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Everything posted by QuinJester

  1. I dunno, mostly I just remember people who would interject comments into threads about undetailed pilots, incorrectly placed hips, and "shopping cart wheels" over and over and over and over and over and over and over, whether it had any relevance to what was being discussed in the thread or not. My DXes are still quite unbroken despite my best efforts, as a side note. I had to superglue my 1/60 VF-1A the other evening though.* *whoops! That's irrelevant to this thread, isn't it? Forget I said anything! Other than that constant harping by a few specific people, you are of course correct that Bandai gets a free pass to do whatever they please. Clearly!
  2. I think it's more likely to be the Sofubi Britai that was announced a long while back. It's too tall to be a 1/60 and I doubt that Yamato would be making accessories for 1/48's at this juncture... EDIT: Although if I took the time to actually read the stuff that people have been posting, I'd see that a clothing set was already mentioned/confirmed ... d'oh! Er... whoops!
  3. Nope! Interesting. So they're taking the lesson learned from the SDF-1 and running with it, huh? More web-exclusive resin models. Fun.
  5. If that ends up being the case this will go straight from "hey, that's interesting" to "pre-order now".
  6. Well in the case of this pre-production prototype I'd imagine that it actually is painted gunmetal. Dunno if the final version will look like that (see also: metallic VF-19), although I hope so. It does look nice.
  7. I can only assume you're talking about the fighter mode, which I will give you is a little stubbier than the Yamato. Battroid mode though, from your own posted photos - The Hi-Metal looks leaner and meaner to me. As for "toyish"... ... well. Frankly they BOTH look awfully toy-like to me. Go figure .
  8. Really? Because it looks pretty much the same to me, only smaller
  9. No comments yet about this? I would have thought this place would have exploded over this news: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/04/yam...y-sales-at.html
  10. Mag scans from Cybergundam :
  11. Go back to your button-mongering, apologist!
  12. It shouldn't be TOO difficult to paint the shoulder... I'd recommend painting it black first, then painting it with a nice metallic flake red, such as Tamiya mica red. If you undercoat it with black it'll give it a very rich looking finish.
  13. Compare the number of people with photos of broken back plates to the number of people with photos of broken shoulders, though Sucks that the printing on this got screwed up. I'd imagine that Bandai'll end up shipping out replacement parts, if the past is any indication (Ozma's fast pack hips with the inverted paint). Someday, someone'll make a perfect product that has no flaws and causes no grief to anyone. I don't think I'll live that long, though.
  14. Crazed Ohta face! Hah! Damn, that's pretty awesome. I wish I could justify to myself the expense of buying ANOTHER Ingram but ... I have a complete lineup already.
  15. I feel like I should quote Kicker773's sig, which would make this thread far too meta.
  16. The problem with the review is that it's obviously something that the reviewer would NEVER have bought for himself if left to his own devices. Reading the review can tell you that much at a glance. Being out of the target audience for the toy (people who don't have pork roasts for hands and the sun glass prescription of Ray Charles), he really should have rethought his position as the appropriate person to review the toy. This is the same guy who said that the SV-51 is an awesome toy in look and feel, but because the one he was given came apart due to an easily correctible QC issue, nobody should buy one, ever.
  17. Just in case people missed it, there IS a lock to the crotch armor (it still comes off, but just not as easily) other than the pin on the bottom half - there's a lip on the top of it that's designed to grasp the belt-line crease on Alto's body. Hook the top of the crotch in and then press the pin lock and it holds on MUCH better. Not to say it's perfect, as moving the figure around that much will dislodge the lip, but at least it should prevent the thing from falling off if you breathe on it.
  18. My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!
  19. Be very careful if you do, though. There's a number of people in this thread who have had the thighs on their SV-51's BREAK because of over-tightened screws.
  20. It's not at all uncommon on resin prototypes to have fairly bad fitment, as they're often held together with hot glue and tape for easily disassembly. You might also note that the resin version most commonly seen is a very early version as it doesn't even have forearm hatches for the deployable hands - something that has already been confirmed to be on the figure by other prototype photos.
  21. So out of curiosity, is this a one-time deal? For those of us who have earlier run (first run Hikaru VF-1A, as an example) VF-1's but didn't have broken shoulders, if they break later on are we SOL, since apparently overdrive is no longer doing parts?
  22. Justice is served. Got mine in my BBTS pile of loot now - don't know how long it'll have to stay there until I can clear some shelf space, though
  23. It did. Even though it's a Macross mech in fine standing, because it has the dreaded Toynami and Robotech names on the label it got shuffled off to the pit of shame
  24. Yes, but I don't think the ancient scandanavians knew about raptor-ostriches back when they made up the story Back on Topic: the toy looks pretty nice - I think I'll have to pop one into my BBTS pole of loot. For $25 it's hard to go wrong. Would it be too much to ask for a Glaug/Officer pod?
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