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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Its not wishful thinking because I know that Tommy Yune wouldn't think that way because its from Southern Cross. He may like to claim otherwise, but he has never gone out of his way not to hose the middle chapter of Robotech. I guarantee that any new iteration of The Sentinels that he would be at the helm of would have every trace of Southern Cross influence removed because 'thats The Army of the Southern Cross's gear, not the REF's', eventhough its rather explicitly stated in the series scripts that The Army of the Southern Cross is the ground combat command of the REF and there is more than enough visual evidence showing the numerous pieces of gear the ASC use in Robotech as being part of the REF arsenal. Considering the Shadow Dancer Cyclone made it into the Invasion videogame, which was a design from the old Protoculture Addicts fanzine when it was still solely about Robotech, I think you're mistaken. ::sighs:: You don't get it, as usual. The only people that will have ANY say in a future for the Southern Cross designs are Harmony Gold and Tatsunoko. Given the ambivalence of the Japanese towards the series, any new iteration would have to come from Harmony Gold.
  2. Which they own the copyright for to begin with. They could just as easily sue my ass into oblivion since my 'work' is a derivative of their IP.
  3. Harmony Gold already has access to a totally uncontested variable fighter design, but its unlikely they will use it: the Sylphide. Sure, its from Southern Cross, but it g&ddamn sure isn't going to attract a herd of lawyers threatening to sue them for its use. Its Battloid Mode would look sufficiently enough like that of a VF-1, while its Guardian Mode would resemble that of the Alpha, thus making it the perfect springboard. All it requires is thinking outside the box, because the arms form the bottom nacelles while the legs form the top (the back half of the mecha would do a 180 degree flip when transitioning from Fighter to either Guardian or Battloid). VF_7_Sylphide__03_.BMP VF_7_Sylphide__07_.BMP VF_7_Sylphide__08_.BMP VF_7_Sylphide__09_.BMP VF_7_Sylphide__12_.BMP
  4. Sorry, but you are mistaken. The Auroran never appeared in the series outside of its Crusader (Fighter) and CosmoSniper (Battloid) modes. It would likely have been seen in the Cross Fighter mode (Helicopter) had the series continued to its '2nd season', somewhere between eps. 24 and 36. The only thing that exists for the Auroran's Cross Fighter is lineart from This is Animation Special #10 (that I am aware of), though there is probably some wireframe lineart of it somewhere.
  5. I loved 2010: Oddysey 2 as well as The Songs of Distant Earth. He will be greatly missed. AP Article (Yahoo News)
  6. It just occured to me a short while ago that there is no visible means of ingress or egress for the pilot of the 'Super Condor'. There is no canopy, no means of visual detection. It would be like flying a submarine, something I doubt you could get very many pilots to want to do. Also, the leg, chest and upper arm assembly's are different from that of the Condor. Sort of like how the Shadow Drone is different from the Shadow Fighter. So, why wouldn't it make sense for Mars Base to deploy a Drone version of their Condor? They had to know they could never reach parity with the Invid in terms of numbers unless they had AI-controlled mecha.
  7. Godspeed, Col_Pladoh.
  8. Thanks for showing us that Jasonc. Some of those pics I've seen either in Animec, Out or My Anime magazines as well as the Mospeada Mecha Grafiti (I think the Satan Squadron one especially). I would certainly be interested in seeing more, especially any Southern Cross stuff ya might have. By the by, do you know if the stuff you have for SC is the early concept, when it was still Futuristic Feudal Japan in Space or stuff that was actually closer to the SC iteration we saw?
  9. I believe the Mospeada 'Destroids' are either supposed to completely replace The Sentinels upgraded Destroids (Excaliber, Gladiator, Little Monster, Catapult/Raider and Shark), or else supplant them in the TO&E of the UEEF. Basically, if the old Sentinels models survive the continuity hatchet, they will likely be pushed back in terms of development/deployment to about (if I had to guess) 2013/2014 and then phased out starting in 2031/2032 in favour of the Tiger, Boxer, Jaguar and Cougar.
  10. Not quite. Tommy put a pair of Tigers in the same frames as the Air Defense variant of the Spartas (which would make it not a Hovertank per se). The artwork for all 3 modes is available and they don't in any form resemble the completed Tiger. There is also the fact that even in Battloid mode, the variant Spartas is somewhere around 4m shorter than the Tiger. The Gladiator mode, with the dual tri-barreled beam cannons, would only be about 4m in height. That is a far cry from the Tiger. Veritech_Self_Propelled_Artillery__03_.bmp
  11. Note that there are wings on the back in the exact same position as those on the Legioss, as well as the forearm engines like those on the Armo-Soldier mode Legioss. This, of course, is apparently no longer proof to Tommy Yune that it can transform (no matter that the text of one or more of the OSM entries says the Condor can transform). Of course, it doesn't matter that he has changed his tune on this subject more than once, including in the Robotech: Invasion comic series. From the old Robotech IRC chat, circa 2004 (courtesy of Craig Sapp/Rtsurfer) Thats a speculative CGI rendering that Matt Willis did for the uRRG a few years back.
  12. Kinda like that 'completely impractical, poorly designed, variable vehicle' called the VB-6 König Monster? Every franchise has something someone else considers extraneous bs.
  13. Yes. As for what it is, likely a space-optimized version of the Condor Armo-Fighter geared specifically for Attack. IE - Its not a Fighter per se (has no use as Air/Space Superiority or Interceptor etc). That would be the image just to the lower left of the Armo-Soldier mode. Failing that, here is Taichi's CGI version.... Tommy Yune should recognize it so as to give the franchise more designs. That way, no need to poach on other series to get ideas. Plain and simple. No pissing off fans of other animes and maybe making Robotech fans happy with 'more stuff' to market. Palladium should recognize it since they make their livelihood on role-playing games, specifically ones that add all sorts of stuff to the mix to satisfy their players' thirst for 'more gear'. Anyone who knows about Rifts will understand this sentiment. As for MWers, there are some Mospeada fans here. Never know if they might like to learn something about a show they love that they didn't know before.
  14. Ok, I've been having an argument with people at Palladium over the AS-C03 Condor. I say it transforms, just like the translated text says as well as the fact that it has wings that fold down just like the Legioss as well as having the Legioss forearm/engines. Why have that on a non-transformable battle mecha? I was searching my screen cap collection for something when I noticed (for the first time) that what I thought was a Condor had a really bizarre looking arm assembly. I checked my lineart and sure enough, not a Condor but a Super Condor! In living color and in one frame from Prelude to the Offensive. Hot damn, yet another transforming fighter! You can tell its a Super by the chest and upper arm assemblies as well as the 3-shot missile pod. Taichi's Super Condor CGI Page A little back of the envelope scribbling for possible stats... Armo-Soldier Mode Height: 10m Breadth: 6m Depth: 6m Fighter Mode Height: 4m Breadth: 6m Length: 9m Weapons Loadout 4 x tri-barreled 80mm beam cannons (2 mounted on each forearm) 3 x 3-shot 190mm Hammerhead Bins (1 set of reloads each) above the fuselage 24 x 190mm Hammerhead Short Range Missiles mounted in 6 leg launchers 1 x internal munitions bay Now, if only Palladium can get Tommy Yune to recognize this and not ignore it
  15. Actually, a pair of Python's replacing each Lightning cluster bomb bin wouldn't inhibit transformation, since the bins are about 1+/- meter longer than Pythons (which are about 2m in length). As for mounting additional under the fuselage, it would be the same as mounting them on the Logan where you reserve them for Strike missions. They have to be expended (naturally) to transform from Fighter to Battloid, just like the Logan. Presumably, you could also mount an additional pair on each wing, bring you to either 12 or 14 (depending on how many you think can be mounted under the fuselage). For Anti-Capital Ship duty, thats not a bad deal. Of course, its unlikely that many missiles could be mounted on the frame for intra-atmospheric operations of any kind except Helicopter mode. ::shrugs:: Edit: You could also replace the two Lightning medium range missile bins with Hammerhead 190mm short range missiles bins. There is some precedent for missiles like these as we see an Ajax (not likely to have been Marie) use a non cluster bomb missile to take out a Scout Bioroid (Mid Generation Type I) in Clone Chamber (Iron Lady).
  16. I think it was something Ken Olson came up with a number of years ago to give the Ajax more punch in combat. Personally, if you're gonna Photoshop it to change the armament, I would rather see Python or Cobra missiles on the hardpoints and under the fuselage.
  17. Courtesy of Cyclone/Adam Kath
  18. Heh, when I talk about Jeanne being the antagonist, I'm not really talking about eps. 24 onwards, but a whole new series. Sort of if Southern Cross had been successful enough to have a sequel produced several years later. As for the second season, I figured it would be mostly ground-based anyway. The Zor losing access to their nigh invincible City-ships would bring the war back down to the personal level, showing the remaining Southern Cross Army units trying to protect what remained of the civilian populace. The Zor, for their part, would have access to the ProtoZor again, but their command structure was mostly in tatters. Sort of evening out the odds. Zomasu, Zoisamu and Zoramu (?) are the names I'm somehow coming up with, but I think they (all or part) might be wrong.
  19. Myself, I think the poor colonists were doomed to either become Zor/BioHumans or die in the continued fighting. Basically, the destroyed civilization Jeanne hallucinated about would come to pass. I know Keith takes a different view, based on the ending song, since its more upbeat. However, I took that to be sort of regretful instead of upbeat. I know that several other Southern Cross fans I've talked with (Rob Morgenstern, Latell from Robotech.com) were all in agreement about feeling that the colonists were basically hosed at the end. A far more bleak outcome than its Robotech counterpart. It would be nice to know for certain what the full series would have been like. You have to wonder exactly what preproduction items we've never seen before that would have appeared in the '2nd season' (eps. 24-36). Certainly the various Powered Armour and other Battle Robots that the Army of the Southern Cross used as well as the 2 unused Bioroids and what for all the world appears to be a Zor 'Frigate'-type fighter. As a mental excercise, I always imagined a sequel would take place some 10 to 15 years later with an arriving force from Liberte to research what happened to their sister colony. They would find scattered human strongholds, but most of those come across would either be BioHumans or Zor. The main 'bad guy' mecha would be the Generation III Commander only seen in the opening credits (a yellow-khaki colour) piloted by none other than a BioHuman Jeanne! Basically, the force from Liberte would be contrived (somehow) to be stranded and have to deal with the hostiles as best as possible. There is also the fact that, cutting out the Mospeada stuff, it would sort of resemble the novelization form of Robotech II: The Sentinels with regards to the SDF-03 being stuck in orbit around Tirol and having to set down forces to deal with the ground-based situations. But thats neither here nor there (especially considering how much I disliked the Robotech novelizations)
  20. Heh, another great Scheider f&ck off and die line was 'So long, sport' from 52 Pick-Up.
  21. I will always remember him as Dr. Floyd from 2010: Odyssey Two.
  22. Heh, one reason friends wont go to movies like this with me anymore is because I'm somewhat similar. I couldn't sit throught that atrocity called Pathfinder because I've been studying (in my spare time) the Germanic warriors of The Migration Period. They threatened to do grievous harm to me following my unmerciful critiquing of The Two Towers (and I've only watched The Return of the King once....which was more than enough).
  23. ::points up the thread at his post:: Already taken care of.
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