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Everything posted by Wolfman

  1. Thank you, Mr. March. Okay, part of the reason I can't get that program you suggested several posts ago is that my computer doesn't have an OS at the moment, so I'm using library computers to post.
  2. Alas, I have no artistic talent in that regard, so if I tried, I'd seriously screw up the artwork. I am something of a writer, though.
  3. That doesn't look too bad.
  4. Why don't you do Macross Plus SDF-1 Cruiser Mode?
  5. MS Paint has it's uses, though.
  6. Talos, I can't pull up some of your images. Please check Imageshack for problems. I also suggest getting a Photobucket account to ensure that this doesn't happen again.
  7. Hey, Mr. March, could you do the Fighter and Gerwalk Modes of the Target VF-1J from Macross Plus, whenever you find the time to do so?
  8. Has anyone seen hellohikaru in a while?
  9. That rocks, Talos! Here's an image I found elsewhere on the web that might inspire you.
  10. Hey, Mr. March, check out what Talos did! Does it give you some ideas?
  11. Wolfman

    VF Girls

    This one ought to be a classic!
  12. Wolfman

    VF Girls

    I meant of the VF girl, polidread.
  13. Thanks! Now about my earlier requests...
  14. Looks great!
  15. Wolfman

    VF Girls

    That looks great, although I wouldn't mind a front view.
  16. Hey, Mr. March, would you mind doing a cruiser mode for SDF-04?
  17. Perhaps you could PM Mr. March with the request.
  18. I can sorta help with that, check the two images I attached to this post.
  19. Thanks for the explanation, Talos.
  20. Hey, Talos, do you have a VF-4 in VF-51 Screaming Eagle colors?
  21. Hikaru was, prior to inheriting Skull One, Skull 011, and Max was Skull 013 at that point in time, prior to the VF-4 entering service.
  22. The Kakizaki-type Lightning's number is inaccurate. The VF-11 image I'm attaching to this post has his actual number.
  23. Fair enough, Mr. March. I'm also waiting for the GERWALK mode of the Darkbird VF-1J. By the way, I used some of your Macross-class SDF lineart on another forum to represent a Terran superdreadnought.
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