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Everything posted by QuinJester

  1. My VF-1A Hikaru has a fairly loose grip on the bar which gives him quite a lot of hip wiggle in Battroid mode. It's a bit of a nuisance and he ends up usually in a stance that has his wings bolstering the back of his legs for support.
  2. Considering its size, that robot form's poseability is pretty amazing. Looks like no stands needed for holding the flight deck and gun, either, which is pretty awesome. Now we just need confirmation if the one in the video was just not locked together properly or something, resulting in it sagging, because it seems to have zero problems with sagging joints outside of cruiser mode...
  3. Not a lens, but my DMZ Strikedog came missing a thumb.
  4. If you guys have finished your pre-release condemning whine fest about the turrets, you might be interested to know that it's out: http://hima-toy.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/200...cross-quar.html 50cm in cruiser mode = omghuge. Looks like its arms can support the gun and flight deck without the supports, as well, even when holding the flight deck in Macurosu attacku stance.
  5. No, it needs assembly. HLJ probably copypasta'd the specs from their previous Yamato valk pages (which are toys, obviously) when they threw together the item page. It's unbuilt, unpainted, unglued.
  6. Amiami has been around for ages and is one of the largest online toy retailers in Japan. They don't charge until your order ships and they'll combine multiple pre-order items if they are released in the same general time-frame.
  7. Well, aren't you humerus? 2nd on the crotch lock. It's the only disappointment I have with the DX.
  8. And yet the DX VF-25 has one of the most flexible shoulder assemblies of any valk ever made It just happens to move differently from any other valk ever made.
  9. http://www.amiami.com/shop/?set=english&am.../e_display.html
  10. Yes they do. They don't go straight in, though, you have to sort of angle the legs while you pop them together. Feel it out, it's a little awkward at first, but you'll get the hang of it.
  11. HLJ's black friday sale; buy one of their discounted items, get 25% off the rest of your order and free EMS shipping.
  12. Wax Trax. There's still some people from there who moved on to the forums at gearsonline.net. I have a number of FSS model kits, most in various states of incompleteness. I love the designs, though I never got into the manga much. I love the juxtaposition of bulky and lithe that Nagano manages to pull off with a lot of his designs.
  13. Come on, it'd be snazzy!
  14. Clearly we need a release of the Quarter in BOMBAAA paint
  15. Lotsa pics of the Quarter (among other things) here: http://gigazine.net/index.php?/news/commen..._bandai_webshop And a video of it being transformed: /waits for the litany of curses...
  16. The Brocken is awful The first one I got broke both of its hips irreparably instantly when I tried to move them. The shoulders dislocate constantly, and replacing the armor to make the different versions is bound to stretch out the fabrics on the joints and make them hang awkwardly forever more. Mercifully HLJ was able to send me a replacement, but since getting it it's done nothing but sit immobile next to my Taisyo at the back of my Patlabor shelf. I really cannot recommend that figure to anyone; it's, for lack of a better description, shoddy. The replacement sleeves for the CM's ingram were made from leather harvested from an old glove; good soft leather with a nice texture to it so it doesn't look too bizarre and out of scale (like the regular cloth joints on the CM's toys can). It improves the range of movement because it's not as stiff as the rubber, too, so bonus there.
  17. The CM's Barrier Jacket Ingrams are greatly improved by replacing the dissolve-tastic rubber with something more substantial. Somehow I'm not at all surprised that Ohta has a thing for leather.
  18. Oh, uh. Spoiler alerts, I suppose. Sketch Linky: http://www.mahq.net/MECHA/GUNDAM/turn-a/li...9-moonlight.jpg
  19. Turn A, maybe. It had a whole "butterfly effect" thing going on.
  20. QuinJester

    SCOOP thread!

    Although the SDF-1 thread has been euthanized, Yamato has put up some more details about the 1/2000, including assembly details, marketing technobabble about how it's the first time anyone has made a prototype design available, and some pictures of the component pieces in the kit: http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/release_048...ml?rsslnk=index
  21. Something to mull over, re: rubber joints...
  22. No. Re: the VF-1: I know it's "undecorated" but the lack of paint on the the diecast parts and lack of tinting/canopy detailing is disappointing. At the very least the canopy tinting is something that no modeler is going to be able to replicate with any sort of ease, even if they can paint the rest of it.
  23. For now, yes. Supposedly they're looking into offering SAL for smaller items in the future, so I guess be prepared to buy in bulk for the time being.
  24. They'll send you an e-mail with the total owed and an e-mail address to send your money to via paypal along with an order confirmation id#, similar to the way HLJ used to handle paypal orders. They ONLY take Paypal for the time being.
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