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skull1 leader

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About skull1 leader

  • Birthday 02/08/1973

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  • Old MW Name
    skull1 leader
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  • Location
    Detroit, Michigan

skull1 leader's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Watched Macross Frontier about 6 times.
  2. Question 1: Are the super armored fastpacks specifically designed for squadron leaders? Question 2: Why don't we see an explosive decompression on Island 1 when the Bio-mech blasted through the dome? I see a shield system in place before the explosion, but not after!?!
  3. Just finished watching Macross 7 series. Will save judgement. My question is "does the information that was found on the island on Planet Lux the 37th fleet crash landed on imply that the Protoculture was destroyed by Protodevilin?"
  4. I don't know if this should be in the newbie thread or not?!? Here goes...What are some of the fill in/back stories addressed during the interludes of the various Macross Video Games that I have heard many members mention in the forums? Which stories do they connect to? Are old or new characters in these back stories? etc...
  5. What does it mean to be (or not to be) part of the "canon" story line? Is canon some sort of business associated with the Macross Franchise?
  6. Love Drifts Away, and Goodbye Girl for me!
  7. Sorry if I sound dumb, but does IIRC, or IRC mean?
  8. Does anyone know why Roy had been stuck a Major for so long (Since MO--->midway into SDF Macross)?
  9. In macross plus (both editions), during Isamu and Guld battle in a city on Earth, I notice that there's some kind of enery coming from the YF 19's, and YF 21's hands in Battroid mode when Isamu lost his gun as Guld crashed through the building wall the YF 19 was standing next to. Is this some sort of weapon?
  10. Hey Kevin, do you have Mac 0 DVD's with english subs?
  11. Ok, I just watched the first 12 eps. of the original tv series for the first time! However, after listening to the discussions about the Supervision Army, I thought I understood that it no longer existed, but Britia and Exodol's made mention of the Supervision Army (as though it still exists???). Also, am I correct in assuming that the Bodol Main Fleet is in search of the Supervision Army and the reason for Britia's fleet coming to Earth is to retrieve or destroy a Supervision Army ship (ASS-1). Can someone clarify for me if the Supervision Army still exists, or not (during SDFM timeframe:2009-).
  12. I wondering if anyone knows if the Megaroad transforms? If so, are there any images of this?
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