are not even remotely related (outside of the Robotech world)... I would like to see this screen cap Ever heard of cameos?