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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Ok...beyond the simple fact that this would have the United Earth Forces taking a step backwards technologically....why in the hell would HG want to do that?
  2. I know...but as I was saying..the only way for me to see any sort of continuation of Southern Cross would be in a remake of The Sentinels. I realise that the likelihood of them releasing it as an SC sequel in Japan is nonexesitant.
  3. The new credits might do as much....Im not going to hold my breath...but they might. Until someone watches the new version we can only speculate.
  4. Well...there is the Coming Soon tab at Robotech.com. Also, Harmony Gold is attending the National Association of Television Program Executives in Las Vegas. They have a booth....but then again, they have a booth every year. Only time will tell if Robotech '04 will happen or not. Unlike The Sentinels, the new series has had plenty of preproduction.
  5. Well....far be it from me to judge OTHER anime fans taste.....but maybe some of us think it has an interesting back story? I hate to break it to you....but the only way that I'll ever get to see anything more for my beloved Southern Cross is if they remake The Sentinels. Im sure there are Mospeada fans that feel the same way....that the only way we can see the mecha we like is if they are used in a new Robotech series. They arent going to be using any more Macross to make Robotech.....so I fail to see why you people GROUSE so much. Stop being anime elitists for once. Things between HG/Tats and BW will be worked out.....one way or another. You can still get toys from Yamato online or even in shops in the US. Ive never seen so many goddamned people complain when things are going relatively good for their fandom.......
  6. Those are from MegaZone 23 Part 1 (turned into Robotech the Movie).
  7. Uh Blaine... hate to break this to you.....but a court ruled in Japan that Tatsunoko and Harmony Gold own that animation in the US lock, stock and barrel. I highly doubt that Tats/HG in turn sold that animation to Animeigo. Last time I checked...they extended a license to Animeigo. That means that Tats/HG can in turn do what they want with it. That is how licenses work.
  8. That is from the Disaster to Remaster Part 2 article on Robotech.com's front page. Disaster to Remaster Part 2 Of course....Im sure people will say that this proves nothing. I'll try and track down the other source where I read this.....or someone could get Shin to come to the board and clear it up.
  9. I believe that HG split the cost of remastering with Animiego and ADV.
  10. Im gonna have to add: Armor Hunter Mellowlink (VOTOMS universe IIRC) Southern Cross (what...did you expect me NOT to recommend it?)
  11. Well...microwaves have other military applications...mostly in signals technology IIRC. About detonating a nuke inside a ship....I would imagine that it is the increase in p.s.i. more than the heat that does it in....bursting it from the inside like someone overfilling a baloon.
  12. Well.....not if you want to blast a hard target (like a missile silo or underground base). Those are what ground bursts take out. Air burst is great for soft targets like cities and massed formations of troops.
  13. Might as well reply before this thread gets locked. Or...it could simply be moved to the Other forum. I started with anime before Robotech (got my start back in the 70s with Battle of the Planets and Star Blazers). However, it wasnt until after seeing Robotech that I really started into anime (it being the first show that I knew to be Japanese in origin). I actually dont like Macross all that much, Robotech or otherwise. Its an ok show....not entirely brilliant in my mind....but it does get credit for being the originator of the "realistic" transforming mecha show. I know some here would like to see me stoned to death for my beliefs (heretic that I am ).....but they tolerate me. I occasionally have something worth saying. Edit: Silly me....Welcome to MacrossWorld. Watch your step and mind the "Do not feed the Macross 7 Fans" signs that are posted everywhere!
  14. I think its pretty in its own ungainly, delivering death at long range sort of way..... While its not going to win an award like the VF-7 Sylphide for sleekness...it should get the job done. Thats all that really matters.
  15. Yes....Matt Willis of the Unofficial Robotech Reference Guide did a series of jpegs of the Condor in Fighter configuration. Surprisingly, it looks something like a cross between a Beta and an Alpha. This is the first in a series of pics done by Matt. The rest are in the Condor file at the URRG. VF/B-5 Condor Fighter/Bomber File In chat yesterday, Tommy did admit that he could retcon this idea about it being a Battloid. Hopefully that will happen.
  16. Were the Condors in Mospeada supposed to be variable? But yeah, I agree it's kind of silly the the REF would regress to manufacturing non-transformable mecha. Yes they are. The Condor is not only listed in the Robotech.com Infopedia as the VF-5 (its the heavy strike predecessor to the VF/B-9 Beta) its also at the Unofficial Robotech Reference Guide and a Japanese website cataloguing all the mecha from Tatsunoko shows. Here are the links to two and the pasted section of the Robotech.com Beta Fighter file: Unofficial Robotech Reference Guide Condor File Tatsunoko Mecha Listings Page The absolute pisser about this for me is the fact that we went through NUMEROUS arguments at Robotech.com and the RDF HQ Message Board about the Condor. Steve Yun was the one who pointed out to Pete Walker (IIRC) that the Condor entry in one of the Mospeada artbooks lists it as transformable. On top of that....look at the back of the mecha. Its got wings. Why the HELL would a Destroid/Battloid have wings? Tommy has proven that he is a bull in a china shop when it comes to Robotech's continuity. This is the same crap that got Robotech into trouble the first time around with The Sentinels supposedly becoming the main source of continuity....eventhough the plot holes were humongous (more than 25 at last count).
  17. Condor Battloids? The !&*@% things are variable fighter-bombers! Either Tommy or Jay royally fragged up with that one. Typical.
  18. I really dont think it is that much of a stretch to believe that the Zentraedi eat something akin to an oversized Ostrich (maybe an evolved dinosaur-like bird). I believe the series is rather silent on whether or not their ships have some kind of advanced hydroponics facilities to allow for this. They have to eat something....and glop isnt exactly what they are shown eating. Its also possible that they are living off of the stored remains of whatever galley they had access to at the time.
  19. One review I read said that if you play only one game set in Middle-Earth this year....dont make it The Hobbit. It has very little to do with the original story. Its kind of a Mario Brothers with the Middle-Earth title plastered on the front.
  20. Well..... to be fair...I think the craft in question are submersible to begin with...not THAT much of a stretch.
  21. Heh.... I hadnt realised that was down in St. Pete. Shows ya how much I pay attention to local news As for the battle flag of the old Russian sub...Im sure that would have gone over like a lead balloon at USF. Bunch of whiney #^%# at that school. Of course...its my alma mater so I can say that So...$19,000 for a replica AT-ST 1:2 model. While Im sure it would be THE thing to have when you show up to a 501st Legion event....a little too expensive for my tastes. If I were a millionaire...then maybe.
  22. Unless we go for some disgusting "glop in a glass"....I think its safe to assume that the Zentraedi ate normal food (at least...something similar to what Earthlings ate). I dont see how they could be integrated with humanity afterwards (or even produce viable offspring) if they ate glop...their stomachs would be too small.
  23. Maybe from oversized Ostriches?
  24. Fantastic pic EXO. The Auroran-Ajax is my fav. Edit: Just noticed the Tactical Space Corps Coat-of-Arms on the left shoulder. Nice touch! Kudos.
  25. And that has what to do with my call for signing this petition?
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