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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. I'm not convinced it would be a money losing proposition. Sorry, but I'm not. There has been not a single instance of anyone officially BROACHING the subject of making Southern Cross toys.
  2. Oh, I know perfectly well. As you remember, I even talked about buying a mould from a manufacturer to GIVE to Toynami. I know it would need serious support and I know perfectly well it will not reach the popularity. However, at the same time, its ridiculous to not even utilize 1/3 of your franchise.
  3. Heh, looks funny.
  4. For a modern toy? Not even remotely. As far as I have ever been able to tell, no. The toy from the 80s was not able to properly model the forward hoverjets, but I'd like to think that would not be so much of an engineering problem for a modern toy. Maybe I'm wrong. Besides, I'm talking about one of those non-transformable super-poseables to at least see if people want them. Are there or are there NOT other toy companies that make Macross items? Are they not said to be of superior quality for about the same price? Or am I missing something?
  5. That begs the question as to WHY they would do that if its a money pit and no one wants it.
  6. Based. On. What? I have yet to see a SINGLE mention of Toynami BROACHING the subject of making Southern Cross toys. Again, if you sit on you @ss and don't even try, hey, you were RIGHT! I mean, f#ck almighty, its obvious that Southern Cross toys won't sell when there are none to sell! And yet I'm supposed to take the word of Kevin McKeever and Tommy Yune that there simply isn't any interest? So. What.
  7. It requires investment, yes. If you expect to have a product that will sell, you have to invest in it. It requires risk, otherwise you're simply p*ssing into the wind.
  8. For a mass produced toy made in the mid-80s, I'd say its fair. I'm not exactly sure what you mean. :sigh: What I want them to do is at least gauge interest by making 1 or 2 super-poseables. I think a set of Spartas and Ajax super-poseables might do well. I think its especially apparent that people are tired of getting the same Macross toys they can get elsewhere. Doing the same g#ddamn thing over and over again and expecting different results is called insanity. If I thought for one minute that Tommy wouldn't f#ck it up, I would think a 1 or 2-issue comic from Wildstorm about the Army of the Southern Cross that coincided with the release would help sales.
  9. It IS fully transformable. There is a bar that was placed (maybe on purpose) to prevent it from assuming Transport mode. The exterior can be modified to look better. Its called sculpting. But the concept is sound because it does fully transform. Why would they need a toy company in Japan? They can make molds for toys now using scanning technology. All it requires are pictures. Tommy already let out back when they were talking about the images that were going to be used for the 2nd Edition Robotech RPG that he has detailed schematics for an Ajax toy that was planned. It is irrelevant because we don't live in a world where production processes on toys are primitive.
  10. Ummm, did you forget this: Did you COMPLETELY miss the point of this conversation? I've been talking about Harmony Gold and its situation vis-a-vis Southern Cross this whole time. What does or does not happen in Japan has no effect on it. Gubaba, you're aren't this dim. I have said, in more than 2 posts now, that Japan and its situation with Southern Cross is IRRELEVANT! Harmony Gold has refused to gauge interest in Southern Cross toys AT ALL. They could have released a set of super-poseables (3 Spartas, 2 Ajax, 3 Logan) to gauge interest. The moulds don't cost THAT much. I know, I checked on the prices at one time.
  11. What in the hell does that have to do with NOW? Nothing. Its success or lack of it in Japan is IRRELEVANT! Again, this is irrelevant to this discussion. Again, Matt Greenfield said otherwise going by the DVD sales. Are you saying you know more than the man who ran ADV Films? Less popular means nothing. It is not a gauge of how well or bad will sell. It is especially irrelevant if you don't even try and see if there IS a market.
  12. Then why did Tommy Yune apparently talk about releasing just the Southern Cross portion of Robotech the Movie?
  13. Which is irrelevant to this discussion. Baloney. Absolutely and demonstrably FALSE. I asked Matt Greenfield about this POINT BLANK at GenCon years ago and he said that it was bullsh@t. Got any kind of proof that the majority of Robotech fans aren't into it? It did live on in The Sentinels, something that (just going by signatures on a petition) shows that a significant portion of fans want it. Well they sure as hell could at least ATTEMPT to give it exposure more than simply ignoring it. They didn't even attempt to produce a single non-transformable super-posable to gauge interest. McKeever told me years ago that, much to my astonishment, they are basing this all on toy sales from the 80s (when there were a total of 1 human mecha and 1 enemy mecha toy, some figures and 2 accessories). Whatever in the hell toy sales from the 80s has to do with now, I have no clue.
  14. Of course there is no money because they put none in. Why bother trying when you can sit on your @ss and claim that not doing anything gives you the very result you predicted.
  15. Not exactly true. There is nothing prohibiting them from using the Southern Cross designs either. They just won't because Tommy Yune cannot think outside the box in any way, shape or form.
  16. Pish! The real Mobile Infantry would make mincemeat of Xenomorphs.
  17. Won't matter as its on Facebook, YouTube and the (few) remaining websites where Robotech is even discussed anymore.
  18. Granted. I'm trying to think of ACTUAL reasons that make sense. Tommy Logictm rarely makes sense.
  19. Presumably either all destroyed fighting The Masters or with the REF in deep space... Yea, but the Invid have spit-ball range weaponry. And the REF has numerical superiority at the final battle (not to mention hordes of Drones). Presumably they stay ahead of the Invid on the logistical game.
  20. And the VF-4 was obviously inspired from the SR-71's body shape. You can't 'rip off' something that was in-turn inspired by something else.
  21. Well that certainly doesn't look like a film comic, unless I'm using the wrong definition. Oddly, looks BETTER than Shadow Chronicles which I didn't think was possible. Those Garfish actually looked like Garfish-class ships instead of some clunky CGI block and the explosions were nice regular anime ones. Why the hell can't they go back and redo Shadow Chronicles like that so as to make it go from being a steaming pile of vapid drek that makes you want to gouge out your eyeballs to merely mediocre storytelling? I'm just concerned about the Continuity (hah, Tommy and Continuity don't belong in the same sentence). SX.83 is supposedly Reflex Point according to Tommy (and The Art of Shadow Chronicles) but the scenes with the mounds open and flowers spreading look like from The Invid Invasion while the pilot in the SFA-5 ConBat looks to be Lancer during The Second Reclamation Mission.
  22. Well, that's interesting. If Azog is in it, I guess it will start with The Battle of Azanulbizar/Nanduhirion at the end of The War of the Dwarves and Orcs. I would assume we get a slight sneak peak at The Balrog of Moria if it keeps true to the text as a very young Dain Ironfoot beheaded Azog on the steps leading into Moria near the end of the battle. It was Dain who saw what dwelled in Moria (well, would have seen a big-arsed SHADOW that had flame) and knew enough that Durin's Bane was nothing the Dwarf army could take.
  23. Do you have a point, other than showing what a cocksucking douchebag you truly are?
  24. I don't own the copyright, since its part of a preexisting IP. By simply putting it on the internet HG could take me to court and sue me. Even if I won, I would be dead-ass broke from the resulting legal fees.
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