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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Right.... but it wishful thinking and bad business decision to do that. Why? Because they would be expecting ppl at that age to just be consumer-whores and buy the toys for the simple novelty of being macross toys. It isn't BAD business... Its ALL business, thats just the way marketing works. And I'm telling you... thats not the way Yamato went about it!!! No way in hell the average Macross fan age is 25-30.
  2. No face close up for you!!!
  3. Right.... but it wishful thinking and bad business decision to do that. Why? Because they would be expecting ppl at that age to just be consumer-whores and buy the toys for the simple novelty of being macross toys.
  4. If you say you know about this... how can you still make this argument? Just because, at your age, you don't have a problem paying for a toy, what makes you think that everyone between the ages of 26 to 30, is like you? Not everyone with money will swallow a price tag like that... no matter how much of a fan he or she is. Just because you are well out of college and already have a paying job... doesn't mean you can either afford the toy or accept the price tag. I see what you are saying, but this isn't about YOU and ME. Its about what Yamato thinks are its customers. And like I told you.... it would be insane to ignore the countless of new fans who joined the fandom after the many times Macross was rebroadcast. Specially since the original fans could've moved on after a year or so, likehow it happens with countless successful other anime shows.
  5. If you say you know about this... how can you still make this argument? Just because, at your age, you don't have a problem paying for a toy, what makes you think that everyone between the ages of 26 to 30, is like you? Not everyone with money will swallow a price tag like that... no matter how much of a fan he or she is. Just because you are well out of college and already have a paying job... doesn't mean you can either afford the toy or accept the price tag.
  6. Every action has a reaction, in AgentONE's case the reaction has something to do with pointing out someone behaving as "Adolescent Female-like Males" Nothing abnormal about that, it's called: evolution -not seen on a day-to-day basis, but more noticable when viewed over longer periods of time As for the P2P warnings: walk out and ask your money back If you had to worry about this stuff: You'd be at home downloading it That ain't evolution... its devolution. Seriously.... sounds like that old SNL block... Hans and Frans I think it was called. With 2 "muscular" guys calling every man "girly man".
  7. Hmmm... thats a pretty flawed reasoning. I wasn't even born when SDF Macross came out, but I watched it before many of the older members here. Worse.... I was introduced to SDF Macross by SDF Macross itself unlike 80% of you who were brought it by Robotech. Just because I wasn't already wearing a bra by the time SDF Macross came doesn't make me less of a fan. Please don't give me this crap about the toys being expensive has anything to do with them being targeted for an older audience. The toys are expensive because they are of a rather short run, and because Yamato wants to make a profit out of them. I'm not out of college yet, I'm 21 years old and still dependent on my parents (doesn't mean they are willing to just hand out cash. They are cheaper then all of you put together).... I have 1 Qrau on the way, and I dispise the 1/48 line, not because of its price. Why doesn't the price of the Qrau bother me? Because I'm a fan of the design, and I'm willing to overlook the price just so I can own something I like. It has nothing to do with this primary demographic bullshit. No offense.... I have seen many dumb posts in this forum.... and that one ranks pretty high on the list... and it stinks of age elitism.
  8. Abombz!!

    Q-Rau price

    Its not expensive if you are fan of the design.
  9. Sure it bothers me.... it probably bothers everyone. Don't we have enough crap before a movie already? When I pay for a ticket... I usually just want to watch the damn movie, and not sit though countless of crap that doesn't interest me at all. On another note... I think it bothers me more how you have been throwing thie girly man thing around. Girly man this girly man that.... I start posting less and everyone becomes weird.
  10. To begin with... I didn't point fingers at anyone, but now I will because you have show yourself to have a guilty mind. And second... you are wrong. You got noticed more because you were basically shitting on that thread. No one here is against ppl complaining about a certain product, I myself am the #1 Macross Zero hater and I dispise the 1/48 line of toys. The problem is, you made your complaints clear, but then you wouldn't let go. Every time someone made a point about them liking the toy, one of you would go out of their way to, once again, prove your distaste for the toy, for whatever reason. Thats what got the spotlight on you.... not your distaste for the toy itself. Its ok to complain once, maybe even complain twice, but to spam the thread with your complaints over and over again, when your post is not different from the post you made 1 or 2 pages ago, is not acceptable or even considerate to other ppl in the forums. You don't like the toy? Thats perfectly acceptable. What are you supposed to do when the subject comes up again and again? Keep your mouth shut because everyone already knows you dislike the toy. I don't care for the toy section.... but if I did, I would be pretty annoyed if I had to put up with ppl hammer their dislike for a certain toy... over and over again. You got plenty of agre replies to your first post.... meaning no one ignored you, why did you have to push the subject further? I won't give you a break and neither will anyone else. You paid almost a grand on toys? Big deal.... so have most of us. It doesn't make you special or unique in anyway. Like I said just now... I don't see how you can think that posting the same crap over and over again is perfectly acceptable or civil. Why should they, and everyone else, be civil and fair with you if you are saying you are not going to be civil about this subject at all? The fingers are also pointed at ppl who can't let go and crap all over certain threads simply because they can't let go. We know you hate the toy, you don't need to prove anything anymore.
  11. Its not against the rules to complain... but how many times can you hit the same nail? The main deal everyone had with the threads in question is that a bunch of person complained... and then for 4 or 5 threads, they did nothing but say the same thing over and over again. Its called beating the dead horse.... trust me, I have done alot of that myself.
  12. I take it you missed the first 1/48 review thread and the wave of threads that came after it.
  13. As odd as this may sound..... a thread with alot of bitching is rather refreshing in this section. I honestly cannot stand another "Whats Yamatos next release?", "when is XXXX going to be release", "Damn you Graham throw as a bone here!!" and "Look!! My 1/48 can dance the Macarena" thread, which seem to be a constant in this section. And besides.... those past few threads are nothing compared to the first 1/48 review and everything that came after that. Face it, bitching is an integral part of this forum and its not going to go away over night, after all everyone here has the right to complain about something they dislike. Having said that.... it doesn not mean its cool to bitch about the same thing over and over.
  14. Alien Resurrection..... enough said. Actually, from all the interviews, Joss has never been intimately involved in any movie - he's either submitted scripts that were taken and changed into something totally different (Alien Resurrection), or doctored up a few lines (X-Men) So really you can only judge his work by FF eps like Serenity, Our Mrs Reynolds and Objects in Space which he wrote and directed Considering how bad that movie was.... I would deny any relation I had to it, myself.
  15. ANY movie is better with Dolph. Are you kidding? He is too girly and swave.
  16. So? I rather liked Affleck as Ryan. But then again, I did enjoy the Sum of All Fears. For the next Bond.... get me Leonardo diCaprio or Elijha(sp) Wood.
  17. My only complaint about that.... am I the only one who thinks the Elint Battroid is an ugly child beat up by an even uglier stick? Who would want to buy a toy that you can't hide the fugliness (at least you could transform the 1/60 Elint)?
  18. I agree... but I don't see any reason to kill the franchise. One good movie would make it worth watching again... mainly because there's no real continuity, unlike Star Trek, which really, really, really needed to be put down like Old Yeller. As for a decent Bond girl... here's an idea - why not cast a beautfiul exotic woman that we haven't seen a bazillion times before? The Bond girl should never be a "co-star", but instead a prop, really. My favorite Bond girl, the one in From Russia With Love, was a former Miss Rome, who had to have all of her lines redubbed because she no spoke-a the English. That's a Bond girl, dammit. It worked for all the great Bond movies. Why they started to court "famous" Bond girls really just shows how far the films have fallen. They didn't used to have to wager in the "star power" of a Bond girl to get people's asses in the theater. Agreed. I did like Michelle Yon(or whoever she was) in one of the latest Bond movies.... and Sophie Marceu(or how ever you spell her name) was beautiful... and I'm not jsut throwing that around. She did a pretty good job as a evil bond girl.
  19. Just kill the franchise. No matter how many times you do it... changing 1 actor won't make a movie good. Unless they get their act together and make a Bond movie that is worth that name, putting some random swave girlish man on screen won't make ppl enjoy the movie. And please..... let they choose some decent Bond girl next time.
  20. And Without a Trace.... which is a rather interesting show. Prince of Persia will suck.... for the simple fact that game to movie productions never work. Unless they plan on completly butchering the franchise for the sake of the box office.... I doubt anyone would pay anything to watch 2 hours of some random guy jumping around and avoiding random traps. Indiana Jones had alot of that.... but it was more then just that. PoP is all about that.
  21. Yeah. cast him in the pacific with a ton of bricks... Yeah.... but it would be nice if they cast the franchise along with him. "But Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms!!!!"
  22. I think they should cast Vin Diesel.
  23. Alien Resurrection..... enough said.
  24. LOL yeah, something like that... Her face isn't the best... it's the lips I think. Vostok 7 I thought she was kind of pretty.... her body was nice too. A very nice break from the usual "anorexic" body actress type.
  25. He is Batman already.
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