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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Great soundtrack, good movie 2/3rds of the way and then took a nosedive off a cliff (should have completely dumped the Pinbacker storyline and instead gone with them getting the Icarus 1 active).
  2. Maybe they can tap into the electrified plasma (read: solar wind) that is everywhere....
  3. Unless for some bizarre reason they didn't salvage the Protoculture Factory from The Ruins of the SDF-01. Or whatever plot hole you want to insert here....
  4. We only know a few things: they are strong enough to fight against Dolza's 5.8 million strong Grand Fleet. The only other tantalizing bits are indeed from Viva Miriya where Breetai comes across the 'late model recon ship' that looks surprisingly double-boomed like the SDF-01 & later SDF-03.
  5. Well, the Masters do not name the Invid as their primary foes but instead group called The Disciples of Zor who are strong enough to open up another offensive against their Zentraedi warriors. The Invid, by comparison, are not even remotely on par. Besides, an empire full of destroyed planets is not really an empire. Still got to have food and other raw materials to shove into the all-consuming maw of a war machine. Need subservient races to do the lifting. At least the Praxians appear to be baseline humans, which the Masters say they respect all who share its form.
  6. Just got a sneak peak at the newest release of Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles. They're adding in Lron's son Dardo as the new Karbarran Ambassador...
  7. Eh, I think if they went back and cel-shaded that godawful CGI in Shadow Chronicles it would at least improve so as to not look like drek. It would then just be piss-poor storytelling.
  8. Thank God, no. I don't know which I would hate more at that point: Robotech 7 or Shadow Chronicles.
  9. Umm, not to defend HG, but there is nothing wrong with greed per se. Anyone who pursues a paycheck for purely monetary reasons (instead of simply paying for life's necessities) is being greedy.
  10. In one of those 'Okay, I'm masochistic enough to try almost anything once' sort of dealios, I decided to give this a listen. You can all thank Dale Everett (Anarchy in Your Head comic) from Free Talk Live for this little pearl. Warning to all, you will probably bleed from every known orifice on your body if you listen. You have been forewarned.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56K4nOs_LLg&feature=player_embedded
  11. Probably, though its ever so slight that it could include unaired footage from The Sentinels itself of the beginning of eps. 4 Second Thoughts. However, its probably the alternate scenes from the Toy Faire video simply integrated with whatever edits that Macek suggested.
  12. This one popped up for me during a YouTube search. Fairly enjoyable rendition of Jan Hammer's Crockett's Theme by Vangelis.
  13. Anyone notice the yellow alien that looked alot like the Rifts Psi-Cola alien?
  14. And yet its possible, however unlikely, that the KISSDUM mecha designer Shoji Kawamori liked the Logan 'Flying Walker' mode.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MDuYQYV8pc&feature=related Another one from EVE Online....
  16. Nah..he volunteered...
  17. Again, unlike Base Jabbers, the Biover is armed. Furthermore, the Bioroid is shown to be capable of operating in space and the upper atmosphere (flying) without the Biover. The Bioroid also does have thrusters in the feet:
  18. Yes, but the Biover is a force multiplier. Its more than simply a transport.
  19. I discovered this when I started playing EVE Online Heard this for the first time on a YouTube ad for Ron Paul 2012... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZbPVYeO968
  20. Always loved this song, eventhough it came out a few years before I was born.... Gubaba knows my feelings on this song (or least he should remember). Ah, to be a teenager again...
  21. If you think Tommy Yune would attempt to make the shows mesh better, you ain't paid attention to his efforts thus far. He has done the exact opposite. Sure it does. They got a massive boost from having millions of Zentraedi ships to salvage along with the attendant technology. They captured a Factory Satellite which possibly held a number of breakthroughs that lead to a general adoption of hover technology. Mass production would have reached its saturation point and civilian versions would have become available. Despite claims to the contrary, we see plenty of wheeled vehicles during The Masters War. The New Generation, set on an occupied Earth, would have had a general backslide to less maintenance-intensive vehicles. They obviously had to use the same energy-generation methods since Scott's crew find energy cells in a freakin grocery store inside a city that had been abandoned before the Invid even arrived. It is, after all, a post-Apocalyptic setting. Except the primary thrust for what Robotech is comes primarily from the middle chapter.
  22. Vader was still a separate character in the first iteration of the Empire Strikes Back screenplay since Luke meets the ghost of his father right before flying off to confront Vader in Cloud City.
  23. I thought AdywanUK's version of A New Hope Revisited did it fairly well.
  24. I would only consider it likely if it started a legal war between Big West and Harmony Gold. If not, probably not even worth the time to write up a C&D.
  25. Guys if this was a stunt by someone, and not an actual ad, whomever did it (or where ever it gets tracked back to) could face severe legal repercussions. It would be the equivalent of libel if it starts a legal war. Just something to consider....
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