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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Great work! Now I just gotta find the right paper for this.
  2. Thank you once again for satisfying my Macross fix!
  3. Really great work with the details man! Haven't seen fan-made models that detailed in a while.
  4. Yeah, I remember Kawamori saying that the story of the Megaroad is just dead during a disucssion panel at Anime Expo a few years ago.
  5. Wow, interesting link. Now that I think about it, SDF-1 Battlefortress is a good name for a record label. LOL!
  6. For those of you who play C&C Generals mod and a Macross or Gundam Fan, check this out: http://bbs.souyo.com/souyo.bbs?g=BA&c=CA&b=BAABAGB&t=CJHFCI Nice isn't it? May take awhile for dial-up people here's the download page: http://pestilence64.net/modules.php?name=D...nload&cid=7#cat You may need to register for the site in order to download it.
  7. So does anybody have the song? or do I have to go on the iMacross servers?
  8. If the official English speaking Macross website doesn't have any additional info, I don't think anybody else would.. Unless someone can prove me wrong........
  9. Cool. Haven't been on the iMacross servers for over a year now.
  10. How can you tell if it is a bootleg or not?
  11. Wasn't there anothe thread like this a few months ago when Macross Zero pt1 came out?
  12. SO thats why I couldn't download the mod. Thanks for the news, Cdr Fokker!
  13. I may have and love the X-Box but if like the others have said, A PS@ is better for Anime and Mech games.
  14. Nice concept work!
  15. So you mean something like this...Right!?? uhhhh maybe.
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