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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Eh, I'll wait for ESB Revisited instead...
  2. Saw this as an update on Facebook from Steve Long (guy who wrote The Lord of the Rings RPG for Decipher). This is true fan dedication, plain and simple. http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2011/08/art-student-hand-illuminates-binds-a-copy-of-tolkiens-silmarillion.html
  3. True enough. Question is, what would you call it if it were more mature than the previous incarnation?
  4. Well, if it were actually written with modern sensibilities, it could tap into the current war weariness affecting the US and much of the western world....
  5. Its even called The Robotech Masters War during the series....
  6. Babylon 5, neo-BSG and Firefly are probably my top faves.
  7. Only in the final episode. And?
  8. Some elements of the plot were good. Some weren't. Some characters were good, others were not. Its just my first impression of it was that it had kick butt space battles.
  9. More than anything else, its scenes like this: The only reason I even liked Return of the Jedi as a kid was because of the Battle of Endor. Southern Cross had the only space battles, in my opinion, that were like that. Over time, I learned that I really liked the mecha too. We all like different things. I happen to like Southern Cross, warts and all.
  10. It doesn't, nor does the Auroran/Ajax deploy in space in its helicopter configuration.
  11. :sigh: Yes, yes, space helicopters. How silly of me...
  12. I guess we have a differing opinion in that regard....
  13. Can never get enough of the Rabbit of Caerbannog!
  14. Only in the most narrow sense as its rather apparent he is not a Robotech fan.
  15. That was truly gag worthy. Glad I don't remember that. Probably too drunk at the time.....
  16. What? No one voted for the Logan's Run Tv series?
  17. To go back to this point for a moment.... Fairly good primer for getting people to rethink IP and how it relates to the market. Harmony Gold, via Tommy Yune, is most certainly NOT connecting with fans. That, right there, is the main failure of the Robotech franchise as it exists now. Robotech.com is basically a joke that offers next to nothing for fans. Had it actually been done properly, you would be able to access all kinds of content such as lineart, more expansive profiles of mecha, characters etc. As it is, its a half-arsed joke. There is nothing there to keep fans interested. Kinda pathetic, truth be told.
  18. I think they did and I think in large part they still do. However, the person that is responsible for the current dismal nature of the franchise is ultimately Tommy Yune.
  19. Of course not. The person in charge of the franchise is a self-aggrandizing weasel. If it doesn't originate as 'his idea', it basically doesn't get done. There were many, many things that HG could have done that would have revitalized the franchise. They didn't do them thanks to Tommy Yune.
  20. Plenty do. Depends. Some people can take a franchise and make a goldmine out of it. Others can't. Its no different than what happens with a novel that becomes a movie/Tv franchise. There will almost always be adaptation decay. People will almost always compare it to the book etc. Also, making derivative works isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  21. Do you understand the modern concept of Intellectual Property? The international owners of the various IPs that made up Robotech had no problem with what happened. Entirely separate idea.
  22. Yea, I remember buying Gunbuster Vol. 1 for $35 in '91 during my first year in college.
  23. Oh, we do. I have talked about this at length on other boards. Its, basically, intellectual laziness. There is nothing wrong with having a crossover, but its a whole 'nother ball of wax to basically import whole cloth from a different universe.
  24. Bingo! Which is kind of funny considering the comic book adverts they ran for Gunbuster back in the day about doing proper subtitling.
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