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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. To be fair, not all Robotech fans are that way...
  2. Heh. Would love to see a digitally restored version of the originals brought to the US, but I doubt it will happen. Maybe Blu-Ray...
  3. You mean Dances with Space Aliens?
  4. Ah, nice to see the animation was restored. Been a long time since I've seen the Daicon IV vid. I'm actually looking for a 'classic' one that is from the Bobby 'C-ko' Beaver and Corn Pone era. Its set to Macross the Movie, but the song is from another anime (I believe) and I think the title of the song is Break out the War.
  5. No, its from '07. Look again. Plus, Maia Sterling is in the lineup and her earliest appearance was in '05 in Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles.
  6. You mean being pied in the face?
  7. Okay, anyone think maybe the Cats and Lizards are Humera of some type? Maybe once Third Earth (Europa?) became terraformed, Humera were introduced, each type being suited to specific tasks/environments. Sort of like Blue Planet....
  8. Okay, that is godawful. Besides, there are only 3 daughters and 1 son....
  9. They are also said to be parasitical. Take that for what its worth since there is no context of exactly HOW they are parasites.
  10. :snicker: Ah, I totally forgot about that fact!
  11. Crichton, who held a Doctorate of Medicine, MIGHT know a little thing about science, government approval processes/blind studies and grant monies. There is a world of difference between Crichton and Hubbard (who never even finished his Baccalaureate). VT100 - I haven't forgotten your request. I'm going through and trying to find links to better elaborate on what I was posting on earlier. Ah, finally got something (Google can be a saviour or a nightmare): pp. 12 - 13http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press_kits/deep-impact-launch.pdf That is a significant predictive failure. There is, so far, no explanation for the massive electromagnetic discharge in the standard model. Its only the plasma/electric model of comets that this was predicted (trying to track down the actual registered predictions). I'll get back to ya more on this later.
  12. All I can say is that the late Michael Crichton constantly warned about politicized science and the fact that people whose livelihoods are based on grants tend not to like it when that grant money is threatened. There is also ego involved. People don't like seeing their life's work go up in flames the moment new observations blow gaping holes in their theory. It leads to all sorts of ad hoc alterations to try and cover things up. Its what has given us unobservable drek like Non-Baryonic (Dark) Matter, Dark Energy and other alterations to try and explain why the observed universe doesn't work (according to the math). Certainly... http://deepimpact.umd.edu/results/excavating.html http://deepimpact.umd.edu/gallery/ITS_PR2-PIA02127.html http://www.geotimes.org/july05/WebExtra070505.html http://deepimpact.umd.edu/mission/updates/update-200602.html#lmcfadden Some other links you might find interesting... http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/comet/news44.html http://www.universetoday.com/24483/comet-c2007-n3-lulin-a-twist-in-the-tail/#more-24483
  13. Sorry, untrue. Tempel 1, just prior to the copper projectile striking it, had an outburst of electro-magnetic energy. This was followed by a second, significantly larger outburst of electro-magnetic energy when the projectile stuck Tempel 1. Significantly greater than would account for an electrically inert hunk of rocky ice. NASA's own predictions did not account for this. Furthermore, Comet Borelly was found to be hot and dry when looked at spectroscopically. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/news/3305961.html?page=1&c=y Comet Wild 2 didn't turn out at all like predicted: No model can survive predictive failures. Comets are not icy snowballs.
  14. Anyone wanna take bets on Mumm-ra's pyramid being the top of a buried spaceship?
  15. I wonder if they're going to keep repeating the lie that comets are icy snowballs or the provide the actual answer that is that despite claims to the contrary, we still know very little about them. Reference Comet Holmes 17P sudden flare-up and Comet Tempel 1 and the Deep Impact Mission where the copper projectile fired at it caused a massive outburst of electromagnetic energy (so powerful that it temporarily overwhelmed the cameras).
  16. Exactly. Harmony Gold should start small, in my opinion and keep it simple. Video comics is a good way to do so. Eventually people might want the physical comic. Again, record it to music, sound effects and voice actors and its a prime way to keep fans interested. This stuff ain't rocket surgery.
  17. Sad that a fan could do this and Harmony Gold cannot possibly think outside the box enough to even try. Seriously, are they THAT strapped for cash that editing soundtrack and voice actors together is that much of an outlay?
  18. Wasn't Third Earth supposed to be Earth in the original? In the new one, it looked like Third Earth was orbiting a gas giant. That's why I thought maybe it was supposed to be Europa.
  19. Just a guess, but perhaps he will deliver some sort of Eisenhower-esque Operation Overlord speech about 'the great crusade you are now undertaking to reclaim our ancestral homeworld' or some such. :shrugs: They're going to have to mention Hunter's name if this is supposed to be Invasion since he is the Earth Reclamation Force C-in-C. Of course, that is assuming that whomever is writing this decided to have that type of thing.
  20. Was fairly enjoyable. Apparently Third Earth isn't our Earth since I kept seeing a planet it orbited that looked suspiciously like Jupiter. Perhaps its Europa?
  21. Bleh. Monopoly sucks. Real Free Market Capitalists play Anti-Monopoly!
  22. Won't find any 'angry' Robotech fans there. Its dead for all intents and purposes. We've moved to Facebook.
  23. Heh, battlefield conversion is not the same thing as a mass produced version. Plus, the AN/M2 was pieced together in '45 just before Iwo Jima.
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