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Everything posted by Wolfman

  1. I liked the Isaeli "Barak", but how'd the Iranians get VF-11s? Mr. March, are you having problems with your website, because I can't access it.
  2. I have another pair of VF-11 requests for you, hellohikaru: VF-51 Screaming Eagles, UNS Akagi, and VF-126 Bandits.
  3. Very interesting.
  4. Same here! By the way, hellohikaru, if you could do VF-51 'Screaming Eagles', aboard UNS Akagi I'd be grateful.
  5. Speaking of which, when do you plan on updating?
  6. Any other VF-5000 lineart?
  7. Your choice, both lo-viz and hi-viz versions. Also, please check the finished products' canopies, I've noticed that they're yellower than they ought to be.
  8. Well, whenever you get the time, a Thunderbolt in the colors of the Red Rippers would be nice.
  9. Could I still make VF-11 requests, hellohikaru?
  10. Thanks for the explanation, although I think the old scheme works just as well, you're the artist, so it's your call. Most of those look pretty good, except the original RN aircraft, which suck.
  11. Hellohikaru, your UN Navy VF-96 CAG Bird's tail markings are inaccurate. Also, is the SVX-9 Vampires VF-11 your handiwork?
  12. No reason to insult a proud PACFLEET squadron, Hellohikaru, although I agree with you on VF-301. Oh, and my next requests are VF-161 Chargers, and VF-151 Fighting Vigilantes, with their Vietnam-era markings if at all possible.
  13. Thanks, Hellohikaru. I take it you've been watching "Dogfights" on the History Channel?
  14. I'm guessing that you took the third scheme for VF-1 and used the colors from the first, right?
  15. Hellohikaru, did the website I referred you to help?
  16. Definately looking good there.
  17. This is all great stuff, and more than I could do.
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