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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. No.... you misunderstood. The pilot figure is NOT out of scale. It is rendered in a sitting position....so its not standing erect. Also, the Alpha is on an elevated surface and that throws the scale out of perspective.
  2. 28 ft to be exact. Im not sure its totally out of scale......the figure is rendered in a sitting posture and the Alpha is on an elevated surface in that pic from Toynami.
  3. I lurked mostly and posted a handful of times (yes...whenever there were Macross/Robotech threads I would post just to torque people off....I know..Im a jerk ). Kinda sad to see it go....but as others have said...it kinda got all out of hand.
  4. Hmmm.....well....the Miranda has the same name (and fate of course) in Robotech....must have been a direct translation. Wonder why they changed the other..... Eventhough its not my cup of tea per se.....nice entry Nanashi.
  5. You gotta be shitting me! NO two ARMDs are alike? What happens if one of them get fragged? They wouldnt be able to fix one with parts or armor plate that they had extra unless they had produced if for THAT particular vessel. If the stockpiles of spare parts goes up and the ship gets damaged its an expensive paper weight.
  6. Figured I would post this here as well as in the MPC Thread. My apologies to the Moderators (please dont hurt me!) Preorders now open for the VF/A-6H Alpha MPC. Robotech.com Alpha Preorder Page
  7. Preorder for the VF/A-6H Alpha MPC is now open at the Robotech.com store.... Robotech.com Alpha Preorder Page
  8. No...only ones that are crappy. I admit I havent seen this movie yet...gotta get to see Cold Mountain first (Im a Civil War reenactor after all....but that is neither here nor there). I had planned on seeing The Butterfly Effect anyway....and if I listened to most of the crowd here I would hate Southern Cross and think all Robotech fans are losers. I dont exactly come here to get unbiased opinions.
  9. Ugh.... the D&D Movie ranks up their with Starship Troopers as among the worst adaptations to screen. The director and script writer(s) should have been taken out and beaten to a pulp with copies of The Monster Manual and The Dungeon Master's Guide. Wizards controlling Dragons in a setting other than Krynn? Said Dragon not frying the offending mage where he stood for his presumptive arrogance? Actually...Kindred: the Embraced supposedly continued on in Canada and was sort of popular. I never saw a single episode myself...so I dont know how good or bad it was. There were two videogames for Hunter: Wayward and Redeemer. Im surprised that they did a Wayward game...considering it would have to really be a Mature Rated game. The Wayward Creed book was a Black Dog Games imprint and was 18+ to buy.
  10. Not exactly. Close...but no cigar Hunters are Imbued by something (maybe the Elohim that didnt rebel against God with the Morningstar). They have edges that depend upon one of the three virtues.....as well as based on their Creed...which is sort of like Clan/Tribe/Tradition&Convention/House in the rest of the World of Darkness. They are the weakest, relatively speaking, of the creatures of the World of Darkness. However, they can do some fearsome stuff....especially nasty ones like Wayward or Hermits. Yes. Wraith: the Oblivion. For me, its a tie between Wraith and Mage as to which is my favorite in the World of Darkness. Close second is a tie between Hunter and Demon: the Fallen. Wraith had some fun elements...like Thorns that your Shadowguide got to use at the most opportune times. For instance (I had this used against me in a game)....you walk up to a local Grim Legion Centurion and instead of asking for directions somewhere (which is what you intended) your Shadow takes control with the Thorn: Slip of the Tongue and you end up proposing doing something rather disgusting together (and impossible anyway, you're dead and so is the Legionnaire). This is so your Shadowguide can laugh their ass off at your misfortune as well as make your standing with said Legion that much less. And so and so forth.
  11. Ok.... I know there are a few World of Darkness fans on this site and I figured I would spread some good news. First, of course, is the WW press release about the rights for Hunter. I would LOVE to see a movie done about Hunter. I loved Frailty, the only movie that comes close to the Hunter ideal. So, for those of you interested....here is the link.... Hunter Movie Press Release Second, for those that dont know...there IS going to be a new World of Darkness, starting in August. I just recieved my copy of Gehenna (which has some cool scenarios...very little metaplot wrap up though) and skimmed through it until I reached the back and saw an advert on the very back page. It advertised for Vampire: The Requiem. It claims that a new system (probably more streamlined for more integration of games) as well as a New World of Darkness. So....I now have something I can spend even MORE money on coming this summer.
  12. Hah... something more to spend my hard enough paycheck on! ZIM KICKS ARSE!
  13. It may just be an artists rendering...or it may represent a power up or whatever attached to the pistol. In its rifle configuration, its the one that looks like the WWII M-1 Thompson. For whatever reason, it is oversized a bit from how it should be. While the "staple gun" (as the pistol configuaration is sometimes known as) is large in Rook Bartley's hands....its doesnt appear that unwieldy in Colonel Wolfe's hands. I just hope they dont try and make it a slugthrower...because the magazine is too far forward of the barrel for it to properly load that way. It also makes little sense to have a slugthrower with a sound suppression nozzel and recoil suppression stock.
  14. Its the Southern Cross/Robotech Masters fans that have been told that we will see toys over George Sohn's dead body. <_<
  15. You can thank rtsurfer for pointing this out. I thought it was funny as heck. Either they like Macross?Robotech or they are Battletech fans.
  16. Finally found the link to the Mospeada small arms/mecha long arms. The weapon that the soldier is holding is a laser pistol of some type (cant be a slugthrower because the magazine is too far forward). Here is a link to the pic showing this weapon (courtesy of Zor_Master at the RDF HQ Message Board). Mospeada Weapons (small arms and mecha long arms)
  17. Yea...too bad too. However...some Macross/Robotech fans should get a kick out of this video... Look!
  18. A voice of reason you are Opus. Words to live by folks.
  19. I think Toynami has the rights to distribute Mospeada toys worldwide. Now...that is assuming that the new series will include Mospeada designs (a not unreasonable assumption). I wouldnt mind seeing Bandai produce toys for the new series....but I dont think its going to happen (though I will be happy if Im wrong ). As for making it a sequel to Mospeada...that is what a number of us told Tommy Yune in chat a couple of weeks ago. It makes perfect financial sense...at least to us. I can be distributed in Japan and the US as Mospeada II...while making an appearance on US Tv as Robotech 04. I would guess there would be a few differences between the two productions....though that is an assumption.
  20. I dont think its Tommy that actually wrote the new series. I know that Tom is the continuity guy (cause I have chats with him all the time about various bits of dialogue and other minutiae) and that Tommy is the Creative Director....not a staff writer per se. His job would be more like that held by Carl Macek for Robotech (not The Sentinels). A story is only as good as the writers. Tommy could probably claim to have laid out his vision for Robotech 04....that doesn't necessarily mean he wrote it. Tatsunoko did the production of The Sentinels. From conversations with people like Tom and Dennis Bateman...I got the impression that one of the major factors that doomed The Sentinels storywise was the lack of preproduction (reasons why the storyline was so full of continuity holes and other crap). By comparison...we know that Robotech 04 has had more than a year and a half of preproduction (like most anime tv series). And yes...the Tats people wanted to shift the focus away from the Macross characters....something Macek couldnt understand. However bizarre it is to think this way, the people at Tatsunoko understood the direction The Sentinels should have taken character-wise better than Macek.
  21. Figured I would share this with y'all, if ya didnt know about it already. Protoculture over at the RDF HQ Message Board found this link to a japanese webpage dedicated to the Zentradi. Hope ya find this interesting. Zentlardy Axis Force General Headquarters
  22. Actually.... there are numerous weapon systems in Mospeada that have recieved very little, if next to no, writeups in the past. A good example of this are the weapons and vehicles used by the doomed soldiers in eps. #81 Hired Gun. Another example is the body armor and small arm that Colonel Wolfe is shown using in the flashback video that Scott reminesces about in eps. #68 Eulogy. As for the weapon that the soldier is holding...its the pistol mode for some kind of multiweapon system that we see numerous times throughout the series (but only see the rifle mode once in eps. #63 The Lost City....and one time with the nozzel attached in eps. #66 Hard Times).
  23. You know.... I'd personally like to beat every Southern Cross hater to death with a big assed baseball bat. Anyone else read the text and notice that, yet again, some jackass decides to take shots at the middle chapter of Robotech? As for Invasion itself...Ive recently gotten into FPS as well with the multiplayer online demo of Return to Castle Wolfenstein (only problem...no British units. Grrr....), so Im more than anticipating this game.
  24. Heh.... actually...according to B-Club's Artmic Design Works the proper term is Invid. Of course...there are references to Robotech in the same work...so I dont know if Robotech "contaminated" the people who wrote that.
  25. Actually...it was done by Artmic, not Tatsunoko. However, I dont believe those were the scenes. It was added to the begining of MegaZone 23 Part 2 .
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