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Everything posted by QuinJester

  1. Head... so tiny... can't look away ... urgh...
  2. Hopefully one of those changes will be making the grey stripe go all the way up the inside of the leg. That was really the only thing about the Alto paint scheme that disappointed me.
  3. Aussenseiter's posing prowess is highly lacking. This is pretty much as good as he can do. The hips really can't do much more than go backward and forwards and it makes him look terrible if you try to move them all that much. Fortunately, his ankles are very adjustable.
  4. On their own, not tall at all. No bigger than a basic non-transforming SOC such as Mazinger Z. Comparison with a 1/144 SRW:OG model Gespenst Comparison with the much larger Baikanfu I like them, and I'm glad I got them, but I think as a collectible it's really got the price dialed up to 11 and I can imagine the set not being worth it to a lot of people. They look great though. Aussenseiter is a bit of a brick by modern toy standards, but Daizengar might be one of the most solid, stable, and poseable gokins ever made.
  5. I think the voyager Megs is quite excellent, really. Very poseable, and his right arm can do such basic things as bend at the elbow, something the Leader cannot. He can kneel, too! His paint and deco really look a lot better in person than one would think having looked at all the promo photos and the like.
  6. He's got permabent legs. No straightening. Horrifying frankenmonster JetScreamPrime Centaur mode!
  7. Xabungle is a big divider. Personally, I think he's awesome. Lots of people think he's one of the worst SOCs ever. The main problem with him is that he's tiny; As long as you can get over the fact that he's the size of a deluxe transformer, he's actually really nice with several clever bits in his transformation, a ton of accessories, a lovely paint job, and awesomely tight joints and ratchets. ... plus, he comes with a very easy to assemble model kit of an enemy mech for him to fight! More SOCs should come with villains packed in the box. If you don't have Walker Machine Galliar, he's essentially better than Xabungle in every way (with the exception that he doesn't turn into a Space-RV-Camper) and also a highly recommended purchase. He and his ratchet joints are like the diecast toy equivalent of one of those stress-squeezy balls. He's just so calming to fiddle around with.
  8. They should be joined up on the shelves with Ravage and Cannon-chestie-bumblebee.
  9. I'll definitely be getting the DGG set, no question. The display base (seen here underneath the COMPLETELY wrong toy) looks like it'll be a rocky outcropping, Baikanfu style, in which Daizengar's swords will be stuck. It'll be more of a "extra piece collection block" than an actual stand, I should imagine, again, like Baikanfu or Ideon.
  10. Terms like "Bayformers" are as equally divisive as phrases like "Geewunners" or "nostalgia goggles". It's all Transformers, the old stuff is still around for those who like it, the new stuff is here for those who like that. It's not like people are going back and erasing the previous iterations of transformers to make sure only the latest versions exist or anything.
  11. Well, the Tamashii web exclusive shown is just for the Armored parts ... I'm still going to hold onto hope for a retail release of Alto+Armored parts like they're doing for Ozma.
  12. Just an FYI; even if you ask for it, it's very unlikely that HLJ will actually let you ship it SAL. They refuse to ship items over a certain value by anything other than EMS.
  13. ... now if we can only get a VF-27... or more importantly, a VF-117
  14. Anime-Export: Here you go. You'll be paying similar shipping costs to HLJ and Overdrive (and Angolz, to some extent. Somehow Angolz always manages to make their EMS like $10 cheaper than everyone else.... mysterious....), but the base price is often times low enough to make it still worthwhile.
  15. VFTF1: While I can respect your opinions, speaking as someone who owns several DX Valks (and before someone rants about how I'm a bandaiphile yamateur, a number of Yamato valks as well), I can comfortably say that a large majority of your complaints are minor in the grand scheme of the toy. Landing gear? Yeah, it's not elegant and it's too short. Yamato landing gear, by comparison is usually caked with uneven white primer and stuffed into a sloppily painted gear bay that's honestly not that much better in my opinion. Mercifully, few people actively display their valks in jet mode while upside down and with their gear displayed . Fixed posed hands? You don't have to swap the hands to transform it, leaving fists and gun hands in place lets it transform just fine. Most poseable hands tend to look awkward, with trigger fingers on permanent display and little in the realm of actual poseability. I could quite happily start listing off numerous deficiencies of various Yamato valks I own and love, as well, all of which are no less valid and no less irrelevant, but that's not the kind of guy I am . I prefer to focus on what's GOOD about toys. Not about what's bad. ... All of this is moot anyway, because he's asking about Frontier Toys, not Frontier Toys vs. the VF-11, YF-21, and VF-1 (post-D). In that regard, the DX is a great rendition, a great toy, and a great display piece. People who don't actually OWN one really don't have much of a place to comment on their display-ability or playability. Frankly, if one wants to start throwing around "value for money", I can only suggest that he stay away from Macross altogether. NONE of this stuff is worth the price we pay for it, no matter who makes it. Edit: Bolding myself for emphasis. This is important, folks.
  16. It's the same as the one in the previous picture but with the (included) Fast packs on. Both Michel and Luca's Valkyries come with fast packs and display stands, while the Alto and Ozma (the weaker releases, in my opinion) do not.
  17. All things considered, they don't sacrifice THAT much for looks, either. They're covered in paint and printing. Some people are bothered by the Hip placement on the DX. If that bothers you, then the model is your best bet. Otherwise, the DXs do look very good. Ugly is in the eye of the beholder. Do these look ugly to you? Then yes, skip them. Do please make up your own mind, though.
  18. I would also love to see this. The inevitable deep discounting when they don't sell would mean super cheap valks.
  19. I'll probably hold out for a VF-X Ravens version (pleeeeeease?), but it's nice to hear that the bird is getting a clean bill of health so far.
  20. Clever! I was thinking about how much of a pain it would be to mask them. Where does one find such sticky coverings?
  21. To anyone who gets the Yamato Ingram - looking at the glossy finish it has, I'd be interested to know if it's just shiny plastic or if it's been painted. When it's fully painted, I have to say the Yamato Ingram's proportion inaccuracies don't seem to matter so much.
  22. It looks pretty bad with gear that short, though.
  23. Not that it helps, but the first YF-19 I bought was a 25th anniversary and it was a total mess. Its leg swivels were so loose it couldn't stand in gerwalk mode, and its shoulders flopped around like they were barely attached. I took it back, and now I have a V1 YF-19 with a crooked gunpod and cracked plastic but at least it can stand.
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