Ah, I see now. You're asking for increased details, like panels, rivets, that aren't necessarily depicted on-screen but could be assumed to be present due to the general design. That's more of a design decision than a failure to meet standards. Some like excessive detailing, some prefer to be as close to "on-screen" as possible. Yes, Bandai seems to be catering to this latter group in this case, but that's again a design decision. How many people would be annoyed if Bandai "made up" a bunch of techno-greeblies to fill space on the models? I'm sure there would be plenty.
And not to be snarky or anything, but I'm hardly a newcomer to models. I've been building models my entire life, and I've worked with everything from aircraft kits to snap kits, balsa frame WWII planes to Harrier Jets, Gundams to Five Star Stories resin kits. While many other companies focus on individual part details and the like, Bandai is consistently ahead of the game when it comes to technology like molded color, design, markless sprue cuts, and the like, which is what I was referring to. Detail is not technology.
Still, I do see what you mean and can understand why you wouldn't be happy with these offerings. We each have our own hopes when it comes to the intellectual properties we follow, and sometimes those just don't mesh with the people making them. Hopefully Hasegawa will get in on the design action with some of their own fixed-mode, high detail models, so that everyone can be happy.